Nasty old Carpet

Just some of the dirt under the carpet

New carpet

Bedroom carpet
We had two rooms in our house that desperately needed new carpeting........the lady who lived here before had a cat that pissed in both rooms, now you could not really smell it as long as you had a towel over the spots and something else. So that is what we did, not to mention numerous spots, I know we made a few of those spots, but she did most of them.......I can't even figure out what on earth she got in the bedroom..........anyway the landlord finally replaced them..............talk about gross........we decided to pull up the carpet ourselves.............because the carpet guy said to put Kilz over those spots and that would take care of the urine smell.........so we cleared out the living room Friday afternoon and pulled up the carpet and padding........talk about gross..............and the amount of dirt on the floor!!! it was a lot............I had to sweep a bunch of times........and my dad pulled up the old tack strips, because they were damaged and stained with urine in those areas as well............so swept some more, and pulled up a ton of nails and staples..............and then we went to the River Festival later that night..........when we got home, I swept agian, and washed the floor really good.............put some of the stuff back into the room. Sunday is when we got to the bedroom, and pulled up that carpet and put the Kilz on the floor.......I had gotten really sick that morning, so had the flu all day Sunday and Monday.............but the stuff had to get done..................the carpet guys were late Monday morning, but they took longer than expected because one of them was always on the phone............I had politely asked him on the 4th time of him being on the phone, to please save those conversations for after the CURRENT job was done........I mean I know he has a business, but to me its poor business to be sitting there on a job chatting on the phone sitting in your van, no work is getting done, and we just wanted to get him done and out of there so we could put our stuff back in, we had some on the porch, and with my mom being in a scooter, she needed to have room to move around, and she really didn't. So he finally got done, and left and we got our stuff moved back in, and I am just glad its done....................I love........LOVE the color in the the bedroom, but both colors look really nice, and feel much better too........its nice not to cringe when the boys would get on the floor, and now I can walk barefoot and it feels good. LOLWe had a BBQ and birthday dinner for a friend earlier this month and that went well..............had fun. Also this month we had the River Festival, which is a 9 day event...........they have some stuff to do........its really gone down hill in recent years...........everyone complains there is not enough for "them" to do............or not enough "big" name people who come..........We had Ruben the American Idol contestant from last year or the year before come last year.............but anyway...........we went to the Zoo and to Exploration place last week, and a few days at the actual Festival, and it was not much fun...............not as many people around, but enough to throw fits and think they are the only ones there........so they don't move, or show respect for someone in a wheelchair..........not enough for the kids to do.........AJ got the 3rd degree practically from a guardsman for not having his button on the outside of his hoodie.......he had it on his shirt and seeing as how it started to rain, he had just put on the hoodie, but he made him show him the button..........even Aiden who was sleeping on my moms lap...........they MADE my mom show them his button too.............all for a stupid 5 dollar button.......we buy them, and I get that some people don't.............but to have the Air National Guards there to practically yell at people to "SHOW" their buttons was a bit much.........I guess the Festival people thought the "volunteers" that use to harass people were not enough, they needed someone that others might feel "threatened" by..........I have always bought and worn a button, but who wants to put a button on a 2 year old????? he might get pinched, poked or lose it.........so we would usually put his on his stroller or something, and they got all excited thinking we didn't have one, so they would approached and berate us for not having one and telling us we "better" buy a button............I don't even have fun going anymore.