Today was a pretty good day..............we woke up to a very warm day, made scrambled eggs for breakfast, which the boys ate up like they had eaten in a year..............I could not handle it very well, didn't set too good..............AJ played with Chris for awhile, while Aiden and I took Barbara too Wal-Mart and I FINALLY remembered to get my craft stuff, wiggly eyes felt, stuff like that. I also got some Halloween decorations, as if we don't have enough............i got some hanging stuff and these two huge wall decorations for AJs room...........he wanted his room decorated this I also got spider webs.......which I hate using, but it sure looks cool. (the only time I can handle webs)
Got home and had my dad hose down the porch to get rid of the real webs and we got to hanging stuff out there...........I need to find an old white sheet to make a huge ghost to hang in front of the windows out on the porch, and a huge black one to make a bat. I also want to do a graveyard in our dead flower bed! LOL
So we got the halloween decorations out and I am tired, and have a headache already! LOL but it looks good. I am not sure I will crochet any more halloween stuff, maybe for AJs room..............some of the ones i did last year, he wanted in his room, so I let him have them. He was so excited about doing his room, and the webs look really neat. I will have to take some pictures tomorrow. I also did some webs in the living room, over the fireplace and the high window...........I am all out of webs........(THANKFULLY) and now will come the comments that halloween is still a month away................but I am not one of those people who put up decorations a few days before the actual holiday and then have to take them all down again so soon...............not me..............if people don't like me putting them up this early.......TOUGH!!
I did join a halloween swap on Crochetmania..............I am looking forward to that, and already have some things in mind.
I really need to get off now and finish up cleaning, take some pain pills and relax the rest of the night.
I will have some pictures up tomorrow.
1 comment:
Cant wait to see those pictures looks like you all set up for Halloween I know your kids will love it.
Oh also you have been tagged.
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