Amigurumi Swaps & More June 18th, 2009
"Crochet in the News"
Well here is our June issue of Crochet in the News newsletter.........I said before i want to have this once a month. Remember that if at any time you want to contribute anything to this newsletter, just let me know. I will also post this newsletter on my blog.
Is evveryone looking forward to the Holidays......I know we are just coming into summer, but I know for me, I get bored working on the holiday stuff when that holiday is upon me. LOL Might not make sense, but in my twisted mind, it does. Anyway, I can't wait to see what everyone has been working on.........if you do any holiday work, let me know I will post your pictures here.
I would like to point out that for the phrases in parenthesis and in red, I would like to hear your answers on please by all means, copy and paste into an email and give us your answers through the group. For those of you reading this on my blog, leave a comment with your answers. I am sure a lot of people, including myself, would love to read them.
Ok on to some news.
Crocheting for Beginners
I found this site below and I think its pretty interesting, and anyone who crochets, whether you are new or old school.......should really enjoy reading this. This brings me to our Featured Section........
"What made you want to learn crochet?"
Here are some stories from our members here at
I Hope you all enjoy reading them.
I know for me, it was wanting to make afghans, which I called blankets, but some "crocheters" would tell me they are called Afghans! To me it was no difference. I was pregnant with Austin, who is now 11 and I was high risk, so I desperately needed something to do. I can tell you that it was very slow going........I didn't crochet anything while I was actually pregnant, with personal issues going on and being sick so much, I didn't have the time. Not to mention I could not figure out what the heck a slip knot was for the longest embarrassing at that is, I chalked it to up being sick and the meds........LOL Good excuse right? Anyway I believe my first project was a wrap around for my mom, very simple rectangle shape and it came out perfect, very even and second project was a scarf that came out horribly uneven!!
Carole's Answer
What made you want to learn crochet"
Gee-- I always knitted and just wanted to learn something different-- and less time consuming. My mother-in-law offered to teach me-- but it was awful- she had me use thread and a steel hook and I had bad eyesight and it was a mess. A few years later I learned that aluminum hooks and worsted weight yarn were a great combination for me. My step-daughter taught me to read patterns and from then on it was clear sailing.
Also if you could tell me if you remember what your first project was and do you still have it? My first project was --hmm- probably a baby blanket-- but i don't know which one-- but the first ones were all single crochet ---
Do you have a picture of it as well? not a chance-- but I do have a blanket I made of leftovers from the first year or so of crocheting. I could take a pic of it for you--
Any interesting or funny stories you would like to share about your "learning" process.
not really
Ivory's Answer
My very first crochet project was a scarf made with this salmon pink yarn. I still don't know what brand it was, it was one of those pounder yarns. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of it, because I frogged it lol. My roomie taught me how to CH, DC, and turn, so whenever I would make a mistake, I would leave it. She has a different schedule then me, so when I got back from class or work, the error was fixed.
The first amigurumi I crocheted was a crochet cat, I have a picture of it and have attached it to this e-mail.
My crochet kitten was the very first amigurumi I have ever made. It taught me how to read a pattern! Well, I finished it and didn't have any experience sewing on limbs, so they are crooked. Oh and I didn't have any eyes, so it became my "Blind Crochet Kitten". My son now plays with it.
"Colors in Crochet"
"When you find a pattern you like and want to work on, how do you determine color? Do you usually use what is typical of the item you are working on, or do you just go crazy and do some off the wall color for it?"
Example, a cute doggy pattern, would you make a "blue" or "green" dog? LOL At the link below you can find an article on color.
for me, I usually pick out my own colors...........I don't always use the designers choice of color, and I really don't think many designers care what colors you use. I think it opens up a great conversation on why you chose the particular colors, and allows others to enjoy seeing the item in a different color......I have heard from some people that if they don't like the color of an item, they will not want the item, but seeing it in different colors opens their eyes to the fact that they might just like it that way. LOL. Sometimes I look at something someone has done, and think to myself why did they use those colors, but it's a preference, and I understand that........I think we all have to respect that choice that others make when choosing their colors for a project.
"What is the most off the wall color combination you have seen?"
"What is the most off the wall color choice you have been given for an item you were making someone?"
I can't wait to see your answers! :D
Have you ever wondered about the history of crochet?
I know I have.........I know that I have seen the shows like, "Little house on the Prairie" and saw them working a project, but was never sure if that was just for the show. I knew that the craft went way back, but after reading the article below, I had no idea just how far back it went! I wonder though about what they used, and just how popular it was.........well if you are like me and have the same or similar questions, please check this site out. You won't be disappointed.
"Did anyone in your family crochet?"
Well not sure really. I know my grandma did, but I never really saw her work, she lived in another state. My mom says she use to knit, but growing up I did not see her knit. I know I have seen some work that my grandmother on my moms side did, and she was GOOD We still have some of that work she did........I wish we had more.
Gale's Response
My mom she done doilys and she never had a patt that i can remember her mom and grams taught her so i assume it was a memory thing she never learned to read patt that i know of anyway i was a tomboy so when i begged her to teach me she said always wash your hands cause thread was white i guess they didn't have colors or she just always used white Course i was a tomboy and you should have seen the doily lol they didn't have spray and wash then either i bet i frogged that thing 100 times i would do a row and she would check it of course it wasn't tight enough or i missed a stitch REDO
anyway im so glad she was that way she always told me do it right or don't do it at all well i wanted to learn and been learning all these years So thanks mom for having soooo much patience with a 7yr old dirty hands and all tomboy. Moms been gone six years now and you know i still frog if not done right

Well this is it for our June Newsletter, I hope this was a good read for you, and hopefully in time we find these getting better.
I will post the questions below too, and again if you are in the Amigurumi group, please send us your answers to the group, and for those of you reading my blog, please post your answers in the comments.
"What made you want to learn crochet?"
"When you find a pattern you like and want to work on, how do you determine color?
"Do you usually use what is typical of the item you are working on, or do you just go crazy and do some off the wall color for it?"
"What is the most off the wall color combination you have seen?"
"What is the most off the wall color choice you have been given for an item you were making someone?"
"Did anyone in your family crochet?"