
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Really Really Proud of my AJ

Above is an updated picture of one of the Afghans I am doing for the boys, but with color reversal......the one above will be for Aiden.....I am about done with the second border to AJs, but had to take a break today, I haven't really had much time for crocheting lately, but did manage to make a very cute bee tonight, and started a butterfly......but I am just too tired to finish........Had a few errands to run today........and since Aiden and I were out and near AJs school, we decided to pick him up..........well I am sooo super proud of him, he read more than the required books this year!!! So he will attend a function for that.....but..........BUT..........he will be attending an award ceremony for doing really well on his assessments........apparently he did a great job on them, and I can't be more proud of him!!!! I cried on our way home when he told me that........I worry so much sometimes......about school work for him, I know it is hard, and so much that the district wants them to learn...........and for him to tell me that he actually got great scores on them...........well that just makes me feel so proud.........and happy that he worked so hard!!!!

Aiden and I will make him a card tomorrow. I think Aiden will love that. I am hoping he wakes up feeling better, he got sick early this evening....

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