
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Nerve of some Idiots

Yesterday I took the boys and we walked over to Melodys house. I had some yarn, books and purses for her..........we have to cross a street to get there, which on the way was fine.........the boys rode their bikes and Aiden was so cute on his little tricycle......anyway after a short visit, we left to go home............I pushed the button to cross the street and we finally got the "walk" I started walking with Aiden next to me............well some bald dork in a truck yells out, "just in case you can't read lady, the sign says don't walk" I can't believe with my kids there this moron thought it ok to yell at me like that? He was really just mad because he could not turn right I watched my father cross...........he was behind us, so he hadn't crossed yet and the he pushed the button, and I saw the walk light come on, and counted seconds before it changed to don't know how many seconds??? Are you ready for this big number? it was on "Walk" for exactly 4 seconds...........I could not even get across running in 4 seconds!!! JERK........

Today was a good day, beautiful out but very windy.............I actually worked on some crochet........I got my Magic ball swap sent out today.............and a square done that I will get sent out tomorrow.........then finished an item for another swap. I also have to finish boxing up my box for my SS I had to go buy a bigger that might go out first.

I started on a crochet Dove, but the second wing just did not come out I put it aside for awhile.........If I frog something more than twice I am done with it for awhile........and sometimes for good...........that is when i get frustrated and bored with it. LOL

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I took this picture of Aiden yesterday with my cell phone.......he was so darn cute in this has little geckos on it..........handsome isn't he? HE ONLY posed for this picture because the ice cream truck was coming down the street. LOL
I had to buy 2 dozen cookies last night for AJs school........but not his class I found I told Aj to take them in the morning........well I woke up this morning to find them still on the called the school and they said it was not too late to bring got Aiden his shoes on and out the door we went, had to get gas, which I hate to do............and off to the school we went............we got lunch afterwards and came home to eat.............Aiden has been in a mood today, he hit me this morning and when I told him no we don't hit people.........he turned around and hit the table next to him!!! I had to keep myself from laughing as that was funny that he hit that when i said no hitting people!! Then when we got home, he had an attitude because he wanted to go outside and ride his tricycle, but I wanted him to eat his lunch and he got all angry about that, and he smacked the foot stool!! But other than that today has been a good one so far. My dad took some stuff to the we got rid of some wood and old broken toys today...........woohoo........more unwanted stuff..........GONE!!!

I am off to hopefully get some stuff to the post office today.

I got this stuff in two packages from Barbara, who was my SS for a short time..........the first package included the 6 coasters and a keychain of the boys................the second one which I got yesterday was the kitchen towel that says, "Aurora's Kitchen" and the Annies Attic books.........I have already done one project from the books last night. I can't believe I actually got to work on some crochet last night, it felt good to finally relax and crochet. I got clothes put away, dining room and living room cleaned up and vacuumed, and boys in bed I was on a roll last night. LOL

Goal for today:
Finish swap Items

Get to post office.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Thiens Visit

Thien finally came to visit his son, Aiden This was something I was both looking forward to, but also a bit scared of. I was nervous............about how Aiden would react. This was Aiden Saturday morning when Thien came to the house......he was not sure, but acted more shy than anything else.......
We took him to a park and I got this Aiden was getting better and allowing Thien to get closer to him. We walked around the park and Aiden threw rocks in the lake, and had me throw some too......he really liked that part. A couple of times I thought he would fall in. LOL
Thien and me
the three of us right before going to dinner. We had dinner at Chillis, where MR Aiden got a bit excited..........he was fighting off sleep!!! He was playing peek a boo with Thien.
I ran some errands today..........took the boys to lunch and then Wal-Mart........which was completely crowded. I then started tackling the really needed to be cleaned...............we had stuff down there that was really unwanted stuff............I only got to half the basement, and ended up with about 4 bags of stuff to be donated...........3-4 bags of trash.............and more stuff that we gave to a friend. I still have more to do down there.........but I can only handle so much.............the dust and cob webs were getting to me, not to mention the spider laying in wait to jump on me and scare the breath right out of me!!!! I will get to the rest later.

