
Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Aiden with his laptop, yesterday.
Taken today while i was cleaning the back yard, my father and Aiden were out front waiting for AJ to get off the bus. Really cute!
Well Aiden is doing better.........thankfully, he really had me worried! I went and sat out back for the longest time tonight, and really thought about a lot of stuff. I think I let myself get pulled in too easily. I let people in too close. I really need to stop. I have "cleaned" up my buddy list, and am going to concentrate on my crochet groups, and those that have been great friends online. Of course concentrate on my friends close to me. I visited briefly with a friend this afternoon, and will visit with her again probably tomorrow.

I am so tired tonight, and have an awful headache! I cleaned up the back yard today, and I think that was too much, my back is hurting and now I have a headache. I think I have a fever, I feel way too hot to the touch, but am cold too. AJ has one more day this week, then has Friday off. His leg is better. I want to get some pictures tomorrow of him playing his bass and hopefully some outside. Its been so beautiful.......................I am also counting down until Friday.......................Stargate Atlantis is starting a new season!!! WooHoooo.


I cancelled AJs soccer game, he fell down the back porch and hurt his leg nothing too serious, but it was pretty red and swollen...........and now my little Aiden is just screaming and screaming..............I tried everything, food, drink, bouncing him, trying to play, sing, talk to him...............rocking him, taking him outside, he just pushes himself away from me and is on the floor wiggling around..............screaming..................I don't know if he hurts, but its breaking my heart.......................I am letting my dad try something, but its not working, so I am off to see what else I can do...................This is just not a normal cry or fit..........something is wrong.


I have to brag a bit about my son, AJ. I was going through some papers from school from the beginning, and came across some assignments. One math paper he brought home last week.............his score? 100% :D I was so proud, it showed me that he really worked hard and did his best. Other papers he brought home have 90% and up......He is doing so much better, and I am really impressed!! Not to mention the 100% he has been getting on his spelling test every week.

He has soccer practice today and I do have to make sure he practices his bass..........he did finally get a new case for it, so it was much easier to carry.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Crochet Survey

1. What made you want to learn Crochet?

I was pregnant with AJ who is now 9 and I was high risk, so was in bed a lot......I wanted to learn to make blankets which I love......I tried Knitting first, but just could not handle that at all.

2. What was the first thing you crocheted? Did it come out right?

A scarf, it was in the back of the book i had, and it came out all funny shaped, not even at all, I kept having to take it apart and redo it, and it never came out thing I tried was a wrap around for my mother, it came out perfect!! I don't know how that happened!!! LOL

3. Was there something you just could not figure out for the longest time?

LOL this will be embarassing........but the slip knot!!! took me forever, then when i figured out what it was, I felt so stupid!!!!!!

4. Have you made something for yourself but ended up giving it away?

yeah, I just did a butterfly garden 12" square for myself, it was huge and my mother insisted I had made it for her, so I gave it to her, and she has it on her queen size bed.

5. Have you crocheted anything that you are really proud of?

Yeah Baby blankets for Aiden, I made some really pretty ones and I love how they came out. I was really proud of one of my very first blankets from when AJ was a toddler, but he took scissors to it and at the time I was not that good, and just threw it away, it was pretty mangled!!

6. Is there anything you have crocheted that you will never get rid of?

Yeah Aidens baby blankets, and AJs star wars blanket I crocheted for him, both of the boys' red, white and blue afghans, actually I don't "plan" on getting rid of anything unless I crocheted it specifically for someone.

7. Do you or have you thought of selling your crochet?

No, I never thought of it.........I am not sure I ever will.

8. Have you ever designed a pattern?

Yes I did, when I was making AJs Star Wars afghan, he wanted more ships and I only had the patterns for a few, but finally decided to make some, I had him bring me out some of his favorite ships from the movies and went from there. I was and still am very proud of myself for that, and am wanting to work on some more.

9. Is there something you want to crochet, but don't think you can?

Doilies, my mother is in love with the lacy doilies, but I don't think I will ever be able to do that, its very hard to work with the thread and the smaller hooks, I have bad hands and nerve damage in my fingers, I would love to but can't.

