
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Proud of my AJ!! Communties in School

Well today was the day that AJ received the Star Award from Communities in School. Star stands for Student Triumph Awards Recognition. We had a lunch buffet first with our kids, then they received their awards, A local sportscaster from KWCH channel 12 news was there presenting the students for their awards. First was the Elementary students, then Middle school, and then high school......all these kids deserved these awards, there were two girls from High School, that both had a kid already, but stayed in school, improved greatly on attendance and grades and really stepped up to a better education, and I was proud of all of them.
All the kids with the CIS coordinators came down the stairs. You can see AJ in hte middle just about wearing white shirt. The staircase was just gorgeous.

This was as good as I could get with my cell phone, I had forgotten to grab my digital camera.....I could have kicked myself for forgetting it.

AJ with Crystal, she has been a super help to him, and I appreciate all she has done for AJ.


  1. Congrats AJ, that's wonderful!!!!

    You must be such a proud mama!

  2. WTG AJ! Good for you too, encouraging and supporting your ds to be the best he can be!!
