
Friday, October 30, 2009

Aiden's Birthday

my birthday boy and me.
I cheated and bought a cake.

He didn't care!! LOL

With this gifts....he had wrapped ones, but they were all in the back. Bags are so much easier. He had a lot of fun, and he really enjoyed family and friends here..........he loved the cake and ice cream, and the gifts....we took a video of him opening pictures on my part, since I was doing the video...but he would ask me to close my eyes when he opened each one, then bring it to me and say, "look what I got for me" LOL how cute.


  1. Looks like it was a great birthday. The cake looks great (there is nothing wrong with buying a cake...I've done it a lot).

    Happy Birthday to your little guy!

  2. Happy Birthday Aiden! CUTIE!

  3. He's such a little cutie!! And the cake is great, I always buy the cake. There's just too much going on with other preparations to have to worry about baking too! :)