10. Have you ever regretted giving one of your crochet items away?

I was asked by my neighbor to crochet her something for her husband.......I agreed, and she chose a triangle granny, and wanted it done in purple and yellow color.........then I did one triangle in yellow for the middle of the triangle, and did the others with yellow in the middle and purple on the outside of the triangle granny. I put them together in the shape of a triangle with yellow as the border of putting them together...added some fringe and absolutely loved how it came out!!! This twit was so rude to me while I was doing it, she wanted it done in a day!!! got all pissed when i said no, since it was about a week before Christmas...........she kept trying to change things around in the middle of me working on only took me a few days to do..........but she just drove me crazy, I hated doing the favor for her, but her husband was so grateful and loved it, but it was the last time I agreed to do anything for her.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Torture! LOL

I decided to get Aidens haircut today...........he needed one badly, and I took a before picture but i must have accidently deleted it. Anyway his very first hair cut he did really well for.........never cried or fussed.............but now...........OMG........its like torture to him..........these are some of the pictures from today.............You can see from the first two, that he was not a happy camper! He is sitting on my dads lap for this.
and the Final!!! Isn't he handsome..............this was taken about 30 minutes later you can see he stopped crying, but see how puffy his face is............pretty sad huh? He was eating here. LOL
I am not sure why he gets so upset, but hopefully he will calm down. I was going to let AJ let his hair grow out, but he has pictures in October, so will get his hair cut done closer to that time..........and let it grow out after that, if he still wants to.

Anyway Its been a long day, my knees are still burning and hurt, and my fingers hurt too! From all the crocheting. I finally finished up my snowman stocking and ornament and need to get them packaged up to mail off, well the stocking is for us so that doesn't need mailed off.

Well I am pretty sad right now and need to get off of here and get the living room cleaned!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Yarn Heaven

My very handsome future soccer star.....he wants to be just like his big brother.
See what "grandpa" is teaching him???
"My really cool little dude"

Ok I have been hearing stories about how Wal-Mart is getting rid of their craft the other day when i was in there I start to go into panic mode................someone was taking yarn off the shelves and it was so empty.............I was full mode panic..............desperately fighting the urge to tell Wal-Mart dare they get rid of my yarn!! Who do they think they are..............I don't want to drive to the boonies to get my yarn and pay out the rear for it!! Then I see pricing stickers, but could not tell if they were blank or they were simply raising the prices like they have with just about everything else.............Well today I made a trip to Wal-Mart and GUESS WHAT!!??? Not only did they change the price.........IT WAS CHEAPER!! and..................DRUM ROLL......................NEW COLORS!!!!! :D OMG such joy!!!! my heart skipped a few beats, I even think I may have been attractive is that huh??? I was in my glory.................such pretty shades...........lets see they had "Camo Pink"............another called "Lipstick"and another called "Cherry Chip" WOOHOOO.............even Zebra print!!! I bought the colors except the zebra will buy that another trip since i had to get some white, but you can bet I will start stocking up on these colors as I have yet to see them anywhere I am not sure they are new at Wa-mart or NEW NEW colors!! I can't wait to use them.

So my Sunday was a good one...............came home though and I think I might have pulled a muscle..........LOL My side was getting some awful pains so had to lay down for a few.............

Saturday was pretty relaxing...........after cleaning up so much on Friday I needed the rest. Aj had gone to see the Kansas Jayhawks play..............thats football for you NON SPORTY TYPES!!! LOL me included in that!! LOL Anyway he had a lot of fun and wants to go back, he even wants to maybe play football..........just one of my many nightmares concerning my list of "Things i don't want my kids to do in life" of course i get people pointing out that soccer causes more injuries than football.............yes maybe so, but football injuries are worse when they happen.........all those guys running around carrying and after this little ball.....................and BAM...........right into each other, piling on top, omg that is just too much for me..............but he wants to much as I would love to just say no................i don't want to based on my fears. I am make that praying............PRAYING...............that he changes his mind, or tries it and doesn't like it. :D happy days for me if that happens!!!

