
Friday, April 30, 2010


This very cute Acorn is what I made tonight, as you can see the glue from the eyes still had not dried yet when I took the picture. LOL....anyway I saw this pattern a long time ago, and just had to have it.......I remember when AJ was in kindergarten, and it was around Fall, and we were outside waiting for the bus to come......well he picked up some acorns, and asked what they were, I told him a nut.......figured it would be easier for him to understand......well he waits awhile, and then holds them out to show me, and says, "Mom, look.......these are my lucky nuts!".....well I about fell down laughing.........I could not stop, and he of course didn't know why I thought it was sooooo funny, but it was also soooo cute too............I still tease him about it every so often, and he knew I was making this tonight.........he is sleeping, so he won't see it until tomorrow, but he did tell me that he didn't really want it.....I told him I wasn't making it for him, but for myself, to always remind me of that very cute and funny moment with him. I saw another pattern recently of two smaller ones with a bag.......which is actually more perfect as he took two of them back then and put them in a bag.....he collected rocks and I guess those two acorn.......oh excuse me, those lucky nuts.......
I also made these yesterday, my little bee and butterfly........I love butterflies and every since I made a bee for a swap, I fell in love with bees........cute little "fake" ones only though.

I had lunch with a friend today, and we sat and visited for awhile, she is house sitting over in this area, so we wanted to get together....she is trying to find a place to live, as she has been living with some people, and they are moving themselves.........we went and looked at a couple, but she hasn't made up her mind.

I also told AJ he was not going to have any friends sleep over this weekend......nor will he go have a sleep over, seems all this month he or a friend have been doing sleepovers, and frankly I want to have a nice, quiet evening tomorrow, I have missed my shows on Friday night from being so busy..........


  1. Just hopping over from crochetincommon to "HI". Have a great night.

  2. Love the acorn and the story.

    I will have to make some for the Fall.


  3. OMG! That little ditty was too cute!!! The projects look great!
