
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Photo's from Cell

Well I tried to install the pictures from my digital camera but for some reason they would not load will try again tomorrow. Anyway these pictures were taken with my cell phone and I was shocked that I got both boys together to take some pictures. LOL Above is my handsome AJ and me
Mr Aiden and me........he was so wanting to go play with his toys.
OK Aj looks a little out of it here, he always wears his glasses so low......he has long eyelashes and when the glasses are pulled up, he says they rub against his glasses and he can't stand that. LOL

I love this picture, they look so sweet.....notice that Aiden is holding AJs finger, which Aiden loves to do, I guess that is still his "lovey" LOL When AJ was little, it was our ears......figures I would have the odd ball kids........J/K I actually think it is really cute, I mean when you have to leave the house, you don't have to worry about forgetting to take their "lovey's" LOL

Hopefully I can get better pictures tomorrow on here along with more details about Christmas day.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Princess Aurora

Well here is Princess Aurora, done in thread......I had made her in WW yarn awhile back, but wanted to make her in thread too, so here she is, I started her last night and finished up her hair tonight. She stands about 4"'s funny, because she works up much faster for me in thread than in yarn. Anyway I think she is really cute.

I am upset with Toys R Us, they had advertised all day today how today only select toys were 50% I decided to drive up there, now it's on the side of town that is extremely busy........lots of traffic and traffic accidents, it's a major headache going up this way.....but I did.........well I never saw any toy for 50% off..........the only areas I didn't venture into were baby strollers, and girl toys........but I went in EVERY aisle in there, and saw some signs that said 5 dollars 2 get one free.....but that was only on maybe 3 different kinds of toys........the only 50% off I saw was in the game department, BUT you had to buy a hand held game, such as a DS then get an accessory for 50% that was it!!!???? I heard a lot of people complaining about the high prices and how they felt disgusted that they wasted a trip up there..........I did end up getting some stuff for Aiden........but if I had bought just two of the things AJ wanted, they would have cost me 150 dollars, but at Target those very exact same two toys, cost me 80 dollars.....BIG DIFFERENCE.........another toy I saw at toys R us, was 99.99 I went and scanned it too, and I didn't get it, but at Target it was only 39.99......I still didn't get it, as it was not really something Aiden would have the patience for, but still, such a huge difference in price for the exact toy!! UGH!!

I am tired and sore still..and now I have a headache. Glad I am home and am hoping for a slower day tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Still no snow for us, and I am wondering about my sanity living in this place!! I am a snow girl, I WANT SNOW!!!! LOL Ok my little rant is over. We had upper 40s and 50s this past weekend, then today I wake up to 19 degree temps, and they fell throughout the day! I got up and Aiden really slept in, he was tired......but I had to run some errands, and so off he and I went, and found ourselves at Wal-Mart.........I never made it into the yarn department, I was so tired, and just wanted to get the coffee filters that we needed and get lunch and go home. I wore my flip flops and my feet got really cold, which they usually don't. This time of year always makes my "electricity" worse.......I mean I am getting shocked really bad, the hair on my arms stands up, my hair poofs out, and I am soo afraid to touch anything....the shocks really hurt and you can hear them, and see little flashes of light...........even in bed, I am afraid to touch my looks like I had a flashlight under them, you can hear the little shocks and see the "flash" and it scares me.......can a fire be started that way? Maybe this is just me having a little panic attack, but if you saw and heard it you would be freaked out too.......went to answer my phone awhile back and the amount of shocks and lights that came from that, man I threw my phone down it hurt so bad.........

Both boys are grounded from the game systems tomorrow.........AJ for not doing what I told him, and Aiden hiding things from me........I told him to go to bed, no games, no movies, no cartoons, bed time....well I went to check on them, and he must have heard me coming, he was in his brothers bed.........with both of his arms behind his back..........I said go to bed, he said ok.........I asked for what was behind his back and he hands me his DS, so he is grounded from it too...not a happy camper, but he didn't cry too much about it, just kept telling me to "be sorry" for him and let him play games tomorrow. LOL

I am tired, and my knees and back hurt, so I think I will be calling it a night soon, and hopefully get a good sleep.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Rippling Loops 7" Square

DragonFlyMomof2 Designs©
Rippling Loops
Designed by: Aurora Suominen Copyright © 2009/2013 All rights reserved.
6" with "G" hook and Worsted Weight yarn.

 I have decided to remove my written patterns from my blog, I will continue to post pictures and information on my designs, however, if you wish to have a download of the pattern, you can find them on Ravelry at the following link:

You can also join me at my group on Ravelry, where I will have information on my patterns and new designs.

If you do not have Ravelry, please consider making a profile over there, they have a wealth of information, patterns, groups, and great people!!!  You can also message me for a PDF of the pattern, please understand I am a mother with a very hectic life at times, so bear with me as I get back to you.  

Aurora Suominen/DragonFlyMomOf2Designs ©Copyright 2009/2018 All Rights Reserved.
Personal use/print only, no pattern reproductions, selling or copying allowed.  

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Keeping Warm

Well I am designing again, this is just one of the scarves I did, this is not the first one I designed, this was the second..I actually did this one Sunday, started it anyway.........I finished it tonight, the pattern wrote up very quickly as most is just a repeat.......anyway this one is about 51/2" wide by about 50" long.......long enough for me.........I was running out of yarn, and this was Mainstay yarn which has been discontinued for some time now. Anyway I absolutely LOVE is gorgeous! Now for a name, I have come up with, "My Dragonflies" "The Center of a Dragonfly"........."Dragonfly Row" LOL the list goes on from there, but those three are the ones I am leaning towards.........the first one I started is called, "The Warmth of a Dragonfly" Or "Warmth of Dragonflies" haven't decided. LOL anyway that one needs some tweaking, it is too wide.......anyway, this will be for sale on my Etsy shop soon. Need to get it tested.
This is the starting of can see the dragonflies a bit better in this picture.

Wow has it been cold!! it we got some snow, but only a few spits, and that was it, more freezing rain than anything else, and that was just depressing, the weather changes I know!! but everytime the weather guy came on tv, it had changed!! how can weather change that fast that much? Are they even reading it right the first time? LOL I know I am just bummed, but still??!!

Sunday, December 06, 2009

It's been a lazy day so far..........I told the boys that it would be family day, where a good portion will be spent together. LOL Anyway we will see how that goes.

I am finally getting my squares that I designed ready........I asked for a few more testers, since it had been awhile and also wanted to see if the corrections and changes were correct. I also got reminded by one of them of a scarf..........I was working one of my dragonfly squares, and thought it would be great to have a scarf with them, and Aiden helped with that, I had brought up the winter stuff a few months back to be washed and he came out with a scarf I drew some stuff up with many changes of how I wanted it to look and last night I dug out that paper and started on the first 11 rows done, before I could barely keep my eyes open.......So will work some more on that today.

Other than that, laundry and chilli for dinner............about it.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Crochet Crochet Crochet

AJ wanted me to make Pokemon Mew for I did this one for came from HERE. Turned out adorable and worked up really fast. He loves it.....I had it done last night, but needed to get the felt for the eyes.....I usually don't sure felt, but he wanted it that way, and it was not as bad as I figured it would be........cutting out and using glue........It didn't look too bad.
I loved the Peanuts gang when I was little, and never outgrew it.........I remember getting lost in the books when I was little.........Anyway I thought I would finally get around to making Woodstock.......I used Size 10 thread, I started him tonight, and finished him tonight as well....I will eventually make snoopy to go with my Woodstock.

This is the Holiday package I made for Julie........she received it today, so I can post the picture.