So anyway I am a bit disappointed in one of my granny of the squares started to unravel, and apparently the ends were cut very short and knotted at the very they unraveled!! I tried to fix it, but there were other knots in I will undo that whole strip and just replace that square, and the one next to it as the ends are very short on it too. It might have been someone new to crocheting, and they will learn the hard way that you have to leave a long tail to crochet or weave into the square. So nothing that can't be fixed.

I will finish up some swaps tonight, just need to finish up the faces of some snowmen I have done, and get them packaged up.

Sonic Drive-In

My mom wanted a burger and smoothie from Sonic is how that went........

I pulled in and pressed the button right away........after a few voices of people talking to each other I finally hear this

Sonic.........Hi thank you for choosing Sonic can I take your order?

Me............Yes I would like a Sonic Cheeseburger with Mustard and a LARGE Strawberry/Banana Fruit smoothie and that will be all...............NOW I AM BEING VERY CLEAR AND SLOW AS I KNOW HOW FRUSTRATING THE OTHER END CAN GET WHEN A CUSTOMER IS GOING TOO FAST.

Sonic.............AFTER LONG PAUSE....................Ok, would you like Mayonanise or Mustard?

Me...................Mustard please.

Sonic..........AFTER ANOTHER LONG PAUSE.........ok to try a Chilli...........Sonic Cheeseburger...........

Me............No thank you

Sonic............YET AGAIN ANOTHER LONG PAUSE.............ok so I have a Sonic Hamburger and a Smootie with strawberry and banana....

Me...............No i want a cheeseburger.............

Sonic.................PAUSING AGAIN!!!! you want mustard or mayonaise on that hamburger?

Me...............NO i want a CHEESEBURGER with mustard!!!

Sonic............MAAM that is a cheeseburger.........

Me............well you read it back to me saying hamburger........and I want cheese on it.

Sonic.............So you want Cheese on it? Do you want mustard or mayonaise???


Sonic...............So I have a Sonic Hambur..................i mean Cheeseburger with Mustard on it.........and a fruit smoothie with strawberry and banana?

Me..............yes but I want a LARGE FRUIT SMOOTIE...........

Sonic.............Ok Sorry about that maam,

Me...............thats ok.

Sonic..............Ok that will be 5.88 your order will be right out.

Me............UMM........that price is wrong...........I want a large smoothie.

Sonic...........ok thank you


So doesn't that sound like fun????

Squares Squares and more Squares

I am requesting blues for my exchanges now......I love the different shades of blues, and these are really pretty........I got these from Adrian, her and I have been exchaning for awhile now and She does excellent work!!
These are also from Adrian.......the top ones are from the Traditional Granny Scrap swap, and surprisingly I like the fall colors in these. The bottom ones are from the Red White and Blue Swap, hoping to do more of these for an afghan in these colors.
this is the bear ghan I am doing for Aiden........I decided to have two solid color squares in between, but I don't know I Might change it and use a white/warm brown color for each plain square in between, instead of the solid colors.........not sure yet, but anyway here is how the strip looks so far, need to add more.
I did these squares earlier this year for a swap.
I also did these they are about 12" and I like the yo yo one, but need to find an easier way of putting them together.
I will post again later today, but right now I want to get started on some cleaning, I need to move our mattresses, so I can vacuum underneath.................and the boys want to play outside some too. So we need to take advantage of a day that is not too hot. Even though the nasty mosquitos seem to REALLY love us!!! I mean who can blame them...................I am really really sweet!!! LOL ; ) So are my boys! ok I better stop now, its getting deep in here!!

Friday, September 21, 2007

My Week

Christmas bow..........i plan on doing these for decorations...........i used the christmas red.
This is my rotten Aiden playing with his Thomas the Tank Trains, I called the company, and none of the trains we have are from the recall, so that was a great relief!
Another shot of him playing, this is so cute and hopefully the pic will clear up. I love how he pooches out his little lips and goes "choo choo" omg he is just too cute!!! He is such a cutey!
Aiden having a little snack! I think this was hot dogs and fishy crackers! He loved being able to sit in the chair and eat!

