
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sad Day

Today is a sad neighbor Mike died..........actually he is still on life support, but they are donating his organs, so he is still in the hospital.....Monday he was working at a school subbing for his favorite subject, Math, and collaspsed. It ruptered and his brain stem was damaged as well......I think anyway.......but this really hit me hard.......he has been my neighbor and friend to myself and my family for 5 years........he and his wife, were always there to help us, bring us stuff, cards, share thier life with us............we helped them when the ice storm hit and they had no heat or electric............we both did a lot for each other. His wife was a sweet lady, she crocheted like me, and we often would sit and talk or share our work..........but then she was diagnosed with Bi-polar and recently we found out she was Skitsofrenic..not sure if that is spelled right.........but he started to drink a lot and she was always off her medicine...........2 weeks ago, our neighbor across the street had to call the police because his wife threatened to kill the kids............she was in a bad state...........the police were over here talking with me, as well as the ladies from the hospital.........all agreed she was really in a bad state, and needed help, she was taken to hospitals several times, and they would are now finding out that those hospitals would not give her meds to her and would send her home saying they didn't know what else to do........Mike drank a lot and could not take care of her............I told the cops and ladies then that what will happen when he dies........where will that leave Kathy? then this morning, thier daughter came over to tell me about Mike...........I have cried several times...........he was good man who was lost a lot when his wife went downhill with her illness.........he didn't want to see her away from him............I will miss him.............I didn't think this would effect me so much.........but it has.............He was always there when someone needed him. My kids loved talking to him..........ok well AJ did........Aiden would just say, "hi mike" but now there will be no more hi, and no more hearing him tell jokes, laugh and just be Mike..........We will go to his funeral.........and we will help out as much as we are needed from the family........I will go visit Kathy once a place is set for her......

This is a sad day.

Rest in Peace, Mike, you will be missed.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Been Awhile

Well it was one hectic week and weekend............I did manage to finish up these squares for a wish for Cindy..........I also got them mailed the squares were done last week, but had to wait until today to mail.
I sent this for a Halloween partner received it and liked it, so I can post it now.
This guy almost became trash today.........I did not like him, I had to put him together, and had been so busy last week, that I didn't notice that I did his body colors in reverse........the gold was suppose to be his shirt and brown, his pants, so the arms and legs were mixed up..........but I decided to put him together and he is cute I think. So he was saved from the trash can.
My Aiden and myself

Aj and myself.

Aiden has his birthday party Saturday, he will actually turn 3 tomorrow........but his father, Thien was coming into town to see him and be here for the party.......he came Saturday afternoon..........and Aiden warmed up to him.........the party was a blast and everyone had fun............we decided on pizza and salad for dinner instead of a bbq............Sunday we had breakfast with Thien, and then headed out to Sears so Aiden and Thien could get their pictures done..........I will pick up the pics the 28th..........Thien had to leave Sunday, his flight took off at 7:30.........I was sad to see him go............but very happy he came to see Aiden..........we had an excellent time Saturday night............:D

Anyway today I wanted to relax and I was able to for some of the day, but once AJ got home, he really gave me attitude, so he is grounded now and I won't put up with it.

Now I am tired and wanting to rest and listen to music.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Tired Already

It's only Wednesday..........ok well Thursday morning now.........but I am so tired and wish I could have relaxed more yesterday..........AJ has no school Friday or Monday so that will be..............umm..................stressful........hopefully he won't bug me too much about who can come over and how bored he is.......LOL

Above is my witch I did for a Featured pattern in the Ami group.......I was upset when my hook didn't want to work anymore, the Ergonomic hooks............well the hooks would not stay in the handles Sissie suggested that I take my favorite hook and glue them I did, had two handles and used the G and H hook to glue in the handles. Now they work again.

I really need to get to bed............I am so tired. We went grocery shopping was depressing......the prices are outrageous..........I get that the prices were raised due to minimum wage being raised, and the companies can call it any excuse in the book, but bottom line is they are always looking for a way to raise prices.......why doesn't the government step in and put a cap on how much something can be raised..............Chicken thighs use to be they were 7.96............OMG!! My Tilapia fish went up 6 dollars.............I am sorry but that is just too much.......I am sick to death of hearing the excuses..........oh its the weather...........oh its the gas prices..............oh its the this and its that...........but its not us (the company) YEAH RIGHT!! Why can't some dork in a suit actually tell the truth, tell it like it is........."We raised prices so we can make a huge HUGE profit and fill our pockets and live much better than YOU!"


