
Monday, May 31, 2010

Hello Amigurumi Tiger anyone?

I did this a few weeks ago, this pattern is really cute, I was a bit worried about how they would look as the heads came out huge.....but they are super cute.......I made two at the same time, so I could keep one for myself and swap one. I love tigers and this was just really cute.

I am doing this Floral Hexagon motif for a crochet a long in a group......I was surprised by how big the motifs actually are, I am doing two for the living room. Will try to get better pictures as they progress.

I did this Suncatcher for a crochet a long in a group......I really liked how it came out and decided to mail it off to a friend for a swap. Now I don't have one. LOL

I hosted a game in a group and Jen won, and when I went looking for things she liked, I had noticed that she collected Patriotic things, so I knew this would be perfect, it is a Betsy Ross pin cushion, and came out cute. Worked up fast.
this is my little Aiden in the hospital last week, you can see how swollen his face is.......he never let go of his teddy bear!! He is still improving, although some of the side effects are just really aggravating to him.....his head is peeling, his scalp anyway, in some areas it is.......and his finger tips are peeling too, I have never seen that much skin come off.........he has another check up with blood work Thursday.

I just finished testing a very cute frog for a lady, and as soon as she posts I will a picture.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Home from Hospital

Well my little Aiden went to get some blood work Thursday, he was so limp that morning, he could not walk.........I had to carry him, and it was very hot and humid so I was sweating big time.......they tried one arm, could not get the blood to flow right, so they stopped, and we tried AGAIN for some urine, which 3rd try we got...then they tell me they didn't get enough blood and had to try with his other was hard on him and me both, he was crying asking me to make them stop, "don't let them do this to me, mommy" telling me he loved me so much, it just broke my heart, but I knew it needed to be done, but is hard to explain that to a 4 year old...........Anyway.........We went to his regular doctor, blood work came in, some of his levels were too high, some too said he called an infectious disease specialist, by this time, his rash was mainly on his rear, groin area, and back and front chest/back..........his palms were bright red, his tongue was what they call a strawberry.......his whites of his eyes were red, and also he had a red circle that went all the way around his eyes........his face was swollen, the corners of his mouth and eyes were cracked, his groin/butt were peeling really bad.............and of course the very high temps, crankyness and limpness............they said it sounded like Kawasaki disease......which is an autoimmune disease and can damage the heart.....they did an echo cardiogram of his heart Tuesday..and it looks good, but damage can set in sometimes after treatment, in some cases a few years after the with more specialist coming in, it was a certain that he did have the Kawasaki disease, and they started the medicine which is through his iv and took about 9 hours to completely run through his system........After a very rough few days, he was able to eat a bit and keep it down late last night and today. No fever, so he was able to go home today........I had not seen his smile so big in a long time, he was sooo excited. He has to take aspirin every and tomorrow he has to take 16 chewable aspirin........then Saturday and after one a day........he goes in for an echo cardiogram in 2 weeks, again in 8 weeks, again in about 6 months, and a year, and depending on what it shows, he will have to have one done every year or every 2-3 years.........he also has to go back for more blood work next week, and if his fever returns, he has to go back into the hospital for another round of the medicine.
Anyway we get a call from my mom before we left and she said the air was not working........well it is extremely hot and muggy here............upper 80s, with some really awful humidity. A guy from down the street is looking at it now.......he works for a company, everyone else was booked into next week, but I called every single one in the phone book until someone said tomorrow........I have it scheduled, but hopefully the guy here now can get it fixed. I can barely move in the house and I am dripping in sweat!
My little Aiden is asleep on the couch, he is still so worn out.

Monday, May 24, 2010

My Aiden is Sick

Aiden got really sick Thursday night, that afternoon he came home with a rash all over, like a huge we took him in and they said viral rash, even though he did not have any symptons as of yet..but that night he did, 104. temp.....vomiting, frequent bathroom visits.......Friday he was sleeping or just laying around all day, I mean ALL day.....high fever as well...........Saturday he seemed a bit better, but kept running a high temp and feeling and looking like a zombie..........Sunday the same, but now he is complaining about his tummy hurting........his fevers are getting so high that his skin is he has a sunburn.......the corners of his lips are raw, the corners of his eyes are raw........took him in today.........Dr did a strep test, and told me to wait, but then the office "calls" me saying it was negative, and I can leave, i said didn't the dr want to talk to me again......she was like, no, Aiden probably has a viral infection and you can go home now.........against my better judgement I did, but all the way home I was steaming mad.......this was not like their dr, so I got home, and Aiden fell asleep again........and his dr called very upset with his nurse for sending us home...........he is worried too, he didn't like the color of Aiden's tongue, or his tomorrow morning blood and urine work......then back to his office......just took Aiden's temp and it is 103.7.........gave him some motrin, and fluids.........which is hard to force a child to drink when they don't feel like it...........I am really worried, I hope this is just a virus.....but he has NEVER been this bad this long....I mean I know its been 4 days. but still.......high fever everyday, several times a day. I am mad at myself for not wanting to jump the gun and overreact, but with my kids I should not worry about that.

AJ is getting out of school Wednesday, he is happy to have the summer off.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Time for an Update.

Got this great shot of myself with my handsome is rare to get a decent shot. LOL......I have been so busy this past weekend. Melody, a friend of mine found a place to live right across the street, and no one would help her move, so we did, but she said only one load, but that one load turned into several, I think Sunday we made 4 or 5 trips..........Monday turned into another rough day of trying to get some stuff........but today was spent relaxing at home.........Sunday was Mother's day, so my mom and I got our gifts Saturday night, and they were really great.........we loved them. Boys were super sweet. we got jewelry, and flowers too. Anyway......Monday we also got a very nasty storm, with a tornado that touched down on the west side of the city....luckily everyone was ok, and it quickly just turned into a severe storm...........but around 5 pm, it turned really dark outside, it was like it was 10 at night.......but by 6 the sun was shining bright again......LOL More storms might be coming our way.
Saturday my mom and I took the boys to the River Festival, and this was Aiden at the Bear Clinic run by one of our local hospitals, kids got to play dr to their bears.........LOL He was such a super cute doctor!!!! All the nurses sure thought so!!!!

Acorns in a bag........I did these tonight..........they are my crazy nuts, AJ and Aiden. LOL AJ just rolls his eyes at me, but Aiden kisses the nuts and says how much he really likes them.
Out of the bag!!!
Aiden got to meet Clifford and Author!!

I am starting Grandpa for my mom, and this is his head.........I have made one before, but not with the hook I am using now, which is a C hook, it cramps up my hands, so I am taking my time with him.........First time around I had an awful time doing the "dents" but second time around was actually a lot easier......I have one leg done, and will work on the second leg tomorrow maybe.........needed to take a break.