
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Like an Autumn Day!!

An Autumn Day
Pumpkins in the cornfields
Gold among the brown
Leaves of rust and scarlet
trembling slowly down:
Birds that travel southward
Lovely time to play:
Nothing is as pleasant
As an autumn Day
~Carmen Lagos Signes

Ok maybe it's too soon, but it sure felt like a beautiful Fall day. I could not believe when I stepped out on the porch this morning how incredibly cool and pretty it was out....I thought for sure when the day went on that it would warm up, but it never did and talk about a happy camper here. Fall is my favorite time of year, and today was perfect. I relaxed all day, got a bit of crochet done, and a bit of cleaning done.....although I think I overdid it tonight, I got a "new" dresser for the boys, and was rearranging the room to put it in looks nice in there, and now we have more room for the clothes. I just got done and got the floors swept and vacuumed, and will take my shower and work on some crochet the rest of the night.

I just ordered a pattern from Etsy, called Cassandra the witch, you can find this pattern HERE.
Really easy and cute, so if you are a beginner crocheter, or just starting out with Amigurumi, this is an easy one, and how cute is she? I cant' wait to get started on her. Might even get to her tonight.

I have a few projects I have done, but am debating on if I will post the pictures, they are for swaps, and although it's not a secret swap, some of the stuff is for a B-day swap.....and that should be a surprise, so I will wait to post them.

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