Monday, October 06, 2008


I thought I was getting tired of Halloween crochet, but I had this pattern that was a CAL in my Amigurumi Swaps & More group. He is called Frankenrumi click his name to go directly to the pattern, he worked up really fast, in about 30 minutes and he is just the cutest thing!!!! I could not find any white felt, so I just crocheted a triangle.......and I was lucky enough to find two matching screws.........he is adorable and I would make him again.........

It rained all day...............even thundered and lighetning out.............we haven't had a storm in awhile............My father had to go out this morning to help Scott get the kids off to school, and one of my wipers kept falling off the van......weird, but I think my dad got it on right since it has not fallen off again.........I had to go pick up Amanda from school, and I let her drive home, once we got out of the major school conjestion.............and just as we got out of the van, it poured down I had to go back out to drive down to the corner to pick up Chris from his bus stop...........he got off the bus didn't see me and was running, I kept honking my horn, and after the 3 honk he noticed me!! LOL

We just had dinner, and Aiden ate everything on his plate!!! I was able to get some cleaning done the living room done.................I just need to dust the dining room and clean the floors. Not looking forward to that. My back has been bothering me a lot lately.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

I am Brave!!

I have been too busy today..........first I had my father take Aiden over to Scotts so we could wrap his presents for his birthday in a couple of weeks, and I also needed to clean out the closet.........which I had just gotten done and went to sit down and crochet, when Scott called me and told me his tire was flat!! He was really bummed about that and some other things that had been going on that I told him I would leave earlier than I had expected to. So I told him he could just take my van and go to the store while I finished cleaning up his apartment...........So he did that.........and when Amanda came home, she was amazed at how clean the apartment was and how fast I had gotten it done.....I worked my butt off...........I didn't sit in front of the computer, or tv, I had everything off and just did it..............and it got done........and ended up looking really we had a good dinner..........Aiden actually took a nap over there........woohoo!!! I watched the season opener of CSI Miami.............then came home to get the boys settled down early.............I have to get up early in the morning! Anyway Amanda comes out to the living room saying I have to take her to the store to get "girl things" LOL she got to drive my van...........I was so nervous, but for someone who has not driven my van before, she did a good job...........I also didn't yell at her and that helps.......apparently Heather likes to "yell" things to Amanda.......unless you are about ready to collide I don't think yelling at a teenaged driver who is learning is a good thing!! Anyway above is a picture of her pulling into Wal-Mart...........
Here we are safe and sound in the parking lot!!!! She did a good job!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

So Tired

I am worn out!!! LOL the morning was fun.........we made blueberry pancakes and bacon, which apparently Aiden doesn't like the pancakes anymore..........I think its the texture.......he got a piece in his mouth and went eww...........and never even chewed....LOL he is the same way with mashed potatoes now. The boys played outside with some friends before we had to leave for soccer.........which we left way too early!!! I need to remember not to leave so early..........I got sunburned on my right side.........can you tell where the sun was?? LOL.............the game was fun to watch, both teams played really well, but in the end, the Green Mamba's lost.......(our team) Anyway we left and came home and Scott was suppose to come over with Pizza for lunch, but he has a mess to clean up, so I just went to Wendys for lunch.........and then ran some errands, went to different Walgreens looking for a particular purse for my mom.....and Halloween decorations........I found some for outside, but not a whole when we got home, I had my father help me put them up...........I think we have a bit more to do...........but we have a web out there and stuff........I will take pictures tomorrow.........the boys had a lot of fun playing outside...........then Scott and Chris finally got here............and watched a bit.............AJ is spending the night over there.................they can drive Scott crazy!!

So all in all a good day!! I have not gotten to crochet all day, and I am hoping to tonight.

Thien is coming for Aidens birhtday this month, and I need to decide for sure what day I want to have it on that weekend.

Thursday, October 02, 2008


AJ had conferences today and my gosh I am so proud of him.........his grades are awesome 6 As, 1 B and 1 C and the C is for missing assignments, so once he gets them turned in, he will have a B......they also give an academic progress report, which is a print out of all the work they have done this first 9 weeks..............and the grades for each Social Studies.......he has gotten a 100% on everything!!! his reporting term Avg is 100% I guess he really likes that subject!
We moved this truck from the back to the front and the kids play in it more now than when it was in the back.....which was probably due to all the nasty spiders out there.
I received this Doily and pattern kit from Kairi in France today..........its funny because she got my package today too. I love this and can't wait to start on my pattern.
I just love clearance!! But also sad to see this yarn go from Wal-Mart, this was a dollar.........I cleaned them out and have 5 other stores I could check out!! LOL
I can post this picture my swap partner, Joni received it...........this was for a Halloween/Autumn swap, she preferred Autumn, she is the one who sent me the scarecrow tissue holder...........this fits over a 2 liter bottle and was hard to part with as he was just too cute.