
Sunday, August 31, 2008


Well today has been a relaxing day.............I took the boys to lunch this afternoon, and on our way home, the thunder started to rumble................we heard quite a bit, and the clouds were dark................we all decided to sit on the porch and watch the storm, but it barely rained, the ground never got wet, and I ended up getting bit by that was enough for me.................I am about done with some squares for a lady I tested for on Crochetville..................I had tested some for her and mailed them but so far she has not gotten them, and I know she should have gotten them by I am redoing them, since I love her squares so much. I just bought a new pattern she did yesterday and can't wait to get started on that..........

I am going to go start on a frog I am testing..........woohoo I just got the pattern!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Crochet Update

I did this frog tonight for my Amigurumi Swaps & More group, and it came out really cute, I enjoyed this one, and it worked up fast.
This bird is called a love bird, and took me a week to make..............why??? because everytime I sat down at night to work on it after the house got quiet, I would fall asleep!! LOL Anyway it came out cute.
I got this in the mail as a wish swap from Debbie, and talk about cute!!!that is a kewpie pirate doll...............very darn cute!!!! I love the angel and snowflake too.......will be using these for Tree decorations.

I also received some Christmas colors from Jessica..........I can't wait to get started on Christmas patterns with this yarn.

Quiet House Now?

Well my uncle Jimmy left today........I don't think I will write too much about the visit, I am too tired to do the amount of space used would be tremendous!!! After my Aunt Tina left, my brother Charlie, his wife, Karen and son Dylan came that Thursday...........then Grandma and Aunt Sophia............all was wild and loud...............we took a zillion pictures, with my aunt Sophia taking the most! LOL Everyone had cameras, so it was like take one with mine, now mine! LOL It was funny at times................very stressful for I did all the cooking and cleaning up every single day..............I lost count how many times I cleaned in a day.........I didn't get to visit as much as I would have liked to........since I was always up cleaning and/or cooking.............So I am not happy about that, but oh well..............Anyway the picture above is taken by my camera and using the timer.......we wanted to get all of us in the picture..........I won't make you laugh with telling you how MANY times we had to try this!!!!
AJ with his Great Grandma
my brother, Charlie, nephew Dylan, sister-in-law Karen, and my Aunt Sophia
This was this afternoon at the bus station, my uncle Jimmy, my dad, and my rotten Aiden.
AJ, my grandma and myself
my brother, Charlie and grandma
my uncle Jimmy with my dad his brother
my uncle Jimmy and myself on the day he got here.
Aiden, me, and AJ
Grandma and me

I am really tired and will post again on crochet. Which I have done very very little of the past week, and am looking forward to getting back into it.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Well last Monday my Aunt Tina and my cousins from my moms side came for a surprise visit.............I had just spent all that morning cleaning the kitchen cabinets and had just taken my shower when the door bell rang............I had not seen my aunt Tina since I was about 6 years old...........neither had my this was really special for all of us...........above is a picture the day they arrived......that is AJ, Aiden, Siera, and Thomas my cousins...........well AJ and Aiden are my sons..........duh huh? you knew that already. AJ and Thomas really clicked as friends and Aiden took to Siera big time............Siera has two other sisters and one is only 3 so she is use to a little one running around her. LOL

This is my cousin Stacy............Thomas is her son...........she is sweet and we all had we were taking pictures with all the camera........its was pretty funny!!!!
This is myself with my Aunt Tina, and I will spare my mom any pictures of herself, she hates to have her picture taken, and doesn't like it when I post too much of her on there you go pictures of you........atleast in this post anyway. LOL We all really had a good time................they were here until Thursday afternoon.........Wednesday night, Stacy wanted to take her friend, Judy and I out to a we did that..........and I remember Old Town from when I was younger and the clubs were always huge and new you go down there and the clubs are industrial looking and the bar was so small, my fireplace was bigger...............we ended up in a really small bar, you could not hear yourself talk, let alone anyone else...........I had two Sex on the Beach, a Smirnoff, and a shot of something I still can't think of the was too loud!! We stayed only a couple of hours, they had to get back to the hotel, check out time was early. AJ and Aiden were bummed to see them leave.......and so was mom and I, but it was a really nice visit. My brother, his wife and Charlie were coming that Thursday too.............and AJ drove me crazy asking when they were going to get here............they arrived around 5 or so and we all had spaghetti for dad and my brother went to pick up my grandma and Aunt Sophia from the airport.............they got in later than expected because they had missed their layover flight in GA........they came to the house for a little while..then back to the hotel because it was getting late.