I took some more pictures with my camera today while the boys were outside playing, and will post them tomorrow. I was waiting to take more in the morning of AJ in his soccer uniform, but the coach called saying the game has been cancelled had been rescheduled from 9am to 1:30 because the other coach could not get players to commit to playing at the first time, and also could not get them to commit to the afternoon game.........I don't know why they bother to sign up. Anyway so Aj is going with Brett to a football game..........Aj is getting into football now.

Anyway our week went well....AJ is doing really good in school.......last week he got 100% on his spelling test and today he only missed one........he brought home some work that had been graded and got 100% on some math!!!! OMG I am just so proud of him, he is really working hard this year so far and I just hope he continues! AJ had a music program yesterday and they kids did a great job and sounded really good, I was not able to get any pictures because Aiden would not let me, he wanted the camera............and I really need to get another one, I found a pink one for only 60 dollars...........which would be fine for me...........the one i have now the batteries keep falling out.

Anyway I really need to get offline and relax, which is what I wanted to do, but my father is watching wrestling, mom is in the bedroom watching tv, and AJ is playing with Jesse in his room, so I don't have anything to do..........unless i want to go watch wrestling............i use to watch it a long time ago, but it just kept getting more stupid with each show

Halloween Decorations

this is the fireplace, and I will have to try to get better pictures.........but anyway you get the idea. The ghosts are lights and we have two haunted houses on both sides of the mantle that light up.
Another crappy picture! LOL
This is Ajs room, and I am not sure why the pictures are coming up on Blogger so fuzzy, but AJ really likes having his room decorated
AJs window..............hopefully these pictures will clear up soon, I have noticed that they come on blurry, but after awhile they clear up, not sure why.

I Really Need to Clean

Waiting to practice
you can see AJ is wearing his soccer shorts from last year, and a regular shirt......and what is up with the hat??? All of a sudden he wants to wear that hat! LOL
My future soccer star!!
Aiden Kicking around his soccer ball.
Who made my little guy cry??

Ok I am suppose to be cleaning...............I have got stuff piled on the dining room table waiting to be sorted...........I have a couple shelves dusted, but its not enough! I have to clean the bathroom and the dining room today!! The floors are in Desperate need of cleaning..............So will get to that............We had to have a plumber out here to fix our toilet yet again..............luckily thien called them the same day i called had been leaking for sometime though under it. now i have to clean the black prints off the toilet..............Anyway I will update later today with how my week has gone...........and some are some from the soccer practice AJ had this week.

I've Been Tagged

Lesalicious has tagged me, so here goes...............

Rules are: Once tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you. Then post the rules before your list, and list 8 random things about yourself. At the end of the post, you must tag and link to 8 other people, visit their sites, and leave a comment letting them know they've been tagged.

1. I am scared of a lot of things and hide it................I worry about everything.............I always think the worst of a if my boys are not home with me, I worry about what might happen...............if there is a storm, i want my family near me, so i know they are there.......When i drive, i think what if the truck in front of me stops and things fly out of his truck.............stuff like that! Drives me crazy. But luckily I don't it let control how i live.

2. I want to hurt those who have hurt me...............with words.............if i am hurt or angry I want to make them hurt too................another thing I hate about myself

3. I am addicted to chap stick!!! I can't stand dry lips! I literally go crazy if i don't have my chap stick with me...........I have several around the house and in every room!!! Several in my purse.

4. I am also addicted to crochet...............if i am not crocheting atleast sometime during the day I go crazy!!

5. I still get crushes at my age!!!.........................which is..................around 30 something..........LOL

6. Despite what I tell people................I still love my ex fiance..........even though i know we can't be together and I was the one who broke it off.............I still love him a great deal...........I honestly wish I could just stop...............:( He doesn't even seem to care about his first born son..........and that hurts more than I can explain in why do i still love someone like that??? I mean i don't want to be with him...........I know that........but how can i love someone who does that to his child........I guess his parents really did screw him up more than i thought. Which is really sad

7. I hate to shop!! I can never seem to make up my mind about what to buy, and people in the stores drive me mad..............and the cashiers seem to think they are not really there. LOL I personally think that Wal-Mart is secretly making robots for most of their employees................ever notice how automatic they are.......or that some don't ever make eye contact.........never say a word to you................SEE???? Robots.............i mean live people are being taking over my automatic response systems, that always say............"for your convenience please take advantage of our automatic reponse system.............which is basically for the stupid live people who don't want to talk to us!! I wonder if I can get Will Smith to come help me with the robots! LOL OMG wouldn't that be just so exciting!!???

