
Sunday, October 04, 2009

Is it Saturday?

Ok well seeing as how it's 1 am in the morning, it's already Sunday......but I don't really see it as Sunday until have gone to sleep and woke up. LOL......I made the above snowflakes for a swap at the Ville.........I can't find the other pictures of the other stuff I sent her, so apparently they are still on my phone.....I hope anyway......she had a pink amigurumi pig on her wish list that I sent her and it was too cute......I had a hard time parting with it, then my neighbor got upset that I had mailed it off too. LOL.........

Took this picture of Aiden and myself last night, he was being so goofy, and kept saying take a picture high........I could only guess that he meant hold the camera high. LOL.........Today was a busy day, and I soo wanted to just relax, and do a couple loads of laundry........but that turned out to be 3 loads, and I still have to put 3 baskets of clothes away..........I would not have had so much, if I had not gone shopping, but AJ has outgrown all his the only thing he could fit into and not look dorky were his school uniforms.........and I even needed a few more pairs of off we went to lunch and then shopping..........I managed to find 4 more pairs of uniform pants...........I had thought I only found 3 but I found one more I had dropped in the van..........anyway...........found him some jeans and some really nice long sleeve shirts..........really nice!!! he will look very handsome in them........he picked out a shirt that I didn't really care much for, but hey, I don't have to wear it, it actually looks nice on is a button down blue cordaroy type of shirt....I am sure I spelled that word wrong, but I think most of you will get it...........anyway he liked it as well as these weird funky pants he wants to wear to the gym...which he and I really need to go.............he needs to lose weight........I don't bother him too much about it, but I dont' want to see him gain more, and his dr says he is a bit overweight.........and mainly it's that he and his friends sit in front of the tv...........I am having to shop in the mens department for him!!! I know that boys clothes are weird in sizing.........even his friends wear mens sizes now I guess I can't complain too much.......but man........prices are higher in that department!! LOL
Anyway I have my crochet swaps caught up, and I am going to steer clear of them for awhile, Aiden is having a birthday this month, and I also want to do some things for the house, I need to get busy on the second afghan for the living room, and the pillows for the couch too.........I have one done, just ran out of yarn, and am too lazy and tired to go in the back of the house, pull out the yarn totes and look for another I will go look and find out I am out!! UGH!! just my luck!!! Two more loads of laundry tomorrow..........ugh, not if I do my fathers clothes too..........I am getting really tired of the dirty clothes.....I think they are piling up on purpose........I think they are out to get me...........and with that, I must get some sleep now...........I am talking crazy!!!


  1. When is Aiden's birthday? Dmitri's is this month, too - on the 25th! He'll be 5, and he's soooo excited...

    Tell Aiden I said Happy Birthday when it gets here!

    Love all the pictures...

  2. Aiden will be 4 on the 21st of this month. Aiden was going around telling me his bday was tomorrow. LOL Tell Dmitri happy birthday too, is there going to be a theme? The only theme I would like to do is a Mario cake...been looking for one.
