
Saturday, June 28, 2008

50 Things about Me

50 Things

A friend sent me this through email, and I decided to answer this on my blog

50 ODD Things about you! If you opened this, FILL IT OUT! Learn 50 things about your friends and family, and let them learn 50 things about you!

1. Do you like blue cheese?
No I use to when I was little

2. Have you ever smoked heroin?

3. Do you own a gun?

4. What flavor do you add to your drink at sonic?
I don't, I either get a coke or Cherry Lime aide

5. Do you get nervous before doctor Appointments?

6. What do you think of hot dogs?
LOL with a bit of chilli and cheese on them. I can handle them pretty good.

7. Favorite Christmas movie?
National Lampoons Christmas Vacation

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?

9. Can you do push ups?
LOL on my knees sure!!!

10. Age?

11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
a Necklace Aj got me for my birthday one year, its jade.

12. Favorite hobby?

13. Favorite Actor:
I have several, Jason Issacs is one.

14. Do you have A.D.D.?

15. What's one trait you hate about yourself?
My temper....

16. Middle name?

17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment?
I want to go to bed
I wish my headache would go away
I wish AJ would listen to me and turn down the computer LOL

18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday/today:
a Clover crochet hook
An amigurumi pattern on Etsy

19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink?
Ice tea
Flavored water

20. Current worries?
current as in right this very minute? No worries......worries in general.......whether the car I am driving will break down AGAIN........bills, the price of food and gas.

21. Current hate right now?
LOL I try not to hate, its too much energy......I do despise Mosquitos

22. Favorite place to be?

23. How did you bring in the New Year?
With my family

24. Where would you like to go?
Texas to see my brother and his family

25. Name three people who will complete this?
Blog friends

26. Do you own slippers?

27. What shirt are you wearing?
Blue with a butterfly on jammies! LOL

28. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?

29. Can you whistle?
Most of the time, but not very good

30. Favorite color?
Pink, Purple, and blues

31. Would you be a pirate?
if I had a pirate bf who looked like Johnny Depp, sure as heck I would!!!

32. What songs do you sing in the shower?
I don't sing in the shower.........but I do talk to myself! LOL

33. Favorite girl's name?

34. Favorite boy's name?
I like AJ and Aiden LOL

35. What is in your pocket right now?
I don't have pockets.

36. Last thing that made you laugh?
Aiden being goofy

37. Best bed sheets as a child?
Well duh.................My Wonder Woman sheets!!!! She ruled!!!!!!

38. Worst injury you've ever had?
my car accident back in 92......crushed pelvis :( Herniated Disk

39. Do you love where you live?
its home, so could be bigger though.

40. How many TVs do you have in your house?

41. Who is your loudest friend?
She is not my friend really..........but she was the LOUDEST!!! all my other friends are decent and not loud.

42. How many dogs do you have?
None :(

43. Does someone have a crush on you?

44. What is your favorite book(S)?
Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice

45. Where were you born?
In a hospital.......LOL Kingston NY

46. What is your favorite candy?
Don't really have a favorite

47. Favorite Sports Team?
Any that my boys would play on.

48. What song do you want played at your funeral?
I don't want to think about that.

49. What were you doing at 12 A.M.?
Crocheting squares

50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
Aiden since he was leaned over me, kissing me saying, "get up mommy"

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hot and Bitten up!!

This is the patriotic package I sent off to Ann.........she received it today, so I can post the pics of what I sent her.........she liked it, and I was hoping she would.

It has been so hot here......but then I keep saying that as if its going to just go away! Ok....well wishful thinking on my part...........Anyway I am bitten up by pesky flying mosquitos and they are driving me mad.....of course I have bug spray, but just haven't used it yet...........LOL We got a pool the other day, not a huge one, just a 12X3 which is big enough for us................I would like to eventually get a bigger one...........but I don't want to pay those outrageous prices for bigger ones.........We did get Aiden a smaller pool today............I will post pics tomorrow...........we are going to drain the pool tonight and set it up farther into the back of the yard.........and then set up Aidens as well.........his has a basketball hoop and a ring toss, I am hoping he will get in and play......he will not get into the bigger pool.

