Well I am glad a new week has started.........I feel odd making a post without pictures, so I put some random pictures that were taken a couple of weeks ago. I have not been crocheting much since a week before Thanksgiving, but my hands need a break. I did say enough of Christmas crochet, although I will be doing two more things. I did start two Pokemon characters for the boys........they both chose big ones........Austin chose Lugia..........and Aiden chose Togepi, which from the picture doesn't look that big, but I started on it tonight and it is bigger than I thought. I am about 53 rounds out of 81 of the Lugia.
Austin was out with this BB yesterday, and they called me telling me that Austin hurt his left foot AGAIN. He has hurt it over the summer, and then yesterday it got kicked accidentally, but near where the scar was. No breaks, fractures, or sprains...but they are wondering if the summer cut was deep enough to cause an infection. I hope no. Today he seems to be doing better.....I kept him home, which the dr said was entirely up to me.
Now I would like to express my feelings on a matter that has blown up on Facebook. I had been seeing a lot of messages about changing your profile picture to a cartoon from your childhood to support and create awareness for Child Abuse...I didn't really see how changing a picture could do this, but I caved as many asked why I had not done so........day after I changed, I see a message on my cousins FB about it being a hoax........well I posted that, and got some nasty messages sent to me, and all of a sudden it was all over FB, people jumping on the controversy bandwagon....(myself included) LOL anyway......we all have a right to our opinions.......but mine, I think makes a valid point............Awareness for Child Abuse should not make us "aware" by posting a cartoon picture on our Facebook page........NOT one of us needs to be made aware on FB, BECAUSE..............we see Child abuse everywhere..you can't turn on your tv, radio, open your newspaper without seeing or hearing a child abuse case............so everyday we are "reminded" and made "aware" of it........but what do we do about it..........it is in our face, and very well should be, we need to make a stand, or at least make an effort........donate time/money....something............BUT don't change a picture on Facebook because someone tells you.....it is really easy to sit at your computer and change a picture.......Some people said that ladies put the color of their bras on facebook to bring awareness to breast cancer........ok well there is a difference.....in that, whereas, Child Abuse is in the news EVERY SINGLE DAY!! Breast Cancer is NOT!!! So it would make more sense to try to make more people aware. So that was why I was upset......NOT because I am against making a difference in Child Abuse, but people should be willing to make a difference other than sitting in front of their computer changing a profile picture for a certain amount of time...........HUMAN faces are what child abuse is..........cartoon characters don't help or hurt the cause.......except to make pedophiles think a child would be more willing to accept a friend request. Which should be something parents look out for. That supervision needs to start at home not facebook. Another thing that aggravates me........why do parents make Facebook pages for their very young kids........I think the age is 13, I waited until my son was 13 before making him a facebook page........why on earth does an infant, toddler, or child under the age of 13 need a Facebook page..........because mommy and daddy do? So what........parents can smoke cigs or drink, does that mean we let our kids too? These same parents who criticized me for making the statement I did on FB are the same parents who's very young children, even infants...have their own facebook pages.....now granted an infant won't get on...so again I ask WHY??? As for family members can't they know what is going on with those kids from the parents??
Another thing that was brought up about Facebook was the recent, "I like it here" statement, meaning where you put your purse..........some would say that was in fun.....and yes it was.....but how fun is it when you have these young girls on Facebook making that same statement? I have heard on 4 different news versions that the statement WAS MEANT to sound SEXUALLY SUGGESTIVE............ok??? Does anyone else see something wrong with a young girl making a sexually suggestive statement.....even one that is just suppose to sound like that??? COME ON PEOPLE, don't throw stones at me for my opinions when you have a lot of learning to do in your own families. So with that said, I am hoping more people will stand up and make a difference. A friend thought I needed to voice this on my blog........to make some understand why I got upset about the situation.....what upset me more was that I got "jumped" on for it. They can have their own opinions, but if mine differs I am not allowed to voice it?

Such a handsome boy
My oldest is getting so tall.
This was taken a couple of weeks ago, and this might be a tradition! LOL Last year I got a picture of their heads in the leaves. We will have more leaves to rake up, so maybe this weekend.