
Saturday, June 12, 2010


Well here is my Aiden with this Pokemon Jiggly Puff I made for him. First he said he didn't want Jiggly Puff he wanted me to make him Kirby, so I said ok, and then he changed his mind again, and said he wanted Jiffly Puff, so I quickly got this made, hurrying so he would not change his mind again. Anyway he loves it and even though I used an E hook, you can see it came out big........bigger than I thought it would. It is cute, I almost wanted to keep it for myself. LOL. Aiden is doing ok, now his feet are peeling really bad, and his hands still..........I can see where it is starting to "slow" down, so hopefully it will continue to slow down and stop altogether.
This above is Mijumaru another Pokemon, I did this one in thread for AJ. I think he came out adorable!!! I could have done better on the freckles, but oh well......AJ loves it. He is doing ok, but driving me crazy, he has had someone to play with just about every darn day since being out of school, and today I put my foot down and said no, I had fallen asleep last night and found out he was up all night playing his DS, so I am going to make sure that doesn't happen tonight......he was told that no one would come over today, he needed to spend time with his he did and the day was slow and relaxed.
Another Mario Brothers pattern for Aiden, this one is Goomba, and took me only a couple of hours to make, it worked up a lot faster than I thought it would. I even did pretty decent on the face........I don't cut very well, my stuff always comes out a bit crooked. LOL. Aiden loves it, so I am happy too. I am currently testing two bookmarks for a lady over at Crochetville.

I am relaxing this weekend, this past week has been very busy. My friend moved in across the street, so the past few days have been helping her with her house, and also running around to garage sales and used appliance stores, looking for washer/dryer for her, and some furniture, all of which she found. She is happy, and her house already looks better. She can feel more at home now.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Hottest Day so far

Today was our hottest day so far.......and this is not even our hottest month, end of July, into August is our hottest months...maybe we will get lucky and have cooler temps!! I can wish can't I? Anyway, things have been going ok around here I suppose........AJ is super happy to be out of school.......although he is driving me crazy with this attitude that he has to have someone over every single waking minute of the day. UGH!!! Aiden is happy to have him home for the summer too. I need to get busy on "studying" with Aiden this summer, as I am going to put him into pre-kindegarten this year. :( Baby is growing up on me.

Aiden had a check up earlier last week, and his blood levels are normal, one was on the high end of "normal" but still much better than before. His hands are peeling, which is the second stage of Kawasaki........he is miserable with his hands, the skin is just peeling away.........I mean from his fingertips into the palms of his hands, his toes are starting to, but luckily not very much at all, not as bad as his hands. Anyway he will go for his second Echo cardiogram on the 14th.

Thursday we all went to the circus and had a lot of fun there, I will try to get the pictures off my phone tomorrow.

This is AJs Pokemon Cyndaquil, you can find the pattern HERE. He wanted a shiny one and also wanted me to do it in thread.........we looked for the colors for shiny, and this was as close as we could get........the body is actually in size 5 thread, the rest in size 10. He loves it.
Here is AJ holding his Cyndaquil
Aiden sitting on a go kart.........he wanted to ride this sooo bad. It doesn't work, my father is fixing it.

Saturday, June 05, 2010


I had originally started these long term crochet a longs in a group that I had started, well that group was combined with another group, and I took my amigurumi group back, changed its name and will offer much more than just amigurumi. So we had some sign ups with both the long term cals and I understand that some of them may not want to join another group, but I wanted to be able to give them a chance to keep going with it. So will be hosting here on my blog. Hopefully weekly updates or every other week. Anyway here they are.

This will be an ongoing CAL

This lap ghan is gorgeous!! You can choose a solid color, multiple colors, I think it would look great in any color.


Starts JULY 1ST, 2010 and will run for the next 5 months. If you complete
this swap and post a picture in the correct album by 12-31-10 you will
have your name in a drawing for a chance to win. I will draw out two
names, first name will win a Kitchen gift basket, worth $20.00.
The second name will win a Misc. gift basket also totaling at least $20.00.

IF you have any questions or comments about this cal, please email me at

Sign ups
Angie B
Carol Williams
Jan Tilley
Gail Bromfield
Sandy Monroe
Jen Yates
Darlene Dean
Kelli Campbell
Arlene Crosser
Meegan Gaffney
Diane Shreve


Your incentive for signing up and completing your afghan on time
by 01-01-2011 will have their name placed in a drawing for a chance
to win a lap ghan made by myself. I will also draw out a second name
and that person will win a Misc Craft gift basket.

Ann Baird
Barb Rickard
Sandy Monroe