
Monday, April 26, 2010

Took the boys to the park last week, got some pictures
Monkey climbing!!
another Monkey climbing!
This was at the circus a couple of weeks ago, boys had a lot of fun there.
Mermaid I made last week............She came out cute I think. I haven't had much time to crochet over the past few days...........Today I had some friends over for a bbq and some games........was fun, but I am glad to be resting now...........ended up with a headache, which is finally going away..........I hope it stays away. LOL

AJ has about a month left of school then summer break........I am not sure I am looking forward to that so soon. LOL..

1 comment:

  1. Only a month left of school? Lucky! Pi has until the end of June.

    The mermaid is adorable! I love the pink.