8. I talk too much!!! LOL

There you have it now it's time for me to tag 8 more people. You don't have to do your 8 things about yourself but, it's up to you. Here go my 8 below


Sunday, September 16, 2007

Decoration Time

My very handsome boys!!!
This is AJ with his friends, Chris and Fernando
Today was a pretty good day..............we woke up to a very warm day, made scrambled eggs for breakfast, which the boys ate up like they had eaten in a year..............I could not handle it very well, didn't set too good..............AJ played with Chris for awhile, while Aiden and I took Barbara too Wal-Mart and I FINALLY remembered to get my craft stuff, wiggly eyes felt, stuff like that. I also got some Halloween decorations, as if we don't have enough............i got some hanging stuff and these two huge wall decorations for AJs room...........he wanted his room decorated this I also got spider webs.......which I hate using, but it sure looks cool. (the only time I can handle webs)

Got home and had my dad hose down the porch to get rid of the real webs and we got to hanging stuff out there...........I need to find an old white sheet to make a huge ghost to hang in front of the windows out on the porch, and a huge black one to make a bat. I also want to do a graveyard in our dead flower bed! LOL

So we got the halloween decorations out and I am tired, and have a headache already! LOL but it looks good. I am not sure I will crochet any more halloween stuff, maybe for AJs room..............some of the ones i did last year, he wanted in his room, so I let him have them. He was so excited about doing his room, and the webs look really neat. I will have to take some pictures tomorrow. I also did some webs in the living room, over the fireplace and the high window...........I am all out of webs........(THANKFULLY) and now will come the comments that halloween is still a month away................but I am not one of those people who put up decorations a few days before the actual holiday and then have to take them all down again so soon...............not me..............if people don't like me putting them up this early.......TOUGH!!

I did join a halloween swap on Crochetmania..............I am looking forward to that, and already have some things in mind.

I really need to get off now and finish up cleaning, take some pain pills and relax the rest of the night.

I will have some pictures up tomorrow.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


the Cowboy footballs, the "goody" bags from the party today
My handsome Aiden and I
My handsome AJ and me
Well I am really tired..................its been a week!!!! AJ had open house this past week, and two soccer practices. ........................I am really enjoying this fall like weather!! Yesterday I woke up to a cloudy day, no rain, but absolutely beautiful out and a bit chilly. Once AJ got home from school, I took the boys out to play and I actually got chilly, had to come inside. LOL......................Cleaned up a bit around the house..........and relaxed Aiden went to sleep early!!!! Yes folks, mark that down as a shocker!!! He stayed asleep the whole night and seemed to sleep a lot more restful than usual............he still has that nasty cold and its turning more into a cough and congestion! :( Anyway AJ also fell asleep too.........he was tired. I made sure he got all his soccer stuff ready for this morning. I didn't even make him clean his room, he was just too tired................................We did get up this morning early, rather I did, and had to drag AJ out of bed...........LOL...........but told Aj to get his room cleaned up while I started breakfast and got the living room cleaned up too...............It was dark outside, but still no rain, my dad said he left the house to a lot of thunder, but no rain................It was also cold out...........well the soccer coach called and said the game had been cancelled, due to a lot of lightening out. So we were able to slow down and relax a bit before having to go to a birthday party. I am one of two parents who call the other parent informing them of a cancellation.............I was able to get a hold of one parent and that is becaue he called back, the others I just left a message and one the number was busy..............I certainly hope they didn't waste a trip up there to find nothing and noone around................but I tried, and was not going to spend my morning calling them until the line was free................I tried quite a few times. So that was that.........................we made it out the door with plenty of time to go to Little Rickys birthday party, but i had to stop at Walgreens for a card, was just going to give him money rather than spending that time to find a present, he might already have or get. So that took forever because the cashier and another customer were chit finally i asked the cashier if she could actually wait on customers and talk at the same time, I was tired of standing there listening to them talk...........of course there was another guy and his daughter in front of me that took a bit too long too...............oh well, my fault for waiting until the last minute to do something...............we made it!!! and AJ and Aiden has so much fun, it was at Funtastics which is a gymnastics place...............Aiden loved jumping on the trampoline floors, and watching himself in the long mirror............conceited little booger, he was making faces at himself, running along the mirror watching and laughing at himself, but let me get out of his site and he panicked! I had to stay close to him so he didn't freak out. Sheila had had a friend of her make this really cute football bags for treats................Big Ricky has Little Ricky a huge Cowboy fan already. LOL After we left, I took the boys to McDonalds to eat, and then off to Walmart, to find Aiden a little soccer ball.....................but they only had big ones...................I am really tired and think I will just relax and work on some crochet...............i am doing a snowman stocking right now. I sent me father to Walmart because I forgot to get snap on snaps for the snowman.............

