
Friday, June 12, 2009


I am so sore tonight.......I was super busy today, and was hoping for a relaxed seems I am always "hoping" for one of those days. LOL Anyway Austin spent the night with a friend, so I took Aiden out today to get some clothes.....he needed shorts. I am really disappointed with the boys clothing departments as opposed to the girls section......they always have this HUGE section for girls, and if you blink, you just might miss the boys section. Very disappointed in that. We did manage to find him some shorts and shirts.......he even helped pick out a t-shirt, "Transformers" which I would like to take Austin to see this weekend.....Aiden can still be a bit rambunctious in the movie theatre, sometimes he just does not want to sit still or be quiet. Anyway, We also managed to finally fix the holes in the ring of our pool......we hope anyway! Will know for sure tomorrow if they are fixed and hold air.

I didn't get to work on any crochet today..........I did get a bit in tonight, I am doing a mystery CAL hosted by Tiffany, and I am pretty sure I know what it is......will take a picture and post tomorrow.........but I am caught up now. I will get to work on Aiden's dragon tomorrow........he picked out some green yarn, Spring green actually, and he also wanted darker green, so he chose the Hunter Green...........He was so cute picking it out....and he really likes when he can "do" stuff for himself, and help out too...........With some things I wish he was more independent with......and other times, it's like I wish he would let me help him potty training.......I know we started a bit late, but come on, he is 3 and I still think that is a good age to start............we started early, but he just would not have it..........but lately, he expressed some interest in it.......we finally gave up on the "singing" potty chair we had gotten him......he played with it more, and it sat so low that he flopped down on we just said the heck with that.......and we got him a seat that sits on the big potty...........well he is now wearing his underwear and so proud of himself, he knows when he has to go........and does #1 and #2 in the potty.......WOOHOOOO!! Anyway I still put a diaper on him at night right before bed..........and he is ok with that. I don't mind washing the underwear when he has an accident, but I don't want to have to wash and change the bedding that much......but so far since wearing the underwear he has only had 2 accidents...........and those were both awhile ago he has done really good with this.........I got tired of buying diapers! LOL


  1. Congrats on the potty training! Somethings do start getting easier, then you trade up for a whole new set of problems! LOL Have a good weekend, let's hope the storms are over!!!!!

  2. I always enjoy reading your blog. Please accept the blog award found on my blog for you!

  3. We just got another bad storm, lights flickering, but luckily still on. It poured!!! A lot of lightening and hail, but thankfully only small hail.
