My little Aiden holding a Bee I made, this bee was for am Amigurumi pattern of the month in my crochet group, and it came out cute, I decided to make it in thread. Aiden loved it, this is him giving the bee a kiss. I have really gotten to love bees.....crochet kind anyway. LOL

Weather has been so nice outside, AJ and Aiden took their pokemon's outside to "play" this was some of them "flowers" LOL

This was Friday at the doctors......Aiden has been itching his eyes and nose for a few weeks now, so dr got him in and prescribed some allergy meds for him, and he is ok with the medicine, but he does not like the eye drops, but just the couple of days on them, he is not itching as much. I went and got my hair cut Friday morning as well.......I like it enough.......I asked for a bob with long bangs, and she asked me about wanting layers, I said not really, I have some, but just want them trimmed up a bit so they can grow into the rest of my hair.......well she cut them really short......I think that is why I am not too thrilled, but I am not upset about it, it is cute when I fix it.

This was after I got home, it looked horrible when she was finished, she did not use conditioner which I told her I would pay the extra 3 dollars for, but she didn't use it.......so I got home, wet it and used the blow dryer on it, looked much better.
I had a birthday Saturday and will update more about that later, it was a super fun day.

This is a "Minnie loves Mickey" purse I did for a CAL in a google group I am in.....it came out cute, and worked up fast.

I made this small amigurumi lamb for a wish for a lady, who was giving it to a 6 month old, it came out really cute.

Mr Funky here was done for a swap, he came out big, but worked up fast, I got him done in a few hours, but of course the boys were not home either. LOL

Towel holder for another wish.

Pokemon Character, "Bayleef" done for AJ, he loved it.

The little bee