This square above is a 12" one I designed Thursday evening while watching the Olympics, I have been making an afghan for my father, who has informed me more than once that I have not made him a blanket, which is true, so I quickly got started on one, thinking he would let up, but he hasn't, and I know he is just being silly, but I had the idea to use my own Popcorn Delight square after much looking online as to what square I would use.........duh!! I designed a 12 Popcorn Delight square last year, and so I started using that, but wanted more, I had been wanting to design one to "dedicate" to my parents, so above is what I did, it came out fairly quickly and uses a variety of stitches.... Well then Aiden wanted a square designed for him too but with a bigger star, so I got started on that I believe Saturday evening........it's done, I had to do two, the first one was all wobbly looking......so I took the basic idea and "tweeked" it, and came up with a better one, which ended up giving me another idea of a square, so last night, I sat down and started another 12" square, and this one came out of my hand really fast.........I knew the idea I had, and it worked out well, I didn't even stop to write down each round, I did that after the square was done, and I am in love with it, LOL it came out so pretty, and has hearts in it, I have wanted to do a heart square for awhile now, but every design I came up with didn't end up looking right. So anyway I will do another square today and check for errors in the pattern, then get some testers........so 3 squares 12" ones done in a matter of a few days!!! WHEW!!!

This angel was done for a swap in January, and I had not sent it off to my partner yet, because the group owner said not to as she was having personal issues.......so she finally sent me her swap last week, completely disappointed in what she sent me, it was totally off as to what was to be made........What she did was decide that she was soooo late in all her swaps, that she will just make something small and off the mark and hope I would not care, but I did......she was the first one to join this swap, and she knew what the swap was, and to send me what she did, was really annoying........I was really disappointed and it certainly helped me into thinking I need to steer clear of swaps for awhile or at least with people I don't know well..........she even tried to guilt me, as she pretty much knew I was not happy with it, I didn't say I wasn't, just emailed saying I got it and I think it was from such and such swap........I was not going to feel guilty. Anyway needless to say she will not get this angel, it is being sent off as a prize.

I tested this coaster pattern from Chars, and if you are interested in this coaster you can visit her Etsy shop
The winter olympics are now over, I watched the closing ceremony which was awesome. I already miss watching them.......not sure why I like watching them so much, it use to be just the figure skating I liked, now it's most of it. I will say that some of those athletes are very sore losers, and some I just feel sorry for.......there is one country in particular which has some really great athletes, but it is a shame that these countries and coaches practically "threaten" or scare them into winning at all costs!! Everyone there was there because of hard work and determination, they were all really great, and I applaud most of them.....but it's a shame that a person that clearly has a lot of talent, can't seem to lose without being a sore loser about it.
Well I am off to finish cleaning and working on a couple of squares.