Thiens visit really gave me a whirlwind of emotions..............seeing him again brought up a lot of feelings............I won't go into detail on here, as I am not comfortable with giving out too much personal feelings on a blog...........I am ok with writing about my crochet and a bit about my life with the boys.........but I don't really go into detail like before.........I just got tired of the backlash from people.............those feelings are better saved for a private blog.

I miss him, I will say that much.............but I am just really glad Aiden got to see him and he got to see Aiden............I hope the continues to visit more often...............I would love for him to visit Aiden on his birthday. His birthday is on a Tuesday, but I am sure we could celebrate it on a weekend.

I am off to relax now. LOL

My crocheting has been ignored for awhile now.

I was looking at Cell phones I am soo needing a new one, and maybe one day I will be able to get one........they have camcorders in the phones take a video. Here is the first one I would like Red

or this one is nice too I am not sure if one is better than the other, but the red one is really nice. LOL I am the one in the family due for a new one.........everyone else has had a new one.

NO more Haircuts

I have determined I am never getting my hair cut again.........maybe a trim, but I prefer the longer hair...............I have noticed that every since AJ was born, my hair has gotten shorter and shorter............I am not sure why...........I have always liked longer hair............I think I hate this cut because she did it did the bangs way too short..........I HATE THEM HATE THEM HATE THEM!!! My "good" side of my hair, is no longer my good size because of how she cut it..............ok I am having a major vent here............but I just don't like it. I am letting it grow out.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

3rd Post for Tonight

I took the boys for a walk to Melodys house today........hoping little Aiden would nap, he woke up early this morning with a high fever, he was so hot...........I gave him a bit of tylenol, and it took him another hour to fall asleep. He woke up with a fever and it lasted all day...............we made a trip to Kid to Kid to get him some clothes..............I was able to get him 6 pairs of jeans and 5 really nice shirts........the jeans are 18 months and some are 24 months, the 18 months are a bit big, but not by much, and 12 months are too short on him.............but they were very limited on 18 months, so had to reach into the 24 months...........I will have to go back and get him some more...........He also walked out with two Thomas toys............and AJ got a remote control dune buggy, which Aiden ended up playing with more. LOL
My roses in bloom.
My father brought this home cute is this truck!!! it has two benches in the bed of the truck.........and two seats up front, both which have steering wheels. Aiden loves it..........but he was not feeling good, so I didn't get any pictures of him in the truck..........I think this is really cute. and we got it for free!!! Which is even better.........LOL
After Kid to Kid we went to Wal-mart to get some subs from subway for lunch.......and I got my hair cut!! I got bangs..........haven't had bangs in awhile, but wanted something different with my was just not looking good just hanging.............the lady cut my bangs way too short.........there was a picture on the wall, and I told her I wanted the bangs exactly like that..............that lenght and that thick wise...........well I am blind without my glasses and told her this, so I made sure to tell her EXACTLY like the picture, the lenght in the picture was longer than this...............but too short.......but oh well, they will grown and it feels much better.
Got this shot right before out walk.................he was so not feeling good.............but he really wanted to go for a walk.......or rather a "ride" cuz he wanted in his stroller...........lucky him!!! LOL.
This was Friday..........I had decided to go out and wait for AJ to get off the bus, and really needed to sweep up leaves and stuff............well Aiden took over for me, we had two brooms out there, but he wanted to do it himself, so it gave me the chance to take a picture of my little helper!!! As soon as AJ got home, the work stopped and the boys played before we made a trip to WalMart.
The same day, AJ was trying to crack open his coconut........he "really" wanted to get this open to drink the milk inside............the next day he got it open and HATED the taste of the coconut milk, he says never again will he buy a coconut again. LOL
I love this picture........Aiden wanted AJ to sit next to him on the chair..........and this was too cute not to pass up for picture time!!
Saturday night we decided to have a bbq, my friend, Melody and her son came over, she had been craving hamburger and french fries since getting her teeth out. So I said come over and have a bbq. Nando was already over playing with AJ, and mom and I made a trip to Michaels then WalMart............Mom got her hair cut, but hates me taking pictures of her, so no picture of that.
The sunset from Saturday..........the bbq was a lot of fun, and the boys enjoyed playing together.