So that is where I have been the past couple of days..........out swimming or watching the boys play..........I did finally get a new umbrella for the patio table as our other one got ripped apart by the wind............"someone" forget to bring it in.

Anyway I am going to go catch up on email,

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Mailed Another Swap

Well I have mailed my patriotic swap package off to Ann...........I hope she likes everything that is in it............I was told this box was flat rate box, costing $9.80 to mail.......but it post office charged me around 5.00 or so for it :D WooHoo......that is always nice to end up paying less than you thought you would.

Today is another hot day, but sitting on the porch is not so father finally got the car fixed and running............he should have listened to me in the first place, I said the problem had something to do with the ignition, but he wanted to be difficult and say it was the "brand" new started we just put in a couple of weeks ended up being something under the steering column that controls the ignition switch or needed to be adjusted! So I am glad its fixed though.

AJ and Aiden have been pretty good today...........not really giving me a hard time......Aiden did a bit ago........but I made him go to bed, and told him that if he could behave, he could get up........he said sorry and got up.

I guess I will get off of here and go sit outside with the boys for awhile...........I also am working on more CALs I have two things to catch up on in the potholder cal, and I also have a fridgie I just did, it came out cute, its a butterfly fridgie. that only took a few minutes to make.

oh no..........I can hear the boys arguing............:(

Monday, June 23, 2008

Secret Pal

Well Here are the two strips for the Dragonfly Dreams Afghan I am doing......this particular strip........I do 5 of these........then 5 each of 3 different bobbles and line patterns.........I don't really like this bobble stitch, you have to keep pushing the bobble forward. LOL I am doing all the strips in the Raspberry, but will do another one later on in a cream or white background with the dragonflies being done in blue
I received this from my Secret Pal in the Swappin Squares group. I absolutely love this tote.......the colors are beautiful and it was made so well..........really pretty.

The tote was filled with some wonderful yarn.......Some of this yarn I have never worked with, so Can't wait to find something to make with it.

I am tired today...............I had to run to wally world and decided to get my hair cut.........yes I know I said i would not again..............but I told her not to touch the bangs at all, no trimming nothing, just leave them alone........she cut the hair to frame my face, and its only to my shoulders, so not that much shorter than it was. But it was driving me crazy.

Happy Monday

Well I really hope things settle down this week. AJ is grounded today from having any friends over because Friday he was giving me a hard time...........he had a friend over or was over at a friends all that week...........and here he was griping at me about wanting them to stay longer...........Last night around 7:30 he wanted to go over to his friends.......and I had said no, but he started in on me, asking why his mom is home, and I said I don't care, its 7:30 and its too late........but its summer time!! Like that matters to he got grounded another day. He is playing golf now..............this is his 3rd or 4th week, and 4th week..........last week was cancelled because of all the rain we got..............the course was rain for a few days which is a nice break. Hopefully today won't be that miserable...........the humidity out has been awful.

Aiden is doing good..........he is still sleeping, he was so tired last night, he was up from all the fireworks people kept letting off all hours of the night.........I really wish they would not sell them until the day before........I know that is unrealistic of me to wish..........but I know its fun for kids to set off, but at 2 in the it really a "little" kid setting them off...............NO..........its the adults! LOL "big" kids. I will try to keep the kids settled down today and not so wild.

I am going to be mailing out a swap today............was going to yesterday, but the post office at the grocery store closed early on Sunday.

I finally got started on my Dragonfly Afghan...............made two strips so far............But I did spend some time with the boys this weekend and guess what? The stupid "red" car won't start a new ignition switch, but that was not a new starter a few weeks back, so not sure what is up with that stupid car.

I took the boys to the History musuem a couple weeks are my handsome duo...........

The things here were fascinating!!! They even had real mummies............which AJ thought was soooo cooollllllllllll............he actually enjoyed reading about how much was found out from one of the lady mummies and who she was and her age and stuff like that.

