
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ladybug/Bee? LOL

I made this ladybug for my mom........she wanted it done in thread, so I used a size 10 thread........I personally think this looks like a cross between a bee and a has stripes, now I am no ladybug expert, but I have yet to see one with stripes........the color was more a peachy, but I could not find the Peachy thread I had.......which I am quite sure I will find now that I don't need it. LOL.......anyway I used a pale yellow...........she is cute, and my mom loves her, so that is all that matters I guess.

My day went pretty good, not a whole lot of sleep, but I am sure I will get tired here soon, and hopefully get a better nights sleep. I have my friends daughter over here......she is sleeping though, and they wanted me to come with them, they were going to a club to see some friend of theirs that play in a local band......but I was not really up to that tonight. I had wanted to take the boys to an air show tonight, but my father was fixing my van.

I have been playing catch up with my crochet.........I was working on stuff for April's b-day, and got that finished, and will finish up a few things for her daughter who I am in a Halloween swap with.

I recently made this blog private, but might go back to being public, for some reason I am having a lot of issues signing keeps messing up, but will stick with it for awhile, maybe its just a temp. glitch. I did find my Tinkerbell background, I was looking for this when I was changing it before. I liked the dragonflies, but it was not my favorite dragonfly background.

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