My very handsome AJ and me

Karen, my sister-in-law and myself

My little handsome guy, Aiden and me

Karen, my brother, Aj and Dylan

all around the table

My brother and me

Dylan and myself
Ok , I know I have been very quiet lately, I am very sorry, but things have been so busy around here since Thanksgiving, and then this past week, I have been very sick, first little Aiden got an awful cold which he still has, then AJ got it, and then me...........and I had a headache for days last week, and could not shake it. Finally got rid of it and I am hoping it does not make another trip my way!! LOL.
I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving............We did.......my brother and his wife with my nephew came up and they got here Wednesday evening.............I had a heck of a time running errands Wednesday, but managed to get it done and home before they got in.. We had decided on chilli for dinner, since it had turned so cold outside, and that way they would have a hot dinner waiting for them. My sister-in-law just started to crochet, so we had loads to talk about.........she crocheted the whole time they were here...............making my brother a black and turquoise blanket. We had 3 boys running around, my nephew, Dylan is 5 and the cutest..................all the boys got along really well for the most part, which is always good. Thursday rolled around and we were getting last minute stuff done. Most was done the night before.....................we had gotten snack trays to snack on but decided to take the boys to a play house to play for lunch, so we could get some stuff done. Dinner was great! We were able to get everything done early and so we had time to relax until dinner time............turkey came out really good. Later that night we rested up and Friday came and we all just mainly lazed around.................but did put up the christmas tree, and it was really nice to have my brother and his family there to help with the tree, really made it special, and they are hoping to do this every year, so that will be great!!! Anyway, Friday night it started to snow, which Charlie and Karen were hoping for snow, and we got it. Saturday morning rolled around, and they were getting the car packed and before the snow melted they all had a snowball fight, us against the kids!! Kids won!! LOL Aiden mainly just watched and laughed at us. Rotten stinker.!!!
Then really this past week was just cleaning up a bit, and trying to relax, but then getting sick made it worse and I had a ton of errands to run................did a bit of christmas shopping last week, and am actually feeling better.
It rained today, and was actually pretty warm out. AJ went out with a friend, so I and a friend took her son and Aiden to McDonalds playhouse to play, and it was so crowded, everyone had the same idea! LOL
I am done with my living room Afghan, just haven't gotten around to taking pictures yet.
Tomorrow I am hoping for another relaxing day.