
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Like an Autumn Day!!

An Autumn Day
Pumpkins in the cornfields
Gold among the brown
Leaves of rust and scarlet
trembling slowly down:
Birds that travel southward
Lovely time to play:
Nothing is as pleasant
As an autumn Day
~Carmen Lagos Signes

Ok maybe it's too soon, but it sure felt like a beautiful Fall day. I could not believe when I stepped out on the porch this morning how incredibly cool and pretty it was out....I thought for sure when the day went on that it would warm up, but it never did and talk about a happy camper here. Fall is my favorite time of year, and today was perfect. I relaxed all day, got a bit of crochet done, and a bit of cleaning done.....although I think I overdid it tonight, I got a "new" dresser for the boys, and was rearranging the room to put it in looks nice in there, and now we have more room for the clothes. I just got done and got the floors swept and vacuumed, and will take my shower and work on some crochet the rest of the night.

I just ordered a pattern from Etsy, called Cassandra the witch, you can find this pattern HERE.
Really easy and cute, so if you are a beginner crocheter, or just starting out with Amigurumi, this is an easy one, and how cute is she? I cant' wait to get started on her. Might even get to her tonight.

I have a few projects I have done, but am debating on if I will post the pictures, they are for swaps, and although it's not a secret swap, some of the stuff is for a B-day swap.....and that should be a surprise, so I will wait to post them.

Ladybug/Bee? LOL

I made this ladybug for my mom........she wanted it done in thread, so I used a size 10 thread........I personally think this looks like a cross between a bee and a has stripes, now I am no ladybug expert, but I have yet to see one with stripes........the color was more a peachy, but I could not find the Peachy thread I had.......which I am quite sure I will find now that I don't need it. LOL.......anyway I used a pale yellow...........she is cute, and my mom loves her, so that is all that matters I guess.

My day went pretty good, not a whole lot of sleep, but I am sure I will get tired here soon, and hopefully get a better nights sleep. I have my friends daughter over here......she is sleeping though, and they wanted me to come with them, they were going to a club to see some friend of theirs that play in a local band......but I was not really up to that tonight. I had wanted to take the boys to an air show tonight, but my father was fixing my van.

I have been playing catch up with my crochet.........I was working on stuff for April's b-day, and got that finished, and will finish up a few things for her daughter who I am in a Halloween swap with.

I recently made this blog private, but might go back to being public, for some reason I am having a lot of issues signing keeps messing up, but will stick with it for awhile, maybe its just a temp. glitch. I did find my Tinkerbell background, I was looking for this when I was changing it before. I liked the dragonflies, but it was not my favorite dragonfly background.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Family visit

Here are some more pictures of when my Brother and his wife and son came for a visit, this was them the morning they left. Dylan had gotten a DS for his bday, and he loved it so much.
My sister-in-law, Karen and myself,
Well here is my dad, brother and Aiden,
Austin and Karen on the morning they left. They got home and all crashed into bed, long drive home. My brother is going back to school and Dylan started Monday.

Wednesday morning, my mother fell again in the bathroom........she was on the floor all night, I did not hear her fall or call for me........I was just too tired. I had to call 911 and they took her to the ER, and admitted her.......ran a bunch of tests, and she got to come home this morning, but I have to look at the papers to see what they found out. She is happy to be home and actually so am i, it felt creepy her not being here.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Well it's storming out tonight, at first it sounded like someone hitting the house, and when I went to look outside, it was lightening and thundering. I hope the storm cools our weather down.

I didn't get much crochet done.......a friend of mine who has been staying in a shelter has been here for two days in a row, and she was really upset today, they were trying for an apartment and didn't get it.........and the shelter wants them out tomorrow, she is going to see if they will give her more time while she waits for a motel/studio room on Monday.

I did work a bit on a birthday gift for April, who is in a group with me...........but didn't get much done......too many kids at the house. I am going to tell them tomorrow that I want some quiet time, and they can hang out at their own house.......Sandra their mom keeps telling me that we will just send the kids to one house and us adults to the other house, and have some peace and quiet!! Man that will be nice. LOL

I need to get to bed..........storm is getting bad.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Surprise from a basketball

Ok here is a table runner...........It is too short for my table.

I am off to crochet and have much to catch up on.......I tell you if I didn't have my crochet, not sure how I would stay somewhat sane!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sunday Sunday

Well this was AJ on his first day of school, you can tell he was sooo excited! LOL He was cold. He had a great first day and so far really likes school.
My brother, his wife and son came up for a visit, we got to celebrate Dylan's birthday with him, which isn't until next week, but so many things are starting for them Monday, that they wanted to take the weekend to visit us, they got in town Thursday and left early this morning. I am so glad they came and they are hoping to come back around Christmas.
We went to the zoo Friday.......the sun was so bright, I had to wear shades. LOL I actually sang that in my head as I typed. LOL
I finally finished AJ's Pokemon Charmander, it came out like the pattern, but I was not all that thrilled with it. I haven't crocheted much the past few days.
Mr Goofy Dylan
My brother.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009



If you would like to win Miss Lavender, I am running a contest. Here are the rules....