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Terrible Twos

1. Two Names You Go By:
Aurora and mommy

2. Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
Pink shirt and tan capris

3. Two things you want or currently have in a relationship:
Honesty and stability

4. Two of your favorite things to do:
Crochet and spend time with my boys

5. Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment: .
A nice car and a skinny body

6. Two pets you had:
Black kitty named, Jellybean, and a grey kitty called Bear

7. Two people who will fill this out first:
Everyone i send it to!! LOL I have no idea

8. Two things you did last night:
Watched Aj play soccer and laughed a lot

9. Two People that live in your house:
AJ and Aiden

10. Two people you talked to last:
Barbara and Sheila

11. Two things you're doing tomorrow:
Crocheting and baking cookies with AJ

12. Two longest car rides:
from Santa Clara to San Diego and from Kansas to Texas

13. Name 2 of your favorite Holidays:
Halloween and Christmas

14. Two favorite beverages:
Ice Tea and Fresca

Hump Day

Well today has been so nice outside, nice and cool. Yesterday was hotter..........AJ had open house which went good, I like both of his teachers.....After that, we had to hurry home to get ready for Soccer practice, and made it there just in time............but it ran over than the usual one hour, but it was first practice. Hopefully todays practice won't run over. I see Blogger won't let me make new paragraphs again!! LOL I guess its just one of those things. Well, I got some swaps mailed off today and have 10 more to do! Annissa wants an Autumn set, so I think I will make her one. I am going to get to Google I really need to get some documents made for swapping. Will write more later on.

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Seven Ps

I was tagged by Moon N Star Mommy I hope I am doing this right, Annissa. Here goes..........

