
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Monday Blahs

I have decided that I am taking a break from squares.......which I have been working on for a month now.....with the CAL starting soon, I thought it was best I take a break from them, so I am not ready to throw out anything that resembles a square. I really need to get busy with some Amigurumi. I made this cute little bunny that Caroline designed...if you click the picture it will take you to her blog and the pattern. I forgot to take a picture of his cute tail.........maybe I will remember tomorrow. He worked up in about 15 minutes.........I used a thin white yarn I had from sooo long ago.......not sure what the yarn is, but it is thin..........and I used an "E" hook........I also started another bunny, and I finished the body, but will finish him tomorrow, too tired now to do it.

Today was not too bad, but I woke up really sore from all the cleaning I did Sunday, and I still have cleaning to do. I decided to not clean today.........I didn't get much accomplished at all today, but that is ok........I did manage to make it to the gym......but I started out on the bike, and the stupid seat kept rocking a bit, so that hurt my back, after 10 minutes could not take it anymore, and did about 15 minutes or so on the treadmill, then a few of the weight machines.........I was sore, tired, and sweaty....time to go home............I gave Aiden a bath early, and woohoo both boys fell asleep before their bedtime!!!

I just relaxed and watched some tv, and didn't pick up a hook at all today except for tonight, about an hour ago is when I finally picked my hook up and made the little bunny above and started another pattern. Will post pictures of that tomorrow.

AJ had a good day back to school, or so he said, I will ask him everyday he comes home from school......"how was school?"........"Fine" "What did you do?" "same ol stuff" I try!!!!

Weather is getting nice, but we may get some rain later this week, so tomorrow I am going to try to take Aiden to the park.

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