1. Unscramble the words below
2. Once you have the answer, email me at
3. Leave a comment here to let me know you sent in your answer
4. I will randomly draw a name from all the entries on 9/10/09

If your name is drawn, I will send your Miss Lavender out within 2 weeks. She is a tripod amigurumi with a pretty bow up top

Take all the letters below and make 4 words,
First word is 7 letters,
Second word is 13 letters
Third word is 3 letters
Fourth word is 5 letters

This is Crochet related.


Miss Lavender was not designed by me, she was designed by Melbangel you can find her Etsy site HERE
She also has a site HERE

Sunday, August 16, 2009


I started a pokemon Charmander for Austin, but got a bit tired of working on it.......I have been super busy lately, and for 4 days had a house full of people.....friends, so that wasn't so bad, but My crochet took a backseat and I would end up too tired at night, so charmander took a few days, and that usually makes me bored with a project, so he is put aside, and really all he needs is the finishing touches.........above is a Luma pattern from Mario brothers.........I made this yesterday for Aiden, and he is super happy with it........I will work on another from the same blog as Luma came from, if you want to see the pattern you can click HERE
Carol made a wish for halloween ami, she had two wishes, so I took both, because I love working on Halloween stuff.............I made Mr Jack O lantern, and Frankerumi I will add the links to these patterns later, I think Mr Jack O lantern is a pattern from Etsy, but Frankerumi is free.

Aiden took this picture today when we were taking some of his Luma, and he actually took a good picture of me, a bit too close, but it came out decent even though I had just stopped sweating from washing the bathroom floor. Anyway Aiden kept telling me to post it, so I did.

Austin starts 7th grade tomorrow, and he is not too happy, but oh well, we went to buy him some shoes for school, but ended up with only one pair, they were not very well stocked with his size, so I will look later this week at some other shoe stores. I am catching up with some laundry, and making dinner, tonight it's ham, boiled potatoes, pickled beets, and salad.........I am pickling the beets myself, if they come out good, I will post the recipe I used. My father accidently bought a ton of regular beets instead of the pickled beets, and I figured I could just pickle them myself.

Well off to finish some cleaning, got to get the boys settled early tonight.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Being Thankful

Well today was better than yesterday, I did talk to my mom a bit tonight, and told her a bit of how I was feeling, and how worried I was for her, and I thought she understood me, then Austin called and I let her talk to him a bit, and when he got back on the phone with me, she didn't know that she had been talking to Austin, she kept talking to him "about" Austin and saying he left last week and will be home tomorrow..........So that kinda depressed me..........but I am thankful that she heard me when I told her how much I loved her.............I am thankful that I can still talk to her, and hold her and tell her I love her, even though she may not understand me much anymore, I am soooo thankful I can still look her in the eyes and tell her those things. I will talk to her doctor tomorrow when she goes in. She barely made it in her I am worried about taking her out tomorrow.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Painful Day

Today was so incredibly painful...........My mom is getting worse, and sometimes it feels like she is slipping away.........I feel so drained today, I want the tears to stop!! I want my mom back.........the one who was always there for me, the one who talks to me, the one who doesn't forget where I am.............I never never in a million years saw this happening.........I feel so bad, and I feel guilty for feeling bad.........Aiden keeps wiping away my tears, and wanting to "kiss" away what is hurting incredibly sweet is that huh?


Another good shot I took with the boys last week

I received this adorable Santa from Gale, for our Christmas ami in July Swap. he is really cute!!!! I love it. Thanks Gale!!!

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Still UP!!

Well it's 5am in the morning, and I am soooo tired.......I have not been to sleep yet. Austin is leaving for Branson here in about an hour........So I decided to get some house cleaning done, so I could rest during the day. I have been so busy, but not as busy as I had been a couple of weeks ago. I will miss Austin a great deal, so I went and bought a webcam, so Aiden and I could see him when he is gone...he will only be gone for 4 days, so that won't be so bad. He will have lots of fun, and it is nice that he can get a good vacation in before school starts.

I am working on some Halloween stuff, I need to make two for Carol who requested them as a wish.....I am also in a Halloween swap, but that is a 2 month swap, so I still have time.

Well off to get Austin up.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Grey Wolf

I made this little wolf for my best friend, he loves wolves and although this looks exactly like the pattern I personally don't think it looks too much like a wolf. LOL he loved it though and that is all that matters.

I am making lunch right now, and it will be beef stew over pasta.......boys are playing. I am keeping positive about a friend of mine, she received some bad news today, and is really upset about it. At the same time, the "bad" news was actually a blessing in disguise, so that makes it even more upsetting. Anyway keeping a positive attitude for her and will be praying for her situation.

It's going to be a hot day out.....100 degrees! YUCK!!

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Amigurumi Crochet-a-long

We have a monthly cal in one of my groups, and we offer incentives for the cals as well as the featured patterns. Well I told you last night of Miss Lavender being our Featured pattern for August, and today I am posting our CAL for August, we decided on two, so all members of the group who do both, will have both counted. Anyway our CROCHET-A-LONGs will be LITTLE WITCHY from FUZZY FEET WORKS. You can click on the pattern name to be taken directly to her pattern, and the name of the blog to be taken to her blog. She is also having a sale on her ETSY site, you can find that by clicking "etsy" She has some really cute stuff. Anyway I will follow along with the cal instructions on my blog too, so any of you who read that would like to make these patterns can. Our second CAL can be found HERE.
This is actually a kitty witch, so very cute!!

