
Friday, November 13, 2009

Its been one busy and fast week........I can't believe how fast this month is...........going into the 3rd week already!! Both boys had dr appts this week, Aiden on Tuesday, I told him a check up only and made the mistake of telling him no shots.........well his exam went well, but he needed 4 shots, he was ok up until she finally poked him, but he cried for only a few minutes, he stopped when I started!! LOL I know silly at this stage of motherhood, but I think I felt more bad about telling him there was going to be no shots. Aiden weighs 34 pounds and is 39" tall. Anyway they set up us the next day to have a flu vaccine for him..........then Wednesday was AJ's turn, his was fine too, I need to get him more supportive shoes...........he has been having knee and back issues............I also need to get him to lose some weight, he has gained so much since last year. he is by no means fat, but he has gained. I want to stop it before he gains more. His problem is snacking, he will try to snack off of others plates. Anyway he needs to get flu shot too, so I need to remember to call the dr tomorrow and hopefully get him in tomorrow after school. I also had to run to the store both days of the appts, so by the time I get home it's dark already and I have to clean up and get dinner started, and I hate getting dinner ready so late. So far my phone is working ok...............but I haven't really talked much on it since the other day, so not sure if the hearing issue was resolved, I sure hope so, this phone is only about 5 months old.
Today was good, my dad got the washer to work, he called the company, who said a bad pump code can also mean the washer hoses and screens could be clogged, so he took it apart Wednesday and sure enough he found gunk in there, looked like what could have been a washcloth, a sock.......fuzzy crap.............and a Purex sheet............the company said that can happen in any washer.........because the repair man awhile back said those new 3in1 purex sheets are a waste as they get into the motor and ruin the washer......but we only found one, and I have been using them for awhile now......since they came out and finding only one is pretty good. A washcloth and a sock got through too. Anyway I am so glad to have my washer back, been doing bedding all day today...........and so far no errors with the machine. Woohooo!! LOL I hate going to the laundry mat.........I went the other night and did 3 loads and it came to about 18 dollars.......that adds up fast!! We have a lot of laundry. LOL I make AJ change out of his uniform when he gets home from school, so with that and 5 of us.......that sure adds up!!!
I am going to try to take a couple of days off from crocheting.........but I doubt I will last that long!!

I have been working on a Christmas lapghan..............finally got the last strip done today...........I had been super busy this week, and wanted to get it done, my hands are swollen and cramped up.....but I was sooooo happy when that last row went on, and I weaved in so many ends, then added a DC border, will add two more borders in red and white I think, but anyway, I laid it out flat to make sure I got all the ends weaved and cut..........when I realized that last strip was sewn on upside down!!!!!!!! OMG!! I can't believe I did that............I will have a lot of trouble fixing it as the border is already I am debating on sending it or not..............I can't get past the's pretty, but man that was just awful seeing that


  1. Man...I hate when that happens. Been there done that....

  2. Oh man, that stinks about the last strip. I've done that before and its so frustrating. GOod luck fixing it!
