
Friday, March 26, 2010

Amigurumi and Warmer Days Lots of pics

Aiden informed me this afternoon that he wanted to go to a playhouse to have lunch and I said yes, he usually won't go unless his brother is with us, but AJ was at school. Aiden is really into having his picture taken, you probably notice I post a lot of him alone and with myself......lately AJ is just not wanting his picture taken as much..hmm.......could it really be? Could he be "Getting to that age" LOL I was dreading that....but I try to get him as much as I can.......anyway Aiden loves to be goofy in pictures, I always have to tell him, "ok, mommy wants a smiley picture." LOL So this is us this afternoon

Picture is out of order here, but this was after AJ got home from school and down by the river, we all went out for ice cream, I skipped the ice cream though. Gotta love those sticky faces. LOL
This was the "smiley" picture I wanted and got. LOL
I think he asked for his picture to be taken a zillion and one times...........LOL
How sweet!!!
Got this taken when we went for ice cream. My handsome boys with my dad. "papa"
After doing Aiden's Pickachu........AJ wanted a Pokemon I started that this morning, and finished him up tonight, surprisingly he worked up really fast.
I am not happy with how Pickachu came out, but Aiden insisted on having the eyes mouth, and nose done just like the pattern, except he did not want pink cheeks......LOL

I also made this the same day I did Aiden's Pickachu......I had gone to Hobby Lobby and picked up a Vanna White Amigurumi book of animals and Aiden wanted the lion..........I did this while watching NCIS. it is cute.

I haven't done much in the way of Easter Crochet, but I did this bunny in a couple of hours the other night, and was able to find a sunny green patch of grass to have her picture taken......she is done in Simple Soft Pink yarn, and has buttons for eyes, even added a purple bow to her.

Well all in all in busy but really fun day........


  1. Your little crocheted cuties are adorable...and so is your family.

  2. Your boys are adorable. Yep, as they get older, they don't even want to see a camera!

    Great amis!