If you want update us on your progress.

For Little Witchy, we will work on her head this week. I would love to see pictures of your progress.

Same for Kitty Witch, we can work on her head.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

It's only Tuesday?

I took this today, and I took several, its hard to get all of us in a picture, they are usually too busy. Aiden was sweet here, but I wish he was looking at the camera, I might add the other pictures later on.
I absolutely love this one.....good coloring, and he was actually looking at the camera!!!! how handsome is he? I went to enroll Austin in 7th time flies.....enrollment took all of 5 minutes and we were out of there.....I love that, and I love that they offer the supplies there, all in all, I paid 18 dollars for supplies, fees, locker rental, id and agenda....pretty darn good if you ask me.
I made this angel tonight for Margaret.......This was a wish she had on a group. She is cute.
This is a side view of the Piggy I made in thread....I Love the tail......
I love it, its so cute....I made this as a wish for Debbie in one of our groups, she is in the middle of a move, so he will be shipped off once we have her address.

I am going to be starting 3 projects tonight, or so I think....that might change once I get busy.....but I want to get started on two things for a friend, and the Featured pattern in a group I am in....she is called Miss lavendar...and if you are interested, you can find her pattern here

Creepy alert HERE She did an awesome job on this spider, but I hate spiders.....and this one is just too realistic for me..but if you know someone who loves them, or is looking for something realistic for Halloween, show them that.

Monday, August 03, 2009


Well I changed a few things on my blog, and will start keeping most of my posts about my crochet. I have been reading more and more things that really bother me. So I want to keep my personal life as private as I can. I might make a private blog for more family matters, but I originally intended this blog to be about crochet when I first started it and it came to be more about my vents, and family issues.
So I will still talk about my boys, but in more generic terms, meaning I won't give details about my days. Those issues will be short. Plus I just have too much going on my life right now....with my mom getting worse, and having so many things to do. I love my life and my family, and I love all the things that come with being a mom.

I can't believe its almost school time again....summer came so fast......I have to enroll AJ tomorrow.....I think its the last day. He is not looking forward to going back to school so soon, but I told him time goes by faster as you get older, so get use to it...he was not amused by that!! LOL funny how our kids don't like be reminded of getting older.....but they have no problem reminding us.

Well time for me to get off of here and work on the angel I started last night and was too tired to finish.

Sunday, August 02, 2009


Not a very good picture, but this was the thread bear I was doing for Debbie, this was a wish, actually just a thread animal, and I did this, but was not at all happy with how it was turning leg is bigger than the other, but I was also very busy and stressed during the time I was making it, had a lot on my mind and was doing a lot of "soul searching" and that could be why I just didn't like it....I did give it to Aiden, he wanted it so bad. Anyway I started on another thread animal the other day and finished it tonight, I got busy again, but worked on it tonight and he is soooo cute....I will post him soon. Debbie is moving, so I will mail to her when she sends me her new addy...I am pretty sure she will like it....I know I do, it came out cute, and will be hard to part with. LOL

Today was a really good day for me, no stress, not too busy, a friend came by for a short visit, and then I took AJ and went to Wal-mart to get some school uniform shorts....I got 6 pairs today and about 9 t-shirts for him that were on can't complain about buying that many when they are only 3 dollars!! We got home and I finished up a bit of laundry, got dinner ready, which was Turkey roast, new potatoes and corn......I had everyone sit at the table for dinner, My mom stays in her room, but I wanted the boys to be at the table....Aiden ate 3 pieces of turkey, they were cut small, so I didn't have a problem with it, I did make him eat all his corn, which he did. He also fell asleep early tonight, woooohooo....I am getting the boys back on a schedule.....we all need to be.

So now I am just enjoying some quiet time, and will work on a crochet angel for someone and drink some coffee while watching Stargate Atlantis!

Hope you all who read this had a great Sunday

Saturday, August 01, 2009

What a Day

Well first off this is the fairy I got from a member of my group, Gale, she did an excellent job on her, and she is just too pretty!!!! I love her.
This is my goofy goober, Aiden, we went to Ci-Ci's for dinner tonight with a friend and had a blast....I had a good day, got the living room cleaned, then had a friend and her son come over and AJ went with some friends to go play games, he should be home soon... I took Melody to pay her phone and we went to dinner....her and I are really getting along much better now, we had a bit of a blow out, but realized it was more my dad getting in the way...long story...but anyway, we came to a realization that friendships are hard to come by, really good ones anyway, so I think that helped us both to realize we needed to let the little things go.
Aiden and I yesterday.
AJ and I last night.
We could not get a very good shot since we were sitting with our backs to the window..but this is Melody and I. We had tons of fun...even at the house, we laughed and joked and she really needed to get away and have some fun......We even went and played the games there, and I got a very pretty colorful beanie bear.....I am tired now, but will wait for AJ and crochet a bit.