2nd Post with General Pictures

AJ with his Derby car.......he put glitter on it......
Aiden looking cute
My boys with me......
I love this picture
Aiden with his blue lips and AJ in background being goofy, he was trying to give bunny ears.

Birthday Pictures 1st Post

You can't see the bracelet very well or the charms, but the boys got me a charm bracelet, which I have wanted for a long time.....I love them....My parents got me a PINK digital camera............I was so old digital was really driving me crazy, and I have had my eye on a pink camera.......this one does it all..........I also got a pink camera case and a 300 picture memory card.
My handsome Aiden
My parents and the boys came home on my birthday with a dozen roses.......beautiful arent' they?

My yummy cake........Carrot cake, which is my favorite!!! It was a really great birthday, Aiden didn't like the singing though. He did, however, love the cake and ice cream!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

MIddle of the Week........Mushroom house is Done!

Well I wanted to go lay back down this morning, was really tired, but decided to stay up and clean the bathroom and dining father also brought me home breakfast! LOL Long time since I had breakfast from McDonalds, so that was a treat for me. Anyway I want to get the cleaning done early, because my parents are taking the boys out today to "shop" for my b day I will have the house all to myself later today, which is very rare!

My handsome boys playing outside the other day........notice the lack of grass we have out back, I am not sure what happened to it, but its just not we have to go get some grass seed. use to be a very beautiful "green" backyard.
Aiden and me........he is wearing his Thomas the Tank conductor hat! How cute!! I just found out Thien is coming to see him this month............FINALLY.
I finished the mushroom house Monday night and here it is with the apple house..........very cute..............I love how it came out...........Aiden likes them too.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Well last week was............ok.........just ok............I got stopped by the police coming home from Wal-Mart, because they left out the Thomas the Tank toothbrush and book for was only a fix it ticket for the light on the license plate. So no big deal.........but I hate being pulled over. LOL So that did not make me happy. I am not sure what is up with Wal-Mart, the "biggest" chain in America they say, but they are so bad lately............every time I walk in there there is so many empty shelves.............well their prices are not that much cheaper than other stores, in fact prices are going up at Wal-Mart, WAY up..........I have counted 3 things I usually always buy, that have gone up in 2 weeks by over 50 cents!!!!! one went up 98 cents from last week............I am sorry, but that is just outrageous!!! Things go up in price, but I have never seen a jump that high in groceries.....not even with produce when that so called bad crops they get.

Gas prices???? here 3.60 now a gallon, and they keep saying its prices for oil going up and that is why they keep raising the price of gas.............but here I have noticed that every time Boeing gets paid, gas prices rocket up.........also they keep talking about how gas prices will hit 4 dollars a gallon by summer time, which they also remind us that that is the "vacation" time.............well that tells me its not the price of oil going up or any other stupid EXCUSE they have, but that it goes up with Popular driving times...............more people drive more in the summer and hey lets raise the price so we can keep making millions of dollars in profit!!! I don't drive nearly as much as I use to..........

I finally got a good picture of AJ............all decked out in his Jayhawks gear.............I was teasing him and he didn't want me to, but I ended up with a good picture of him..............FINALLY!!!

Aiden getting mad at me because I am taking his picture, which normally he loves, but this time he was watching Thomas the Tank on DVD!!!! Shame on me!!!! How dare I make him turn his eyes from the boob tube!!!