My Passion:
Like Annissa I have many. Number one, my boys......AJ and Aiden, my two little do i love these boys!!! I grew up never wanting kids, I didn't think I could be a good mother.......I had no change everything!! I didn't like change! Then came my precious AJ, who changed me forever.......I had always heard about how children change you and how a mothers love is the ultimate.........but i never............NEVER.....realized just what they meant until he was born..........I was so scared, but the minute I woke up and my mother laid him down next to was the beginning of an amazing journey..............he was the most handsome boy I had ever seen, the most beautiful being alive!!! I cried and could not believe how amazingly precious and perfect he was...........anytime i was sad or hurt, I would just hold him, and the feeling that overcame me was was trully a mothers love.........I FINALLY knew what everyone was talking about, and I was no longer left out..........i WAS A MOTHER!!
My little Aiden.......again scared but I was more scared about many things........but I was more so about whether I could love him the same as AJ, I had had so many years with just AJ that I was worried that I would not love Aiden the same or as much.........I had heard some people say they had "favorites" with their kids and I was hoping that would not happen to me............but again when he was born.........omg................I MEAN OMG!!! It was that amazing feeling again, he was preciously beautiful, so perfect..........he was my little amazing Aiden......and I felt the same love for him that I did with my AJ. These boys brighten the darkest days, and lift the sadness from my heart.............I want to see them grow up and I want them to know that every second............EVERY SECOND...........i will love them more and more!!! No matter what they do, I will always stand by them, love them and cherish my life with them.
My Purpose:
My purpose is to be the best mom I can.......the best daughter I can be. I have to give my boys a good life, teach them, love guide them through life and the challenges they will face. I have to teach them to be the best that they can. to always do their best and live life to the fullest.
My Pursuit:
Well I cant' think of much here for some reason, maybe because my answser is the same as above.........I need to pursue a career I can be proud of...........I want to pursue life with my boys. I want to pursue a time in my moms life where she does not have to be afraid of not getting the help she needs for her health.
My Position:
Currently and always a MOMMY. I love this job, no matter how stressed I get or feel job is to be the best mom I can be to my AJs.......This is my life, my career. I would love someday to work with animals............I just am not sure i can emotionally handle it, my gosh i cry a zillion times watching animal planet!!! LOL I would be too busy trying to see through my tears, that i would do no good to the animal! LOL
My Pummeling:
My answer sounds so much like Annissas...............I do procrastinate........big time...........I hate it, I always kick myself when I have lost out on something because I can't bring myself to get it done right away or within a reasonable amount of time. Someone help me!!!! HELP ME? oh come on...............don't just sit there laughing at me...............lend me a hand! LOL
My Progress:
Well with my temper, I have gotten better.............I don't let things fester inside and then explode. I still have to work at it..........I mean I don't hit or get violent, but i do yell.............and I hate that about myself. I wish for my patience............I love my boys so much, but I lose my patience so fast and I always catch myself thankfully, but sometimes not in time and then I feel so horrible.
I really need to get off my butt and lose some weight..........i have lost some recently but want to continue instead of working my way into another rutt.
My Personality:
I am friendly until i get hurt or matter if I am hurt or mad, I react the same..........I want to hurt thier feelings. I can't stand that about myself.
I am very talkative, and enjoy making others happy.
Ok from reading Annissas Seven Ps, I am to tag I will get to taggin! LOL

Autumn Set Finished

Well here is the Autumn set I finished the other day. I bougth this pattern from Etsy. its a turkey, pumpkin, apple, orange and pumpkin pie. I have not added a face to the turkey yet, I always wait until I have everything crocheted that will require a face, and do them all at the end.
Top view of the pumpkin and Acorn.
Ok I got the pictures up and I really like this set. I am thinking of doing a few more pies to decorate the kitchen and dining room. I think I will add some beans or something to the bottom of the pie to add some weight to them.
I am now working on some swaps I joined about 14 i think this month, and I did some last night, but realized i was out of envelopes, and I went to Wal-Mart today to get some, and walked out forgetting them!! I didn't forget to go the yarn department which I swear calls me the moment I walk into the store!!! LOL
Anyway today was a cloudy and cool day, I really loved the cool temps..........Sunday was the same, AJ went to the movies and Aiden and I stayed around the house visiting with Barbara and just relaxing.
Today it started to pour down rain when i was going to pick up Barbara from work...........AJs soccer practice was cancelled today because of the he goes tomorrow and Wednesday.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Hump Day

This is the pumpkin i just finished, I have not added a face yet.
Taken Yesterday.......actually I thougth this was taken Monday. Date must be wrong
Mr Conceited taken his own picture
Aiden with his new Star Wars laptop
My very handsome AJ
Well Wednesday has started out pretty good, much better than last night. I ended up going to bed with a headache, but during the night it went away, thankfully. LOL Anyway, had to scramble around, AJ had a book order he wanted me to order from. So got that done, and he was off to school today on time finally, the bus came 10 minutes late, but I think he got to the school on time. Aiden is running around being a very cute, rotten boy. For some reason Blogger is not letting me make new paragraphs............not sure why, will have to look into that, I was able to do it before, but sometimes it wants to mess up. It also keep telling me its out of memory, whatever that means. OK, so will just made long spaces for a new day yesterday was pretty good, the boys and I lazed around I let them play outside for a long time, AJ had a friend over and played out back, Aiden loves being outside too, but the mosquitos are still pretty nasty out there and I hate bug wipes, the lotion is not too bad, but just don't like the feeling and smell from it. Had a friend come over and I let him use my fathers old cell phone to hook up. So now he has a cell phone. Which is good, I took him to Starbucks to get heaven in a cup, which is the Vanilla Bean Frapaccino..........very very good, he thought so too............had to stop for milk, so made him pump some gas. LOL I might drive out there later to see him and Kristi.................but AJ is a bit bummed that Chris won't be there since he has a dentist appt. I am sure he will see Chris another time, He got to play with a friend yesterday, so AJ will live. LOL Anyway I am planning on relaxing today as I am not feeling too good, and trying to catch up on some crochet. So I have to catch up on email and hopefully will get to relax tonight.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Labor Day!

