
Wednesday, November 04, 2009


I was lucky enough to test another pattern for Allisha. This was for a snowman and snowball cowboy. They came out cute, and I wanted to add arms to the snowman and a few other things, but I am in a crochet slump.....I have not worked on crochet for almost a week. Allisha offered a a second hat pattern for the snowman........a sleeping her name above to be taken to her blog and from there, find out more info on her patterns.

I started this Christmas scene a few weeks back, and so far the tree is all I have will be a snow scene with a snowman..........

WE had this adorable Boxer puppy for all of one day........not even that, a night..........We named her Buttercup, she is cute and was super sweet to the whole family, she was a lap dog and followed you everywhere, she did not want to be alone..........I heard a few stories on why the original owner got her back from the first buyer.........but that is not really the issue of why we don't have her anymore.......I am allergic to dogs and cats......really any animal with fur............I knew I my allergy attacks could get bad..........but man was this the worst............ok maybe not the worst, but it sure felt that way........I had swollen, itchy eyes, that watered big time......and that is not the eyes got so swollen, I could barely see out of them, I looked really weird!!! anyway, my throat closed up..........I got huge welts all over, and my skin turned bright red............I was bringing up blood I itched so bad..........I am taking allergy medicine, but I have always had issues with them times, I was on two different kinds, with a nasal spray, and eye drops, and cream for the welts and rash..............anyway.......I end up in ER and didn't get any sleep.......maybe 30 minutes before AJ called from school because he forgot the car he made for his science my father brought that up to him, and them about a couple of hours after that, I was still awake, and miserable, and the school nurse called saying AJ was having bad stomach off to pick him up, I called the lady who I got the dog from, who wanted him back, she saw how awful and miserable I looked.........we miss Butter Cup already. I guess I will give up on getting a dog for Aiden was scared and kept crying everytime the puppy tried to play with him.

Anyway since only getting 30 of sleep, I am going to go to bed early.........well after I read a bit of Twilight...........I was thinking I wanted to read this book slowly to enjoy it, but it's too good, and I just want to get through it, so I can start on the second book. I am huge Twilight fan........ok maybe not "HUGE" but I do love the movie and the books so far, and I have always loved Vampire stories..........not to mention the pictures of the Volturi vampires are hot!! LOL ok now its really time for me to head to bed. I am getting loopy.

1 comment:

  1. That stinks about your allergies!

    The snowmen are adorable though. I'm still amazed you are on Christmas. I need to get that organized!