Well I am back in a better crochet mood, and here are some of the things I am working on..........the panels above are done in lavendar, Plum pudding, and Dark Orchid, I am making these strips for a lapghan, although the intended person apparently already got her not sure if this will go to her, since I also heard she got two of them................I might still send it, or just keep it, not sure what I will do with it.
Angel on the left is the one I did awhile back, I did two of them, one for Aiden and one for AJ, they are displayed on the mantle...........I decided to redo them in a lighter blue and I ended up putting a single crochet around the wings, which to me look much better. I used the same size hook but somehow the new ones look bigger............I also have not done the hair I just noticed that!! LOL
I had Aidens dad buy him a few patterns from Etsy, he has never gotten him anything, so this was nice to have him is a mushroom house...............a good night bear, and an angel bear............this is the big mushroom I just finished it today..............I have not done anything else, ,like the door or window yet, but will take more pictures as my work progresses with this is going to be so cute.

My weekend was pretty good, I am sore from standing so much Saturday. Today was a lazy day which I enjoyed, I did clean the living room, and will start on the bathroom and dining room tomorrow.

I was outside with some friends earlier tonight, and when I came in, my mom said that Aiden threw up a bit........I hope he is not getting sick!!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

New Week Ahead

Well its a new week ahead and I am ready for it. I am hoping to get more sleep this week than last. I had a pretty good weekend, I finally went through the top drawer of my filing cabinet, and got rid of a ton of paper. I just need to tackle the bottom drawer, which I am not really looking forward to.

Today was warmer than yesterday and not as windy, but the boys and I never made it to the park........AJ had Chris over playing and Aiden went with my dad and Scott to get Amanda. So we basically hung around the house..........I did take the boys for a walk today which was nice.

I am also starting on some squares for a CAL I am doing in a yahoo group. This is such a pretty square. I need to do a total of 22........20 for the afghan and 2 for the pillow. Its really pretty and you can see the pattern here.
If you scroll down you will see the pattern for the, "Ladys Coverlet & Pillow" I am going to do the bottom of the fan part first, so the first 5 rows first, and once I have 22 of them, I will work on the rest of the square. I am using Camo Pink for the bottom of the fan, Raspberry for the fan part, and white for the background.

I have also been going around and around in my head to go back to my old screen name, which I never deleted...........I just really love that name, and I still use it, just not as much, but I find myself signing into that name more and more. I hate changing everything over, but it should not be that difficult. I always have a hard time deciding on what to do with screen names.........LOL

Well I am about ready to get offline and watch the news and work on those fan squares. Will take a pic tomorrow.

Friday, April 04, 2008


Ok so its almost Saturday, oh well, this could be why I am so tired. LOL!! Anyway I am tired and will be going to bed soon. My knees are swollen and that is not helping me trying to sleep. Anyway Today was good, I went to Wal-Mart to get a box for some swap items. I really need to mail them Sunday. Then I stopped by a friends to visit for awhile, and he lives in an apartment complex, which I would not want to live in.........there is a playground in the complex, and a park next to the apartments, but everytime i go there, there are kids playing in the parking lot!!!! No parents around, they are running or skating around, and knocking into peoples kid today just stood in front of am empty space where I wanted to there were actually two adults out there, but did nothing, so I finally parked. I can't believe these parents have no problem with their kids running around a parking lot when there is an area for them to play should never be ok for kids to play in a parking lot. Oh well......I love living in a house, but this house is just not big enough anymore for us........its only a 2 bedroom, we are using the utility room as another bedroom, but its so small and the bed ends up sitting over the basement door, so when we need to go down there, we have to move everything. UGH! I think I need to start looking for something bigger.

I was going to take the boys to the park tomorrow, but there is a high wind advisory, so that is out of the question. I will maybe take them to a playhouse. AJ is going to a friends to watch the Kansas Jay Hawks play..........So Aiden and I will stay home and watch movies, he will no doubt play with Thomas the Tank toys, he is getting more and more into Thomas.......he will watch the videos all day if I let him, and I don't, but then have to listen to him throw a fit about it.

