
Monday, February 01, 2010

Time for an Update

Mr AJ playing his Trombone......he is pretty good at playing it, this is his second year. He is doing good in school, they had Friday off because we got a lot of was pretty and I had already made up my mind that if we did get the snow they were talking about, I would keep him home from school. Friday he had a friend come to have a sleepover, and I actually had to get out and drive in the snow, which I don't really like, there had already been two accidents right out in front of our house. Luckily nothing major though.

This was actually taken today, we tried to build a snowman, but the snow would not The boys had a snowball fight.........This is my little Aiden.
Now Saturday we went sledding........and it was a lot of fun, This is Aiden going down the hill, he would act like he was riding a horse!! LOL it was cute....he would come to a stop then pull that rope, going, "giddyup" LOL it was a blast.
AJ and Chris playing king of the mountain I guess. LOL.......

Aiden and I coming down......we didn't flip that time, but on the smaller sled we had, we would flip over a couple of times, and that was a lot of fun, I made sure to hold on to Aiden, and we came up laughing.
On the crochet front, this is one of the Dragonfly scarves I desinged, this one is called, "The Warmth of Dragonflies" and I used a Caron Simply Soft in Soft pink and it came out gorgeous. I really love this color.....I am also making the other one I designed in the same color/yarn.

Pokemon Horsea I made

Hearts around doily I did for a swap box.

From Aprils Calendar ghan CAL this one is Novembers, "Mum's the Word" but looking at it and hers makes me think I goofed on it, but I am not going to redo it......

This one is called Decembers, Mistletoe, I made all 12 months in this light blue, and will put them together, then add more around them in a Soft Navy.......then I will do 12 more of her squares in a Soft Navy and do the outer edge in the light blue. These will be made for the boys. I will try to get busy with that this week. I am trying to avoid swaps and stuff, so I can concentrate on getting them done, and my dad is wanting an afghan as well.

1 comment:

  1. That scarf is AMAZING!! You did such a great job designing that pattern! It looks fantastic, warm and super soft!!!
