
Friday, May 30, 2008


Wow its hot out...................very humid start sweating as you are walking out the door, I hate this humid weather.........The week has been decent up until yesterday and today. Very hot.........we got way too much rain last week, it rained every single night.......then I think it was Monday, we were getting ready to have a bbq on the front porch since it did look like rain....well sure enough it did pour!! and golf ball size hail.......some were bigger, but mostly golf size I kept waiting for the car windows to crack, but thankfully they didn't and the hail didn't last...........but it sure tore up our roof............we have been having problems with our back roof for some time now...........since we moved in here...............but nothing got done with it, so my father put some more tar paper and shingles to cover those areas, which worked for awhile..........but not Monday.......we found out utility room almost flooded, rain was pouring in from the roof and the back wall........and in my walk in closet.............I had to move everything away from that clothes got wet, a shelf got wet, some bedding got wet............the carpet.............oh it was a mess............the landlord called around to some roofing companies, but so far no one has called me about coming out to look at it.

This is a little red bird on a stump, I got the pattern from Etsy, and it came out cute........I didn't really make it for anything particular, will use it for an amigurumi swap in the future probably.
A side view of the bird and stump
I am working on a patriotic swap and here are a few things I have done so far..........I am also working on a bookmark for the swap too.....but took a break. LOL I also need to add a button on the towel holder, but forgot to get a patriotic one when I was at Walmart today. I did let the boys each pick out a movie......Aiden got a Thomas DVD OF COURSE!!! LOL and AJ picked out, "Water Horse" that should be a good movie. I am sure we will watch them them tonight sometime.

I know there are some storms around Kansas, but hopefully none are coming our way. LOL

Friday, May 23, 2008


AJ and his little brother Aiden. it was funny, when Aiden was taking pictures, he kept yelling, "J!!!!" or "Bro" get AJs attention.
My handsome AJ with me yesterday.
I didn't take a picture of the diploma, but will later, but this is the Graduation Amigurumi I made
Aiden in his new Jeep.......he has already hit papas truck and ran over papas toes........Aiden carries the "Baby Insurance" LOL
This is an amigurumi doll I finished the other night.......she took me awhile to do, because I kept getting so busy with stuff around the house, and then getting sick........and I redid her legs, I still don't really like them too much, but she is cute and I think she could have came out better...........She is for a swap
I am so tired........LOL Yesterday was a very busy day for us. AJ was having his 5th grade graduation..........we got there early because I had a change of outfit for him..we were able to get front row seats.........and the kids all looked so cute in their hats and walking down the aisles..........I did end up sitting on the wrong side, so when the kids received their certificates, I got the back end of them. LOL I could not move to the other side, because Aiden would not let me.......he was fussing a bit.........he was hot and tired........but he was not acting up too much, he wanted to take pictures I let him for awhile, then after the ceremony, there was cake and stuff, and Aiden sat very calmly and ate his cake, he is not a messy eater at would think with cake that he would have it all over him........but not my little Aiden, he does not like to have stuff like food on him........Anyway the kids all went swimming, and my mom and I took Aiden to Mcdonalds to play in the Playhouse for awhile, before heading to the store, then home again.......

We had cake and ice cream for AJ, my parents and I just put money in his cards.......that way he can just go pick something out for him. I did finish his graduation amigurumi which he loved, and I printed out a small diploma and rolled it up and used that. I will post pictures later today, but for now I am just tired and want to work on some crochet.

AJ is spending the night with a friend and they are going to watch, "Indiana Jones" this afternoon.

It looks like it could start storming out any minute now.

My parents got Aiden a little of those that run on a battery.......Aiden LOVES it..............they lady still needs to get us the battery charger..........its in excellent condition.............her son grew out of it apparently very quickly! LOL

I will post pics later today, but for now I am off to crochet.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

AJ came home from school with a ton of papers, always the last week, they come home with a ton of stuff.........I was going through all of it when I came across a folder with a picture of him on the was AJ when he was in Kindergarten.........they had saved certain things he had done in every grade! I really thought that was so sweet of the school to was nice looking and reading through stuff AJ had done since he started school...........and it made me really did..........he has grown so much since kindergarten............and now he is graduating elementary school. Some parents don't really think its a big deal, but I do. LOL
He is graduating tomorrow...........then a reception will follow and then he will go swimming with his class for the rest of the day. He is going to like that..........They also want them dressing nice, so I went out tonight and got him a really nice outfit to wear. I mean its just Khaki pants and a nice polo top..........but he has outgrown the nice clothes he has! LOL
I let the boys play outside for awhile with AJs friend Nando, they were getting ready to go to church. I worked on some crochet on the porch, and I am finished with the amigurumi graduation boy, I just need to put it together.
We have storms coming in.....not sure if they will hit us tonight, or tomorrow I need to get off of here and clean up a bit, the boys will be home soon, and I will give them dinner before taking Nando home.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Crochet Update