I gave Charlie and Karen with Dylan the boys room, and I and the boys slept in the living room camped out on the floor, AJ actually slept on the couch.................Anyway that is it for now, and more posts on the visit will come......I am making breakfast right now............Grandma and Aunt Sophia are leaving this afternoon.
This was taken with my cell phone in Wal-Mart Monday of my little Aiden shopping, that is his backpack/diaper bag on his back..........I wanted to get the picture of him checking out the tomatoes, because he was holding them up comparing them to each other and was just too darn cute. LOL
Look at the cute smile!!!! How incredibly cute is that face???? LOL he was being so cute and good in the store.

Ok off to finish breakfast. Not much to update on the crochet front...........ohhhh that reminds me I have to charge my camera batteries.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

New Week Ahead

Well last week went well.............
This was the sunrise on AJs first day of school, pretty huh? AJ got his camera out to take some shots as well...........He really had a nice morning, had a big breakfast and got ready fairly quickly.............the bus was even early.
Here is AJ waiting......wearing his school t-shirt and shorts.......handsome huh? He was so nervous and excited at the same time.
Myself with AJ before he left............he came home really excited saying the day was AWESOME!! I am really glad he thought so, and he says its better than elementary school because of the different classes he takes..............He brought home his huge agenda the second day and I will get a picture of that tomorrow........but its huge and they have to carry it around everywhere.........even lunch..........everything for every class is in that binder........and when you think of it makes a lot of just go to your locker get that class book and off you go, no frantically searching through everything to find the stuff you need for the next class. So his first week was success.............lets hope it continues that way.

Well my handsome Aiden here...........Today went well.............we hung around outside today, it was so nice out..........a cool breeze and I wanted the boys to play outside for most of the day, no inside watching tv and playing playstation or on the computer...........we wanted to clean up the backyard, but after dropping Chris off at home and visiting for awhile, we realized it had rained a lot since we had been inside and kept raining a bit after that, so the rest of the night was spent crocheting and letting the boys play with toys...........I did clean up thier room a bit and will get up with AJ in the morning to get an early start on cleaning. I want to have the whole house cleaned before our relatives come on Thursday

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Crochet Update

I got these very beautiful angels from Kairi in France for our buddy swap..........I have her angel done, but was wondering if I should mail it with her doily, I have to send to her 3 times this month, so it might make more sense to me to mail it all at on money too. I love these angels and they are already displayed on my mantle.

I got this swap package from my Secret pal for the month of August and talk about awesome...........I love the candles and have been using them every night since I got them...........the Boye steel hook is awesome, I wanted this so bad, so when I saw this, I was so happy, I about freaked out!!! it has 14 steel hook heads, I will try to get a better picture of it tomorrow.
This was from my secret pal as well.....for the month of July which was Kitchen..........lovely colors that go perfectly with our kitchen..........I loved this package.
This is my handsome Aiden the other on camera says this was taken in shot here. LOL he is sooooo handsome

Got this shot this morning before we left the very handsome boys............

Monday, August 11, 2008

New Group

I love amigurumi and there are just not enough swaps in my opinion for I decided to start a yahoo group called
Amigurumi Swaps and More
I made the group today, so its brand spankin new!!! So if you love to crochet amigurumi, please check the group out......I want to have other swaps as well, but our main focus will be amigurumi, we will have one if not more every month........I am hoping to see this group around for a long time.

Aj had a doctors appt today, he had a check up for school...........everything looks fine with him, he did have to get 3 shots, which he did not like at all......but he survived!! LOL

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Well its been one of those weeks..............LOL all week I kept feeling like it was Sunday and now that it is Sunday I am left wondering what day it is. I am just that tired........I have had a headache almost everyday this past week, and today I got one and it came on fast............I took some Tylenol, that helped, but it came far though not as bad as earlier...........
It's been a gloomy day yesterday and today..........we decided to take down the pool yesterday, it got all yucky again, and I had chemicals in it, but we needed a new filter and could not find one, the stores are not selling the pool supplies, they are fazing out that stuff. So I decided that if I had to empty it again, there was no way I was going to refill it again. So we are now left with this huge ugly mud "circle" in our backyard, I am hoping that we get some grass in that spot before the cooler weather comes. Anyway its muddy and wet back there, and the sun did just peak out now....................NOW??? It waits until 7:30 to come out and rear its sunny face at us??? IT could have made a grand entrance a lot........A LOT EARLIER!!
I cleaned up the closet and the dining room, and then made my father put the rails back down in the basement............they had been off for a long time, and the way the steps are, we needed them back on...............I also took some pictures of the walls down there, we have a structural engineer coming out Wednesday to inspect the walls down there and in the closet........I also checked out my holiday decorations, and so far they don't seem to have that musty smell that my yarn had when I had brought it up from down there.........its on the other side of the basement so I am hoping that is why. I am glad it doesn't smell.
I am also starting AJ on his school schedule tonight, so he will be in bed early tonight and up early tomorrow, I want him to be ready for Wednesday, He will be getting up really early compared to elementary school. I know I should have gotten him started a couple of weeks ago........but oh well...............Right now Aiden is whining, he wants ice cream, but I said no, because he didn't eat his dinner...............he is at that stage where he wants to eat what he wants when he wants............but I keep telling him no, so we will see how that goes........he is also tired, so when AJ gets out of the shower I will get Aiden in the bath............and then get them ready for bed soon. I will let them watch a cartoon then lights and tv off. They won't be very happy. :D I am hoping they both fall asleep early..............
I finally remembered to get Aidens hair cut earlier this week.......the pictures were taken with my cell phone, so they are not very good.