I can't believe school is almost out.........May is the last month.........this year went by pretty fast, and I wish it hadn't..I don't like when time flies by so fast.


There is a new group...........a brand spankin new group...........I am going to be running this group with Dawn. She just sent me my we would love to have members! What group wouldn't huh? LOL anyway please check it out.

Crochet Swaps Galore

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Security Toolbar??!!*&&*

Well I had a nasty incident on my started the other night, my mom noticed a flashing yellow triangle on the taskbar at the bottom saying things like you have a trojan, blah blah, and it just took you to a site that wanted you to download their software, well I was not falling for I did a scan which found some stuff................then............all these pop ups kept popping up in Internet Explorer like right after another sometimes 30 at a time.......YEP YOU READ THAT RIGHT!! I kept reporting the sites, then PORN started popping up............OH GREAT.............can't let AJ on the computer until problem is fixed. Well when I would go into internet explorer, it would open a page that tried to mimic a security page from your computer again with links..........I then noticed a toolbar that I had NEVER seen............called Security Toolbar 7.1.......oh man was I pissed, could not find this in my programs at all.....came across a message board saying things to do..........well I didn't know if they were right, so I had a friend search as well...........I know that no one in my family downloaded this toolbar, and I was really I am looking and looking............I mean really looking in my program files........Looking at EVERYTHING, but more importantly looking at the DATES!!! Checking for the date this problem started...................its very sneaky how its listed.........well only had 2 things that were listed for the day in question.............and one was something I did download myself to try to solve this problem............the other? Never did download was called "Internet Services" WElL number one I know what internet service I have installed on my computer and the fact that this was listed for the date this problem started. I clicked it and clicked uninstall...........well it said problem and to reboot, just uninstall it and reboot............then my internet explorer would not stay open, but it did long enough for me to realize the tool bar was gone....................I did keep seeing the flashing yellow I installed Stopzilla, and the pop up was gone, internet explorer works fine now. Thankfully

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Crochet Update

I just did this puppy for a swap, finished it last night, and then my mom wanted it........which I had forgotten she wanted one awhile since I have a few items for my partner, I would give this to my mom......I think he is cute, but I didn't really like how the pattern called for in putting him together, but doing it another way really did not look right.........but he is still cute and he is now my moms "pet" LOL
A side view of him..........Aiden liked him too..........gave him a kiss!!!

I am sooooo tired............I am not sure what was wrong with Aiden last night, but he didn't have a nap, and he was up until 4am.........yep that late............I tried everything to get him to sleep, laid in bed for hours.........listening to him roll around, talk, kick the walls, cry.............and nothing I did worked.........he was out of control! I finally had had enough and left the room, even yelled at him, which I don't like doing, but I was so tired...............He finally went to sleep after 4, I was up again at 7........laid back down once AJ was off to school...........and up again at 11am. So in total I have gotten about 4 hours of sleep. I am not a happy mommy!!! LOL

Barbara has given me only one partner for the AOL Secret that will be easier than having the 2. I would love to join more swaps, but I did leave some of my crochet had turned to Charity only.............and I would rather do charity locally...............then online, I don't have the time or money to send that much charity stuff...........and the group was really fun in the beginning, but once the requests for charity squares started, it kinda took over..............The owner understood why I was leaving and hopefully we will stay in touch. I am by no means against charity, in fact its a wonderful, full filling thing to do....but I would rather donate to local charities.............

Tested Red Mage

I tested another pattern for RedPuppydog, over at Crochetville. This one is called the Red Mage, and he is adorable. I really liked making him.
Here is he!!! I love the hair on him and the head band.
All three of the Mages!! I already have 2 people wanting a set! LOL They are very easy to work up and she offers well written patterns, please click on her name above to check out her website.