Well I have not gotten much done this month with my crocheting......I have just been so busy, and then with being sick for the past couple of days. Anyway this is what I have done with the graduation Amigurumi I am doing for AJ, he is graduating 5th grade Thursday! He is ready for the vacation from school, and I don't blame him. I am just not ready for him to be growing up so fast!
This is a Goodnight bear I started last month.......I am a bit bored with it, and I am not sure its stuffed in a bag and I have not worked on for about 2-3 weeks. I think it will be cute though.
I got this from my SS Minday and it was a nice surprise yesterday......
We went to Exploration place with some friends, it was free with a River Festival button........this is AJ, Aiden and AJs friend nando.
Aiden making crafts at Exploration place, he really had fun here and made a great picture, which I have not taken a picture of yet.
my boys and I at the Zoo last week.
Mr Muscle man!!!!
My parents with my boys.

Finally back to Blogging

Nasty old Carpet
Just some of the dirt under the carpet
New carpet
Bedroom carpet

We had two rooms in our house that desperately needed new carpeting........the lady who lived here before had a cat that pissed in both rooms, now you could not really smell it as long as you had a towel over the spots and something else. So that is what we did, not to mention numerous spots, I know we made a few of those spots, but she did most of them.......I can't even figure out what on earth she got in the bedroom..........anyway the landlord finally replaced about gross........we decided to pull up the carpet ourselves.............because the carpet guy said to put Kilz over those spots and that would take care of the urine we cleared out the living room Friday afternoon and pulled up the carpet and about gross..............and the amount of dirt on the floor!!! it was a lot............I had to sweep a bunch of times........and my dad pulled up the old tack strips, because they were damaged and stained with urine in those areas as swept some more, and pulled up a ton of nails and staples..............and then we went to the River Festival later that night..........when we got home, I swept agian, and washed the floor really good.............put some of the stuff back into the room. Sunday is when we got to the bedroom, and pulled up that carpet and put the Kilz on the floor.......I had gotten really sick that morning, so had the flu all day Sunday and Monday.............but the stuff had to get done..................the carpet guys were late Monday morning, but they took longer than expected because one of them was always on the phone............I had politely asked him on the 4th time of him being on the phone, to please save those conversations for after the CURRENT job was done........I mean I know he has a business, but to me its poor business to be sitting there on a job chatting on the phone sitting in your van, no work is getting done, and we just wanted to get him done and out of there so we could put our stuff back in, we had some on the porch, and with my mom being in a scooter, she needed to have room to move around, and she really didn't. So he finally got done, and left and we got our stuff moved back in, and I am just glad its done....................I love........LOVE the color in the the bedroom, but both colors look really nice, and feel much better too........its nice not to cringe when the boys would get on the floor, and now I can walk barefoot and it feels good. LOLWe had a BBQ and birthday dinner for a friend earlier this month and that went well..............had fun. Also this month we had the River Festival, which is a 9 day event...........they have some stuff to do........its really gone down hill in recent years...........everyone complains there is not enough for "them" to do............or not enough "big" name people who come..........We had Ruben the American Idol contestant from last year or the year before come last year.............but anyway...........we went to the Zoo and to Exploration place last week, and a few days at the actual Festival, and it was not much fun...............not as many people around, but enough to throw fits and think they are the only ones they don't move, or show respect for someone in a wheelchair..........not enough for the kids to do.........AJ got the 3rd degree practically from a guardsman for not having his button on the outside of his hoodie.......he had it on his shirt and seeing as how it started to rain, he had just put on the hoodie, but he made him show him the button..........even Aiden who was sleeping on my moms lap...........they MADE my mom show them his button too.............all for a stupid 5 dollar button.......we buy them, and I get that some people don't.............but to have the Air National Guards there to practically yell at people to "SHOW" their buttons was a bit much.........I guess the Festival people thought the "volunteers" that use to harass people were not enough, they needed someone that others might feel "threatened" by..........I have always bought and worn a button, but who wants to put a button on a 2 year old????? he might get pinched, poked or lose we would usually put his on his stroller or something, and they got all excited thinking we didn't have one, so they would approached and berate us for not having one and telling us we "better" buy a button............I don't even have fun going anymore.

Thursday, May 08, 2008


AJ not only came home yesterday from school in a better mood, but he made me flowers in art............below. They are pretty!!! He and a friend went to church last night too, and he was still in a better mood. LOL.

