Do you remember what you were doing that day? I remember it well......AJ was 4 years old and we had errands to run. So we never turned on the tv, just got ready and out the door we went. I know I was aggravated that there was no music playing, every radio station was talk.....and I didn't stop to listen, just complained to myself on why no music was playing.....I was rushed, I wanted to get my errands done before traffic picked up, before others were rushing around to do their errands too. I wanted to get home and spend some time with AJ, probably crochet a bit too. I also had to hurry because I had to work that night at Best Western. We stopped to get lunch, and that is when I heard about it......we picked up our food and left instead of eating it there as we planned......I drove home feeling ashamed of myself for rushing through my day......for not stopping to listen.....for not realizing that if every radio station was talking.......then they MUST be talking about something important. I immediately turned on the tv, and started to cry....it didn't take long!! It was horrifying!! It was heart wrenching...and having to go to work that night was hard.......it was so quiet there......I just wanted to be home with my family. We received a few calls from people complaining about their flights being cancelled and how they had to get a reservation....I wanted to leave! Luckily they made us all go home. WE all knew nothing was ever going to be the same. You just looked at everything and everyone differently. I didn't have the usual thoughts in my head that I usually did......The only thoughts I had were about those people on the planes........those people in the towers, those people outside the towers watching in horror.........those family members watching and listening to this all going on and knowing a loved one was there. The people who worked at the Pentagon, their loved ones watching that as well. Then the passengers on flight 93......who had known what had happened already.......I sit here and cry thinking of all of them, thinking of all of us here.............how our life has changed because of this........I can't breathe or see because I am crying too much, too hard, and then I think to myself that I can't even begin to come close to what those people on that day who were directly in the path of all this.......how can any of us not there imagine......we can only imagine what we might be thinking in that situation........or if we had loved ones there.......and that thought is just too much to think.......but we think it anyway, because we are human and we can't help it! I am so PROUD of everyone who was involved that day and the days, weeks, months, years, and many more to come. YOU risked your lives and some gave up/lost their lives. Doing what??? HELPING and GIVING HOPE to those who needed it most that day. I AM PROUD of the strangers who lent a helping hand, a helping shoulder, and even both hands to hold them in the destruction. Who found someone they didn't know, who was stuck, or who was trying to get out too........and they comforted them......stood by them........made sure they were not alone.........they did that not only for a stranger they didn't know...but for themselves too......because they needed that comfort too, they needed that hand to hold, that shoulder to lean on.........that comfort of knowing they were not alone. It is hard to see through my tears as I type this........I know my words echo much of what millions think and have said.........I know that no one will ever forget that day..........That day, those people, the heroes.........the whole world.......DESERVE respect.......DESERVE that same comfort, DESERVE to have everyone remember that day, and give that same comfort to someone in need.
I was watching one of the specials on the History Channel today about the attacks on 09-11-2001. I was listening to survivors and family members of those who did not make it......I was crying so much........I couldn't stop. My little Aiden was playing with his legos on the floor and he got up, climbed up on my lap and snuggled up against me.....he stroked my cheek, patted my shoulder....he never said a word.......he just gave me what I really needed....his love, comfort and his hug. He kissed me. That moment is one I WILL NEVER FORGET either. NEVER! I went into AJs room and hugged him, told him how much I loved him. I am incredibly grateful that I have my family. You all should be grateful of yours as well.. I am sure we all are, but lets try harder to not let everyday life and stress get to us so much that we forget what is MOST IMPORTANT in our lives. FAMILY AND FRIENDS. BE PROUD OF WHO YOU ARE, BE PROUD OF BEING AN AMERICAN. If there is something in this world you don't like........want to change? STOP.....first lets change ourselves and how we think........then maybe the other things will start to change or seem less important in our minds.