
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Crochet Update

My crochet has taken a back seat lately..........I have not been in much of a crochet mood lately. This Yoda was done last week. Austin wanted me to do one for a friend of his. I think he came out really cute and I forgot to take a picture of the back of him, but he has a hat on his robe........Brett really liked him. Austin was so happy that I made this for Brett and wants one for himself too.
Ok the dark brown does not show up very well.......or rather too dark, but this is Sackboy......we could not find grey felt to make a "zipper" or a zipper head, so we just bought a zipper and cut it down and put it on............This was also made for a Christmas present from Austin to Brett, and I also have to make one for Austin too. It came out cute, but I did not like making this pattern. the head and body are done in two pieces then sewn together. It came out really cute and the designer did an amazing job, as he looks very much like the "real" character.
This is called the Flower Power square designed by SmoothFox, Donna..........she really does an awesome job with designing squares.
I also tested this square for her as well, which she is calling the Coral Square becuase she used the Coral color........I used pink raspberry, but really liked this square too. She is looking for a name.

I will update Christmas soon............

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cold, Warm, Cold, Warm and Cold AGAIN

Here is Austin out playing in the snow the other day, of course that snow is gone now as we got a lot of rainy/misty warm weather yesterday. It was warm today, but apparently the temperatures will fall again tomorrow and Sunday very cold. Austin will be gone this weekend, going to the Great Wolf Lodge. I will miss him.
Little Aiden out playing in the snow. He loved it, He loves throwing snow balls, but does NOT like snow on his face, and who would? LOL He had a lot of fun out playing in the snow.
I finally got started on a Star Wars afghan for Aiden........his will be a bit different than Austins, I will be changing the colors around, and his will be smaller for now. I will add more to it.......these are the first two squares crocheted together. Aiden is so happy I am making it for him, he keeps checking on my progress and saying he can't wait for his blanket.
Guess what these are??? well?????? ok ok, these are Yoda parts!! LOL I made them tonight, and will sew him together tomorrow. Austin wanted this for a gift for someone. I will probably also make one for him and Aiden as well.

Today was better than yesterday..........I had to take mom to the dr today and we didn't get home until about 6 and Austin had basketball practice tonight too..........It was so warm today, but tomorrow they say the temperature will fall drastically. Anyway Aiden took a magnet and rubbed it on our T.V. Screen, and now there is a color distortion.......I hope it fades.

I am going to get to bed, I took some pain pills tonight, My head and back hurt.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bitterly Cold! Buuurrrrr!!

Friday morning Austin woke up really sick........I had a feeling he was getting sick, as he was sleep walking during the night, and that usually happens when he is either really tired or sick.......he had coughed and gagged all during the I told him he was not going to school, and he spent most of the morning in the bathroom, and then finally he was able to get some sleep............he was in bed all day. By Saturday he was feeling better, and it was warm and windy day..........I had to run some errands with a friend, then came home and got my father and Aiden and we all went to lunch, and then to Wally world to pick up a few things, off to take Barbara home and home ourselves.

I tried to crochet.......shhhh!! but my hand was still hurting.....

This morning was warm too, but the temperatures drastically fell through the day, its now like 12 degrees out.........cold cold cold............falling ice, and a few flurries too. Aiden had fallen asleep on the living room floor, so I went to pick him up to get his PJS on, and he threw up all over him, me and the love seat...........:( so I got him in the bath and cleaned up, and then cleaned up the love seat and floor, and gave him some Emetrol......and then got him in bed, and it didn't take long for him to fall asleep, so hopefully he will sleep through the night with no more upset tummy. I hope!!

Anyway that really is about it............I guess this week will be about staying warm. I told Austin we could make cookies and brownies when he gets home from school, so he is looking forward to that.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I finished this Christmas Angel Crinoline Doily for a crochet-a-long in a group. She came out really pretty, this is the one I used the pearl size 5 thread.
I started this "Holly and Berries" crinoline doily for the same CAL and I can't crochet anymore right right hand is swollen and hurting something awful. So I am taking break from crocheting for feels like someone took a hammer and smashed my hand.
I sent this stuff to a Secret Sister, Minday......I hope she likes it.

