Well its been one of those weeks..............LOL all week I kept feeling like it was Sunday and now that it is Sunday I am left wondering what day it is. I am just that tired........I have had a headache almost everyday this past week, and today I got one and it came on fast............I took some Tylenol, that helped, but it came back...........so far though not as bad as earlier...........
It's been a gloomy day yesterday and today..........we decided to take down the pool yesterday, it got all yucky again, and I had chemicals in it, but we needed a new filter and could not find one, the stores are not selling the pool supplies, they are fazing out that stuff. So I decided that if I had to empty it again, there was no way I was going to refill it again. So we are now left with this huge ugly mud "circle" in our backyard, I am hoping that we get some grass in that spot before the cooler weather comes. Anyway its muddy and wet back there, and the sun did just peak out now....................NOW??? It waits until 7:30 to come out and rear its sunny face at us??? IT could have made a grand entrance a lot........A LOT EARLIER!!
I cleaned up the closet and the dining room, and then made my father put the rails back down in the basement............they had been off for a long time, and the way the steps are, we needed them back on...............I also took some pictures of the walls down there, we have a structural engineer coming out Wednesday to inspect the walls down there and in the closet........I also checked out my holiday decorations, and so far they don't seem to have that musty smell that my yarn had when I had brought it up from down there.........its on the other side of the basement so I am hoping that is why. I am glad it doesn't smell.
I am also starting AJ on his school schedule tonight, so he will be in bed early tonight and up early tomorrow, I want him to be ready for Wednesday, He will be getting up really early compared to elementary school. I know I should have gotten him started a couple of weeks ago........but oh well...............Right now Aiden is whining, he wants ice cream, but I said no, because he didn't eat his dinner...............he is at that stage where he wants to eat what he wants when he wants............but I keep telling him no, so we will see how that goes........he is also tired, so when AJ gets out of the shower I will get Aiden in the bath............and then get them ready for bed soon. I will let them watch a cartoon then lights and tv off. They won't be very happy. :D I am hoping they both fall asleep early..............
I finally remembered to get Aidens hair cut earlier this week.......the pictures were taken with my cell phone, so they are not very good.

This is before..............he was so happy, eating his happy meal and playing with his toy.................being all goofy and smiley.......but that didn't last.................:(

You can see from this after shot that he was non too happy with his mommy..............but look at how darn cute he is? He sat in the chair like a good boy, and only cried a bit, no screaming, just a small little cry...........he didn't fight either which was good................The one thing he HATES about getting his hair cut, is the hair that falls on him..........he does not like having hair on him, or anything for that matter, if he gets food or dirt on him, he wants it off. LOL

Looking much happier the next day..............Look at that handsome smile? My Mr little man!!!
Well AJ is done with his shower, so its time to get Aiden in the bath and ready to relax.................I think this is just wishful thinking on my part, but hey............I have to think positive don't I??????? YEAH RIGHT!!
Well I just heard from my Aunt Miriam, she called to give us the flight information on when my Aunt Sophia and Grandma are going to be in on the 21st. I also heard that my uncle Jimmy will also be here that day as well. He will be staying with us. Not sure if my brother and his family will be able to stay a whole week or when they are coming, he has two bosses, one says he can't come, and the other says he doesn't care. :/ Anyway going to be a busy that week.