My future little basketball player.............I am having a hard time finding a small size basketball, he had one at one time........but we can't find it was from a local if it was left in the front yard, someone could have taken it.............or it got thrown in the road and no one noticed it and now its gone............LOL oh well, no big deal, but now I can't find the smaller ones.

I will post more later on, have some more pictures to post..........oh and just got a call that my moms Diamond ring is in..........I got her one a few weeks back and she had to have it sized, so she will be happy its in.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Terrible Twos!

Its just been one of those days! I got up early this morning, and made pancakes and sausage for breakfast, which both boys ate very well...........I heard it was going to rain today, so I decided to take the boys outside to ride their bikes and Aiden could also ride his we did that for awhile, although AJ was not too happy about it, since he was not able to ride his bike over to a friends.........he wants to go by himself, but I just don't feel comfortable with him riding his bike alone...........the friend lives in an apartment, its a weird set up of apartments, but its not in the best of location.

So fine, I could deal with AJs attitude..........Aiden was fine, then he started to really act up............jumping all over the place............hitting me and AJ............I didn't want to I went into my room to calm myself down........and AJ took him in his room to watch a movie.........well all i hear is Aiden crying and screaming...........he wanted the movie turned up really loud................and he wanted to press the buttons like crazy, so I made him go lay down.........after 20 minutes of him crying, I let him get up...............didn't want him getting sick...........he was fine after that, we went for a walk, or rather I did, while the boys followed on their bikes.............after awhile, Aiden started in off to bed we went...................he cried for about 10 minutes, and then he fell did I. LOL we both woke up in better moods, and I am beat tired.............I did finish my one crochet project.
I am not sure if I will work on anything else.

I know I have left some of the crochet groups I was in.........I am wearing myself out with being in so many swaps.........I am just too tired, and can barely get to projects I want to do for family and I want to start working early on some more holiday crochet..........Anyway I am going to limit my swaps.......I am going to try to stay with 3 a month or every other month...........I am hoping this works out better for me........but with mailing prices the way they are, and me being so tired........I just need a break. I am in 8 groups now........none produce a ton of mail and I can always go on Daily Digest if I have to.........but tonight I was finishing up a swap item, and thought to myself that I am just over doing I made that decision today and I hope the owners of the groups I left will understand.

For July I have the Secret Sister swap....well actually I don't have to with this one..........its July, August, or September, you pick your month and that is good, I can take off July from that..........I also have a Buddy swap that runs until August, and a Secret Pal swap that runs until August as that is two swaps right I have a square swap to do...........and an amigurumi I signed up for........I love amigurumi and find it hard to stay away from them. LOL so 4 swaps, one over my limit, but I won't do anymore.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I am in a group called Crochetalong
Click the link to find out more about this group, you sign up for a CAL and a host sends out the links on certain days............well I got behind, and so I did all of these last night........I know I am missing some patterns, but I probably have them filed away. Will look here soon. We are waiting for the roofer to come......he said he will try to come this afternoon to do the repairs....which is good, because more rain is on its way..........I am really getting tired of all the rain.

This is a Holiday Dishcloth, was very fast to make, I think I did this is 30 minutes and really that was because I was stopping to watch Gladiators..........LOL I love that show..........anyway, this turned out really well. I was going to send it off, but might keep it.
This is a blue ribbon fridgie done in thread
Red Hat fridgie, I didn't have purple ribbon for this one, so I used purple yarn, and will replace that once I get the purple ribbon.
Green Apple fridgie..........

Well the roofers are here..........there is about 20 guys out there.........LOL AJ was like how come there are so many guys out there...........LOL Aiden is looking warily out the door at them........

