
Monday, October 05, 2009

Well I finally got one pillow done for the living room, I am needing a total of 4, two on each couch......this was my 4 dragonfly square, and Aiden wanted to pose with the pillow...he had been watching the movie Space Chimps and took time out from that to lay on the pillow which he gave his approval!! LOL.......I could not get it to come out very well with the digital flash, and didn't want to mess with the retook it with my phone below.

I like how it came out..........and its I just need to get started on the second one which I will of the groups I am in, is doing an October charity for a hospital, donating baby stuff and hats/mittens........well I have never been any good with hats, but I think I did a decent job on the ones below

I didn't measure them, but will tomorrow.........I got the pattern from soon as she post the pattern, I will link to her blog........there are 4 size hats as you can see..........the smallest being a small preemie.......the mittens are suppose to have a ribbon, but I didn't add one yet........I folded down the scalloped edge on one, so you can see it folded and unfolded..........I did these in a soft peach yarn............I don't have any baby yarn...........but I did find some soft WW yarn in other colors...........this was a new skein.......and these 4 hats and one pair of mittens took the whole was one of the smaller skeins though. I will be working on these and another pattern I found for baby hat............with me not doing any swaps right now, I will have some time for this.............the last charity I did was making squares for VJGC I really enjoyed doing them, and knowing that they were being made into blankets for kids who needed them, and would really like them.

I am tired, so going to go lay down..........ohhh Aiden slept all through the night last night with no problems, I was worried he would wake up he was fine........woohoo........


  1. The pillow is really pretty. The detailing is great and your little guy obviously loves it.

  2. Pillow looks so cool. So you can make baby stuff. That is so neat.

  3. I like the Dragonfly Pillow you made. Aiden looked comfy on the pillow.

  4. The pillow is darling, the detail shows up so nicely! Good work!