Monday, December 08, 2008


Well I managed two posts yesterday and today.........woohoo for me huh? LOL This will be short as I am tired. The weekend went really well, quiet and relaxing.....not much happened......Austin was with a friend Saturday and Aiden and I hung out. Sunday I took the boys out to lunch and let Austin have a friend over to play, which Aiden liked too......they played outside for awhile because it was not windy and not that cold either.

I started a Crinoline doily that I am doing in a crochet-a-long in a group........I did the first 17 rows just a bit ago, and the picture above was taken with my phone. I am using a Pearl thread which only comes in a size 5........using a size 8 hook and so far its working up fast and I love the thread!!! Its very easy to use.

Well I am off for now.

Saturday, December 06, 2008


How cute is this picture taken the other day, I loved how Aiden kissed his brother as the picture was taken.
My sweet Aiden and I
I am missing an eye!!! LOL
Christmas Elf I did
Christmas reindeer I did as well.

Thanksgiving went well, we had lots of goodies and yummy food, and the day was not as stressful as usual...............nice day out and the boys had fun helping me to set up the Christmas tree, although I still ended up doing most of it!! LOL

This week has gone by fast for me and I will update more later on. I am tired and my head is starting to hurt again........hopefully it won't get worse.

I hope all of you who read this had a great Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Package sent to Debbie.
Amigurumi kitties sent to Margaret

More ami's sent to Margaret

More sent to Margaret.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Duck & Monkey

Monkey done, took a couple of hours total time.........not even that. he came out fast and cute.
I made this duck last night for Margaret, now I am needing to do a monkey and one more dog.....I tell you my hands are so cramped up, and this duck came out cute, but the pattern was struggle to read at was not written out in traditional instructions.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My week

Debbie made this Seal for me for a Christmas Ami swap we were partners cute is that?? The boys are fighting over it!!! She also sent me a skein of PINK yarn, cards, and a chocolate peanuts!! YUMMY!!!
I have been so tired lately............I wanted a slow weekend, but my Friday and Saturday were both full of errands and visiting..........I got to relax most of today though. Austin went to a Football game yesterday and saw the Jayhawks play the Texas Longhorns............Jayhawks lost :( but he had fun watching. Good thing he was bundled up as it was really cold yesterday.
Aiden and spent the day together, we visited with some friends, and then had lunch together............Austin had a birthday party to go to today, so he was gone again. LOL Aiden and enjoyed our time together. I tell you that boy is really fighting sleep at night........he gets all wild..............LOL I am going to try to calm everyone down by a certain time and see if that helps...........HAH I know I am probably fooling myself.
Anyway tonight went well, but I realized early enough I think that I almost let myself walk back into a very stressfull mess, and thankfully I caught on and am going to stop myself...........I took the drs very serious when they said to try to avoid stress.................which being a mom means I will never have a stress free day...........but I can certainly do my best to avoid situations I know are more stressful than others. I just wish some people could let go of the "blame" game.........we all need to start taking responsibility for our own actions........and move on.
Anyway I did manage to finish some Christmas amigurumis I had started the other day.............can't post a picture yet........I will post a picture when my swap partner gets the package.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's Hump day?

I did this puppy, and actually margaret and I decided the first one I did from another pattern was coming out too big compared to the others I am doing. I went down two hook sizes and I crochet tightly....but the first puppy was just too "fat" so we went with this one, that is originally a pug, but I combined some of the other pattern with this one........

Here he is sitting down.......
and this is the project I started on earlier tonight......While we were watching Indiana jones. Know what it is? Some of it is for Debbie.........I bet she can't guess.

Aiden woke up sick this morning, we were snuggling on the couch watching cartoons, and he all of a sudden lost color and especially his lips.........and I knew he didn't feel good, and just then he threw we got cleaned up and he felt better, but I knew he was just saying that, he went and sat in the living room, playing with the Leap frog toy he got in the mail from his dad...........but he was just so limp at times...........and laying down and not having energy..........he got sick off to clean him up again.......and I left him here with mama and went to Wal-Mart to get him some Gator Aide to drink and chips for lunch to go with the soup...........just plain chips to help his tummy.........I also got some carpet cleaner to spray if he got sick agian............I got home and he was asleep on the floor, he was asleep for a couple of hours, and seems to be doing much better now......he is very warm, so I think he might be running a temp............but other than that and not really eating too much, which is ok......he is fine, playing and talking up a storm! LOL

Anyway I am feeling ok, my head has been hurting on and off but nothing too bad, but tonight its hurting a bit more..........just started to hurt...........hopefully it will stop........My scalp is ITCHING!!!!!............OMG its so bad, it feels like I will go crazy.........I don't itch, but I sure try everything to "itch" I rub my forehead in hopes that it will "reach" the itch!!! LOL I know pretty silly, but man it itches bad................DID I MENTION IT ITCHES!!!??? LOL

Ok enough of my whine.......I am off to finish my "Christmas" project.........