Monday, June 16, 2008

Another Rainy Day

Well I did this mobile last night, it worked up fast and turned out really cute!!! Aiden said, AWE when he saw it and told me what everything was...........and even AJ thought it was cute...........its hanging up in the boys room now.....
Well I love this bear, even though I started this a long time ago.....I got bored with it.........which is nothing against the worked up fast..........but I get bored with things that have several pieces to it........Anyway I had gone through a craft tote of mine yesterday afternoon, and came across the bag that this stuff was in.......I had already done the bear, and the bed and side table, I just needed to sew the bear together and do the pillow, blanket and lamp. I really love this pattern. I am going to put something under the bed to keep it hangs down in the middle.
Here he is with just his blanket and pillow
This pattern also called for a night cap.......which I did, but didn't like how it looked on the bear. So I am keeping it off. This will be put in Aidens room tonight.
I received this package from the Surprise swap in a group I help run.....this is from Bobbie Lynn, and I love it......4 coasters, pot holder? square.......a Better Homes and Garden Craft book, a Family Food magazine, a bonnet pot holder pattern, a note pad, and some recipe cards.......awesome package!

Its been raining since last you can imagine the frustration of the leaks in the closet and utility room. LOL

We had a bbq last night and it turned out really good, it was a nice relaxing day yesterday.............

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Busy and Windy Day

Its been a very busy and windy day.........No storms, but I hear some are on the way. We did get an insurance adjuster out here to look at the roof for the landlord and he showed me a picture of the roof above the utility room, and it looks like an earthquake crack!! So I am anxious to get this stuff fixed. Today was one of those days, I decided to take the boys to lunch, and could not find Aidens sandal.......ok we found one.........but that is "lost" can a shoe get in a house that is clean and uncluttered? LOL He has two pairs of flip flops, but likes to take them off everywhere or one will fall off. Ok flip flops were on feet and we were out the door, Burger King was our next stop, the boys wanted that...........both were pretty good. After that off to the post office and then home to get my mother to take her to the drs.....I tried to work on some crochet, but too many distractions. After that went to Walmart, mom got a ring with diamonds in it...........I got some thread and I got Aiden a Thomas the Tank pair of swim trunks and another pair of sandals...........I think I love to torture myself!!! he is outside with his big "bro" getting we in the sprinkler. Looking really cute. LOL

I took this the other day and loved how it came out.............I wish AJ would slow down a bit on growing up............He looks so much more "grown" up in pictures now.
Well these are 3 amigurumis that have gone out the door........well only two have left the is still waiting to be boxed up...........but I will not say who got what............they went out today.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Saturday Got package in Mail. Woohoo

I got this from Amy in Swapaholic Crocheters group........a 12" square, and I love the colors.
She also sent these for the May Amigurumi swap, so cute, and the dragonfly is adorable and I love it along with the little dolls.

I got this little tote at Walmart to put my crochet stuff in...........I love pink!! and this was a mini version of a bigger one they have.........but I am still debating on whether I want the bigger one. Anyway I really thought this was cute, and at only 4 dollars, I could not pass it up.

I have been playing catch up my group, Crochet_Swaps_Galore
I just started 3 new swaps, this is a fairly new group on yahoo, I am running with it Dawn. Our first swaps for July are an Amigurumi swap, a Secret pal swap and a Square Swap, you pick the size of your square. The secret pal swap runs for two months, July is Christmas in July........crochet one regular size item, something stuffed like that, or 3 small ornaments types............August is our you pick the the one sending picks the theme, and 3 things must be sent pertaining to the theme you picked..........with atleast one item being crocheted......Anyway I am hoping to see some more members join our group and help it to grow and become a really neat group. I know that things start out slow sometimes.......but please join the group............and let us know you saw it here. LOL

Today was hot and very windy...........they say more very heavy rains will hit us tomorrow........:( the utility room and closet are smelling musty and I can't stand it. Thien says an insurance adjuster will be out to look at it next week sometime......roofer did come this past week, and he seems like a nice guy........said the whole roof will not need to be replaced, the leaks are coming from the two chimneys and the add on to the house. So that should be good news to the landlord. Anyway maybe the rain will pass up by. We did get a horrible storm was cloudy all day and the weather men said severe and very threatening weather was coming our way..............we lost our electricity twice that day, but all before the storm hit, we lost it because of the extremely high winds we had............Anyway the storm lasted about an hour............and we were fine after that.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


