
Monday, February 08, 2010

Not Enough Snow

Well I am finally getting around to posting this video of Aiden playing catch with papa...they wanted me to come out and watch, so I took a video....Aiden loves to watch himself on video doing I guess I need to take more videos, especially since my camera takes them with sound. LOL....he loves playing catch. He went out today to throw snowballs, but too darn cold to take a video, and they didn't last long out there anyway........the temps dropped throughout the day......we were suppose to get a really good snowfall, but I can still see the darn ugly, dead grass in my front yard, and that is just not enough snow for me. did look pretty falling, but just not as much as the weather man said......they said 4" in some areas of our city......some areas??? How can some areas of our city get 4" and some barely any at all........and then even more areas of our city got 7" apparently I am living on the wrong side of the city! LOL They did cancel school though, and as much complaining as I am doing right now, it was good that they did, the temps and snow did cause some accidents, and the roads are still bad, they are urging residents to stay off of the streets tonight and even closed one area down because it was so bad. AJ is hoping tomorrow will be another snow day. I doubt, but would be nice if they would, since the streets are going to be just as bad with the temps falling into the single digits.


  1. You should come here. We're expecting 12-18 inches tomorrow!

  2. I wish I could. I miss NY

  3. I am sick of our snow & cold temps.

  4. I am so sick of the COLD temps & the snow that stays on the ground. It will be here till spring time.

  5. I love snow, but after awhile it gets to be too much.