This is before..............he was so happy, eating his happy meal and playing with his toy.................being all goofy and smiley.......but that didn't last.................:(
You can see from this after shot that he was non too happy with his mommy..............but look at how darn cute he is? He sat in the chair like a good boy, and only cried a bit, no screaming, just a small little cry...........he didn't fight either which was good................The one thing he HATES about getting his hair cut, is the hair that falls on him..........he does not like having hair on him, or anything for that matter, if he gets food or dirt on him, he wants it off. LOL
Looking much happier the next day..............Look at that handsome smile? My Mr little man!!!
Well AJ is done with his shower, so its time to get Aiden in the bath and ready to relax.................I think this is just wishful thinking on my part, but hey............I have to think positive don't I??????? YEAH RIGHT!!


Well I just heard from my Aunt Miriam, she called to give us the flight information on when my Aunt Sophia and Grandma are going to be in on the 21st. I also heard that my uncle Jimmy will also be here that day as well. He will be staying with us. Not sure if my brother and his family will be able to stay a whole week or when they are coming, he has two bosses, one says he can't come, and the other says he doesn't care. :/ Anyway going to be a busy that week.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Crochet Update

I received these very cute amigurumi for a swap in the Crochet_Swaps_Galore group, Marje did these and they are just the cutest.
I tested this square for Donna, (SmoothFox) on Crochetville, this square is called, "Heart of a Child" she does these for charity afghans for children,

This one is called, "Pretty in Pink 4 Hearts", and is such a beautiful square, and works up fast.......
this is a 6x9 rectangle called, "I love my Country" I also tested this for her last night and she has also made a side by side version.....I love this and think it will make a really neat afghan. Please check out her Etsy site, and if you buy the patterns, please think about making a square or two and send to her for her charity afghans. I will update her link when she is ready.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

One very HOT Saturday

Wow it was hot today.......I was going to keep the boys in the house, but I wanted to get some stuff cleaned up outside....we ended up going out back......we had let the water out of our pool last week, I kept forgetting to put chemicals in and it got icky.....we were going to move it so that is why we decided to drain it, but the grass needing mowing and I could not take the boys out back since the nasty water was still lying in there, and the bugs were horrible....finally decided today to start on it, I meant to only work a few minutes at a time.....but we got it cleaned out and smoothed back out on the ground and its now filling with water, will put the chemicals in tonight and hopefully tomorrow the levels will be was so hot out and I got really over heated, had to come in to take a shower and stay in, got a horrible headache, and then got cranky, I am fine now, took some ibuprofen and that is already easing up my headache.

The boys enjoyed playing in the water and my dad was only able to help a bit, I had to end up mowing the grass......LET ME SAY NOW........I HATE HATE HATE MOWING!!! My chest hurt afterwards, I was out of breath, and that darn mower did not like me!!! but the grass got cut, and now the front will need it tomorrow. :(

I finished a doily and will take pics tomorrow, I am also going to be testing two squares tonight for a lady over at Crochetville, and these squares are beautiful. I will enjoy testing them for her then sending them off to her with the first one I tested for charity blankets she makes. I will post pics and her info and shop when I am done.

Stay cool!!!

Friday, August 01, 2008


Wow it was really hot out today......the heat index made it dangerously hot today, so I kept the boys inside. I had been sitting out on the porch, but started sweating within a minute or two, and that is just too hot for me. My dad got stung by several bees on his foot yesterday and I must say his foot is looking rather gross right seems to be getting bigger and bigger each time I look at it. :(

Anyway we ran to walmart to fill some pain meds for him, and that was enough being outside for me....I spent the rest of the day inside watching a movie with the boys and resting while crocheting too. I am currently working on a doily, that I am trying to finish up tonight.

I am going to start back on it here soon.

They say the heat this weekend will be pretty bad as well, but hopefully if the weather is right, we are in for a bit of a cool down by late next week. I HOPE