
Sunday, June 14, 2009


Well above you can see the WIP I have going on...I started this little dragon for Aiden Friday, but only made his head....I started on him so late at night, that I just got too tired to keep going....then yesterday I did his body, and sewed that to his head, but got into watching a movie and put him away, I just finished his tail....and wanted to post before finishing him up....the pink stuff is the Mystery CAL, I have a few more things to do for it, and put it all together...I know what it will be, can you tell just from the picture?

Aiden and I will be camping out in the living room, Austin has a friend he met at school spending the night tonight, so they will sleep in the bedroom, so I will have Aiden out in the living room, and stay with him out there, we have a queen size blow up mattress, so he will like that.

I frantically worked my butt off this morning and afternoon, doing my cleaning....I didn't have much to do, but mainly dusting, sweeping and vacuuming...but wanted to get it all done before Blake got over here, I don't like cleaning when we have company. Anyway got it done, and even got the rest of the pool out back drained and moved....we will till up the dirt "circle" and plant grass seed, I so want grass back in my backyard....We will put the pool behind the garage and hopefully it will more level there, and since the boys don't really play in that area, I don't mind the "bald dirt circle" that will be there when the pool comes back down. Hopefully the grass will grow quickly....

Anyway, I am worn out from doing so much so fast.....but the rest of the day and evening went pretty good. We have some storms in the area, last night Austin and I were outside talking with our neighbor and this huge bolt of lightening lit up the whole sky, and then a huge clap of thunder that really freaked a lot of people out, lights came on, doors opened. major storm or rain though. Hopefully nothing severe tonight either.

Anyway.....I will get off of here and work some more on Aiden's dragon.

I joined an Amigurumi Round Robin...and I will be the first one to receive the box, and it will be mini ami's, so I need to get some patterns out. I can't wait to see what Cyndi has put in the box....she and her mother do such cute ami's....


  1. Hey, I stumbled across your blog and wanted to recommend Pennington's grass seed for your back yard. I've found their grass seed to be pretty durable. Check 'em out and good luck with the pool!

  2. Thank you, I will check out the site, I appreciate it.