I took this last night, and I like this picture...............
This is the project I am working on..........I had to frog it once...........this will be an amigurumi thing......can you guess what it is? LOL

This Mr Goofy, I was taking a picture of him eating lunch and he comes up with putting his little train in his mouth, or rather it hanging from his mouth. LOL

I am tired today, my back is hurting.................My mother and I went to Dillions to get some groceries and some stuff for a BBQ/birthday dinner we are having Saturday. We also went to Papa Murphys to get the new taco pizza for lunch........yummy. Aj and I went to his open house today in Middle school. I like it so far..............and I am still nervous about AJ going into middle school, but I really like what this school does. So hopefully my fears will subside.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


I am at my wits end with AJ..............I have had enough fighting with him..............he has really tested my nerves lately.............its always something with him lately. He is always wanting something from the store, and when I say no, its a downward debate from there..............fighting with him to stop fighting with me...........him not listening......and when he gets grounded, its another fight......him arguing with me.................He had an attitude this weekend.............He spent all day Saturday with a friend..................then Saturday night he had friends over complained when they had to leave.............Sunday we spent all day at the park..........he got to ride the paddle boats, train, play mini golf, and play with his friend all day..............came home and found something to complain about.......Monday he gets home from school and starts complaining about a book he wants from the book fair...........won't leave me alone until he is grounded.......I come in from outside to find him yelling at I tell him to come sit in the dining room in a chair, and not talk or do anything.............then I turn away, turn back and find him up getting a book..............I told him no, find him reading it I took it away. The rest of the night was ok...............but then today was another day of fighting.........I had to run to walmart and asked if he wanted to go, but he was not getting anything, so he asks anyway, I say no.....and he complains, so I tell him that I am really sorry I made the mistake of asking him to go with me..............So I get Aiden ready to go, and AJ comes out front and starts in again...................So I just leave.................come home and he seems in a better mood, until dinner time............I am in the kitchen and hear Aiden yelling in the dining room, so I ask Aj whats wrong and he says "nothing" so I come out since Aiden is still yelling, and that "nothing" was AJ with his feet on Aidens Chair!!! So he gets into trouble for that..............after dinner they are in the room, and Aiden again starts screaming.............AJ says nothing, Aiden is still screaming and that "nothing" turns out to be AJ laying on his bed, with his feet hanging over the bed in Aidens face.................So I have Aj come out to do his homework, tell him he is going to bed an hour earlier and no he does his homework and wants me to sign a paper for another Recorder, because he didn't get the color he wanted the first time I bought one.............I tell him no way, that is with it.................I want a ring from Wal-Mart that I have had to take back after buying it to pay a bill...................but I don't go giving everyone a hard time because I didn't get what I wanted..............he tried to argue, but I told him flat out he was grounded..........I am soooooooooooo tired of dealing with his attitude........I am sure I am making it sound worse than it is............but I am so fed up right now...............I actually look forward to him going to school.................which is rare for me..............I actually looked forward to him having days off and stuff..............not now.........I enjoy the quiet time that he is in school..........Aiden is still too young to bug me as much as AJ does. LOL I told AJ that I am struggling to pay bills, and get the stuff that he and Aiden do NEED..........that I don't need to hear his attitude because he didn't get the color recorder he wanted the first time I bought it.

Monday, May 05, 2008

It's Monday

This are two very pretty bookmarks and a book from Kairi in France, this was for our Buddy Swap in April. I hope she likes mine.

This is a Birdhouse Bells I did, and don't like it one bit, not sure why. The bottom picture is a pink heart square I did for a swap. I like it.

Well I did a cardio workout this morning..........I didn't get through the whole thing........she moves from one thing to another really fast..........I did that for 15 minutes and stopped, I figured just starting out that was fine.......I will work 10 minutes on the treadmill and 10 minutes on that ski machine or whatever it is called...........I did do about 5 minutes on the stair steppy thing this afternoon, and that was plenty!! LOL I will do strength training tomorrow and Thursday.

I also got my package boxed up for my SS, but forgot to take pictures!! I don't really want to pull everything out again.

I have decided to work on a few comforghan squares for some I have a couple more swap stuff to finish up on.

I have been waiting for a long time to post pictures to this blog, but it is not going through.

I took the boys to the park yesterday with chris and they all had a blast, Aiden rode the train twice and the boys played mini was crowded, but a good day. AJ and Chris went out on the paddle boats and luckily came back in one piece and drenched, but luckily not from falling in!! They kept going under the water fountain. LOL

I see the pictures finally uploaded, but one is missing, so uploading again, then will go rest a bit.