My handsome Boy
Gee I wonder who took this? My precious Aiden did! See how amazing his eye is? LOL
Now isn't this just the cutest!!!!

Its Labor Day, AJ has today and tomorrow off. I am hoping to just spend the day with my boys and family. I woke up this morning with an awful headache!!! I know why, and took steps to change it. I am calming myself down........I want to be a better person than just letting myself get hurt. I know I react harshly when I am hurt or angry.

I FINALLY finished my Little Gourdy Pumpkin!!!! I was sooo bored with this pattern, not really sure why, It could be I am just bored with halloween crochet.............I know I have a ton of them from last year I made. I just finished a spider last night................I know a few of my friends want some Halloween crochet, I will do some stuff for them, but get some Thanksgiving stuff in between. I will post some pictures here soon.

The boys and I watched a movie last night............."Everyones Hero" it was a cute movie about a boy who runs away searching for Babe Ruths stolen bat, that was the cause of his father getting fired from his job. Very cute movie, would recommend it to families.

We are getting ready for our BBQ, T-Bone steak, shrimp skewers, homemade coleslaw, potato salad, zucchini and not sure what else.

I bet I know one reason my head hurts so much, is from working out in the backyard yesterday..............I had been cleaning up the outdoor furniture, and moved all the toys including the sandbox off the sidewalk and swept that, moved the swing, and I was really sore and tired after that, my knees were all swollen and my back was hurting something awful. So I am sure that did not help my head any......LOL

I need to call my brother back and give him my new number.............oh man I need to call so many places to give them the new number!............oh well! My brother called me the other night, he is still with Karen, but according to him, she is still doing good, I just hope she continues doing good, for Dylans sake and her own really.

Well need to get off and fix something to eat for the boys.

Hope you all have a great Labor Day.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


Well its been a week!!! AJ has the next 4 days off, he doesn't go back until Wednesday, He had a good week in school. I did pick him up and finally took him to get his glasses fixed and made appts for both him and Aiden to have another eye check, this will be Aidens first time.

Friday I took the boys to the video store to check out some movies, and we watched movies Friday night. Saturday was a really good day, I took the boys out and we spent the day together, then ran some errands.......Got home and relaxed a bit. I hadn't heard from some friends of mine since early Friday morning, and they went out of town to pick up a tow truck, so I was worried about them, so I texted Kristi and asked her if everything was ok. I did not ask for anyone to call me, but apparently she had Scott call me, which I was happy to hear from him. He told me what had happened with the tow truck and they were about done.

I have removed text from here, because some things are just not important enough to mention anymore. I am done with fighting and done with it all, I have blocked names from my emails and buddy list, I have changed my number, and have deleted numbers out of my phone, so my little, rotten Aiden can't accidently call anyone. LOL

So, today is going better, AJ is going out to Laser Tag and Aiden and I will stay home and clean up the backyard to get ready for the BBQ tomorrow. Mom is getting ready to make the stuff for it.

I am still working on my crochet pumpkin................its called Little Gourdy or something like that, but I have gotten bored with working it. It will be finished here in a few mintues, and then I will work on the spider pattern I bought from Etsy. I also ordered some patterns from Etsy and a crochet site, so I have already gotten the Autumn set which is a turkey, a pumpking pie, an apple, orange, and an the frog pattern. The others I will have to wait until they are mailed to me.

So I am off to get some email read and then crochet a bit.

Hoping my hands stop itching and swelling up, I use these Cutter Mosquitos wipes and they always make my hands swell and itch.