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It was Cloudy and Cold Today

Well I never got to crochet yet today............I wanted to catch up online..........and I did, then spent some time with Aiden, I had a good day today in that I didn't have any major pains......just here and there and nothing serious...........I even felt good enough to sweep up which always kills my back......but I got the living room and dining room cleaned up and vacuumed/swept.........we had leaves all over the living room and dining room floors...........they are everywhere outside. LOL
I made pancakes for breakfast, at Aiden's request.............pancakes and bacon......he ate very good.............Austin had to go out and buy a birthday present for a friends party on Sunday, so he did that and went to have lunch as I made chicken noodle soup for Aiden, my mom, and myself.........just the Campbells soup..........well Aiden went to town with it............he kept eating it going, "mmmm....very very good" he must have said that 3 times.............we had spaghetti for dinner and he does not eat that, so I said I would make him some eggs, and he wanted noodle soup again, so he got some more with some toast. LOL
Austin is off to school tomorrow.............he will have a short week, but has been so good yesterday and today.......he knows I am not feeling well and get very tired, and that will usually make him get up and help out without me or anyone else asking him too. I am proud of him. Anyway.........I am going to get off of here and crochet.........going to finish the puppy for Margaret...........I am sure she will be happy!

Tomorrow will be saved for some Christmas projects............I also have a Christmas Ami swap to work on as well........I know I had said I would not join in any swaps until next year, but darn it, it was just too tempting...........I am always wanting Holiday decorations.

Anyway Good night for now.............I will try to stay up to date on this blog.

Monday, November 10, 2008

My Update

Well its been one of those weeks! Two Saturday ago's Austin had a soccer game, and there was a parent there who could not keep his mouth shut, he yelled at players, said how stupid the play was, or saying things about the kids...........several parents complained and I found out that the game before this that was played at a different field, he was doing the same thing, and there was a physical I wondered why this same jerk was at the game this past was the last game of the season, and he was there yelling up a storm, really nasty to his son, and his wife jumped in and started yelling too........they kept telling the ref how stupid a call was he made.........ref told them to take a chill pill and stop yelling..........well after the game........they started yelling at the ref, in front of all the kids............the wife cussed and was told to leave, they just would not stop.................I wonder why nothing is being done.........parents are making written complaints and still he was there............its outrageous.........I feel really sad for his son..........who plays well and seems like a good kid.

Austin and Aiden both had check ups last week with their doctor.......Aiden was very upset he seems to get a shot every time he goes to the dr...........and this time was a flu shot...........anyway I got him to calm down and told him he could go home once the dr looked at him.......which he did very very well, he let the dr look at him, and listen to his chest and back, and both boys got a very good check up........healthy.........Aiden is about 30 pounds now............anyway next came the flu shot, which the dr and I both said we wanted them to have............but lucky for us, they now give it to them in a nasal mist............woohoooo.............Aiden didn't cry and was very happy to go home...........he was like, "mommy I was good boy, so now we get to go home" LOL how cute.

It rained all day today..............its getting colder out..........but I heard that some parts of our state got snow...............I wish we had gotten some.............would be nice to have snow on Thanksiving........we did get our turkey the other day...........

I have had a "welt" mark on my scalp for a couple of weeks now..........which has gotten more painful over the first I assumed a sunburn,I didn't even look.........but finally it hurt too much and I checked it out.............well it was huge welt mark................then I started getting pain in my right ear............a lump behind my ear...............figured maybe I was coming down with an ear infection or something, but then I started getting more "welt" like marks that looked like blisters...........headaches and pain on my right side were really hurting. So this morning, the pain was really bad, so off to the ER I went...........found out I have Shingles..........oh great!!! of all the places to get it is on my face/ far only one major one above my eyelid, which hopefully will not get into my eye........since its healing and I have had no pain in my eye itself, he thinks its ok...........but if I get anymore near my eye or nose, I am to come in right away, and get checked by an eye doctor......apparently this can cause temp/permanent blindness and far the pain in my ear and the bumps are just that........bumps, under the visible marks on the surface.............I am just glad I know what it is, and hopefully the 4 prescriptions they gave me will keep it from getting worse.........he did say the pain will get worse, and one of the medicines will hopefully prevent me from getting Postheraputic neuralgia......which is very painful, so I am hoping that won't happen............he did say its normal to have pain after the sores have healed for 3-5 weeks, so I don't have to panic........LOL I was before, since I had no flu or cold, so to have this pain in my head and ear, and then the sores, made me really freak out a bit........I also was worried about the boys too........neither have had Chicken pox, but its rare that I will give it to them. I was very happy about that.......