I was going to take the boys to see a movie tonight, but as we got into the car, the wind was really blowing hard out there, some really awesome displays of lightening, and we heard bad storms were rather than get stuck in the storm, we decided to turn around and head for home............I got Aiden cleaned up and settled, and we did stop at QT and get a movie, Fantastic 4.....we have not seen this yet, so we will watch it tonight after I take my shower. I have been just hanging around the house most of today........I did run to Walmart with a friend.........and got some lunch and some other stuff we needed. Last night I worked on a pillow for my SS that is due this month.....Today I worked a few more rows on the alieghan afghan that I am testing.......I really hate working with so many yarns at once, but that is ok, I like this afghan.............

I am in a Buddy Swap in CrochetSwapBuddies group.........and I did start on something for my buddy today....I won't say what since she might read this.....but its something in her birthstone color..........and its something I HAVE never done.........its with thread too...........I am getting braver and braver!! LOL I did 3 rows tonight, but wanted to check email and take a shower........not sure how much more I do tonight.........

I should really get off and get in the shower, no storms, but the weather could change any minute.

No roofing company called today either.........:( they must not want the business.

Monday, June 02, 2008


Man it was hot today!!!! The weather man said the heat and humidity would be bad today, and he was not wrong with that!

AJ is taking golf lessons for the next 8 weeks, and I tell you he looked so grown up Saturday when I was taking pictures of him with his new golf really made me think about how fast time is going by......I added a new song to my playlist, "You're Gonna Miss This" I love this song, and it really does make me see that I will miss these times............So I really need to savor the moments that make me laugh, cry, and even make me mad. LOL

Yesterday Aiden has this hat on and it was so cute on him..........he was helping Papa fix AJs needed a new tube. This was a good shot.
AJ with his golf club...........he looked so handsome out there showing me all the.........clubs! I almost forgot what they were called. LOL Anyway it was too hot today, the boys and I walked to the park so they could play, and I guess I didn't realize how hot it was..........even in the shade I was sweating something when we got home, I took a shower and gave Aiden a bath, and made Aj take one too...........we were all sweating.

I have a headache now, so I am going to get off and take something for it. Work on some crochet.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

I was sleeping so good this morning, when I was up like "lightening" at the thought that the house was falling down....about 8:00 this morning, I heard the loudest thunder ever........I mean the house shook, the windows were all the storms we have had over the years, never heard one that really freaked me out, because it sounded like an explosion, only after getting out of bed and looking out the window did I realize it was we got another rain storm.........I have to put my clothes in a tote, after they are washed, the ones hanging in the closet, it is starting to smell in there...........I am HOPING a roofing company calls really soon............this is the second rain storm in two days........and the rain just pours one should have to live like this...............its really bothering me looking at the utility room and my closet and having to look at the walls and ceiling, its just absolutely gross!!! This problem has been going on for some time now and needs to be fixed now!

Other than that, a nice day...........I spent some time outside with the boys, worked on some crochet, which I have realized I seriously have to slow down on..........I was looking over my notebook and I am in a total of 10 swaps this month, 3 of those actually run for 3 is the SS swap, and one is a Secret Pal swap, and the other is a Buddy swap..........the other swaps are pretty much done already, I like to work early on swaps, so I can stagger them when mailing them it makes it easier for me, but I have decided no more swaps for me for a couple of months............I don't want to over do I have some projects I want to get started on for myself and the boys............I bought a Dragonfly Afghan pattern off of Ebay last year, and would love to get started on that this week........I also want to make an afghan for AJ and Aiden..........I put off making the second Star Wars afghan for awhile and decided on making him another one......he picked out a pattern that is done in strips, and wants blue and white. Not sure on Aiden yet, I am thinking on this afghan called, "Spring Waves" very pretty.

I am also testing an afghan for a lady at Crochetville......its coming out nicely.

Well I am going to get off of here answer some more mail and then work on some crochet.