
Saturday, November 07, 2009

WooHoo Update

Can you spot the 3 heads? LOL that is upper from left, Chris, AJ and Aiden below.......we had them rake the leaves Sunday afternoon and of course they played in the huge pile!! They had a lot of fun, and it was nice weather for this is another nice and warm day to rake what has fallen since last week. They got the back yard done this past week too.
This was on Halloween night, Chris went as an escaped convict, Aj went as Thesora, from kingdom hearts.....I THINK........I have been getting it wrong. LOL of course there is my little Luigi!! They all had fun going out, I stayed home taking Halloween stuff down and putting up the Thanksgiving stuff
Another shot of them outside getting ready to leave.
I have been in a crochet funk.....not really wanting to crochet.......but I need to get busy as I have some things that need to get done and mailed..this Christmas afghan has two more rows then it will be done.

This is from Dishcloth Diaries, this is October's Pretty in Pink.......I did mine in light blue though, It came out really pretty.

I am going to enjoy this weekend, the weather is suppose to be nice both day, and today is very I want to get more leaves out front raked up. AJ is out with a friend, so it's just Aiden and me......I am hoping to get some crochet done and cleaning too, mainly dusting. I did have to fix the DVD shelf, I got the first season of NCIS, Season's 1&2 of Stargate Atlantis, and the first 3 seasons of Criminal Minds.


  1. Love the leaves picture. What a fun shot.

  2. That is such a great pic of the kiddos in the leaves. The weather here has been pretty mild too. I am soooo not complaining!