I have been working on crochet kitties and now a puppy for Margaret, who wanted me to do 3 kitties, 2 puppies, a giraffe, a monkey and a duck.............working on puppy now.........

Well that rain is really coming down hard outside now............the wind picked up and its no satelitte, LOL oh well, I will put a movie in for the boys........nope, tv just came on........not sure for how long.........but its pouring now...............

Anyway that is my update.........Austin is out of school today and tomorrow, so he is enjoying the time off from school.............

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Halloween is Over

This was a cute decoration we saw......I think I will do something like this next year.
Here are my boys.......AJ is Captain Rex..........looks like a clone/storm trooper to me. LOL Aiden........well you can see here he was Thomas the tank.........he ended up falling asleep half way into trick or treating........but we got candy for him.......we actually just put the candy all together, made it easy. IF Aiden had his way he would just have it all.......LOL We had a lot of fun, and ended up going to Cis Cis for pizza which was disappointing............their salad bar was half covered, you could not get to the good stuff, they only alreade made salad in a bowl with much for letting us CHOOSE what we want to eat!! Other than that it was a nice night. I came home and took down the halloween decorations and put up the Thanksgiving stuff. LOL Wasted no time.
Made cookies last week and Aiden loved doing the stirring and he also loved helping to eat the cookie dough. LOL
My little stirrer.
Aiden in his tent!

Its already getting dark outside...............I like this time of year.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Crochet update

I finally finished my Pilgrim Bottle toppers today......I had the boy done last week, and the girl the other day, but batteries went dead in camera.......they are cute, and will look really cute next to all the other Thanksgiving decorations.
My partner Debbie received these already, so I can post the picture, the turkey was for a thanksgiving Amigurumi swap, and the snowman towel holder was for a snowman swap. She loved them, and they did come out cute, although I hated the snowman at first, but once he came together he looked cute.
I tested this square for Donna on Crochetville, She designs really awesome squares and I have tested for her in the past. I loved how this came out and its really easy and fast, you can stop at a certain point for a 7" square, or keep on with the pattern for a 12" square. This is the 12" version. I will post the picture of the 7" version later. I forgot to add that here.

Check out her Etsy site

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sad Day

Today is a sad neighbor Mike died..........actually he is still on life support, but they are donating his organs, so he is still in the hospital.....Monday he was working at a school subbing for his favorite subject, Math, and collaspsed. It ruptered and his brain stem was damaged as well......I think anyway.......but this really hit me hard.......he has been my neighbor and friend to myself and my family for 5 years........he and his wife, were always there to help us, bring us stuff, cards, share thier life with us............we helped them when the ice storm hit and they had no heat or electric............we both did a lot for each other. His wife was a sweet lady, she crocheted like me, and we often would sit and talk or share our work..........but then she was diagnosed with Bi-polar and recently we found out she was Skitsofrenic..not sure if that is spelled right.........but he started to drink a lot and she was always off her medicine...........2 weeks ago, our neighbor across the street had to call the police because his wife threatened to kill the kids............she was in a bad state...........the police were over here talking with me, as well as the ladies from the hospital.........all agreed she was really in a bad state, and needed help, she was taken to hospitals several times, and they would are now finding out that those hospitals would not give her meds to her and would send her home saying they didn't know what else to do........Mike drank a lot and could not take care of her............I told the cops and ladies then that what will happen when he dies........where will that leave Kathy? then this morning, thier daughter came over to tell me about Mike...........I have cried several times...........he was good man who was lost a lot when his wife went downhill with her illness.........he didn't want to see her away from him............I will miss him.............I didn't think this would effect me so much.........but it has.............He was always there when someone needed him. My kids loved talking to him..........ok well AJ did........Aiden would just say, "hi mike" but now there will be no more hi, and no more hearing him tell jokes, laugh and just be Mike..........We will go to his funeral.........and we will help out as much as we are needed from the family........I will go visit Kathy once a place is set for her......

This is a sad day.

Rest in Peace, Mike, you will be missed.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Been Awhile

Well it was one hectic week and weekend............I did manage to finish up these squares for a wish for Cindy..........I also got them mailed the squares were done last week, but had to wait until today to mail.
I sent this for a Halloween partner received it and liked it, so I can post it now.
This guy almost became trash today.........I did not like him, I had to put him together, and had been so busy last week, that I didn't notice that I did his body colors in reverse........the gold was suppose to be his shirt and brown, his pants, so the arms and legs were mixed up..........but I decided to put him together and he is cute I think. So he was saved from the trash can.
My Aiden and myself

Aj and myself.

Aiden has his birthday party Saturday, he will actually turn 3 tomorrow........but his father, Thien was coming into town to see him and be here for the party.......he came Saturday afternoon..........and Aiden warmed up to him.........the party was a blast and everyone had fun............we decided on pizza and salad for dinner instead of a bbq............Sunday we had breakfast with Thien, and then headed out to Sears so Aiden and Thien could get their pictures done..........I will pick up the pics the 28th..........Thien had to leave Sunday, his flight took off at 7:30.........I was sad to see him go............but very happy he came to see Aiden..........we had an excellent time Saturday night............:D

Anyway today I wanted to relax and I was able to for some of the day, but once AJ got home, he really gave me attitude, so he is grounded now and I won't put up with it.

Now I am tired and wanting to rest and listen to music.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Tired Already

It's only Wednesday..........ok well Thursday morning now.........but I am so tired and wish I could have relaxed more yesterday..........AJ has no school Friday or Monday so that will be..............umm..................stressful........hopefully he won't bug me too much about who can come over and how bored he is.......LOL

Above is my witch I did for a Featured pattern in the Ami group.......I was upset when my hook didn't want to work anymore, the Ergonomic hooks............well the hooks would not stay in the handles Sissie suggested that I take my favorite hook and glue them I did, had two handles and used the G and H hook to glue in the handles. Now they work again.

I really need to get to bed............I am so tired. We went grocery shopping was depressing......the prices are outrageous..........I get that the prices were raised due to minimum wage being raised, and the companies can call it any excuse in the book, but bottom line is they are always looking for a way to raise prices.......why doesn't the government step in and put a cap on how much something can be raised..............Chicken thighs use to be they were 7.96............OMG!! My Tilapia fish went up 6 dollars.............I am sorry but that is just too much.......I am sick to death of hearing the excuses..........oh its the weather...........oh its the gas prices..............oh its the this and its that...........but its not us (the company) YEAH RIGHT!! Why can't some dork in a suit actually tell the truth, tell it like it is........."We raised prices so we can make a huge HUGE profit and fill our pockets and live much better than YOU!"


Monday, October 06, 2008


I thought I was getting tired of Halloween crochet, but I had this pattern that was a CAL in my Amigurumi Swaps & More group. He is called Frankenrumi click his name to go directly to the pattern, he worked up really fast, in about 30 minutes and he is just the cutest thing!!!! I could not find any white felt, so I just crocheted a triangle.......and I was lucky enough to find two matching screws.........he is adorable and I would make him again.........

It rained all day...............even thundered and lighetning out.............we haven't had a storm in awhile............My father had to go out this morning to help Scott get the kids off to school, and one of my wipers kept falling off the van......weird, but I think my dad got it on right since it has not fallen off again.........I had to go pick up Amanda from school, and I let her drive home, once we got out of the major school conjestion.............and just as we got out of the van, it poured down I had to go back out to drive down to the corner to pick up Chris from his bus stop...........he got off the bus didn't see me and was running, I kept honking my horn, and after the 3 honk he noticed me!! LOL

We just had dinner, and Aiden ate everything on his plate!!! I was able to get some cleaning done the living room done.................I just need to dust the dining room and clean the floors. Not looking forward to that. My back has been bothering me a lot lately.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

I am Brave!!

I have been too busy today..........first I had my father take Aiden over to Scotts so we could wrap his presents for his birthday in a couple of weeks, and I also needed to clean out the closet.........which I had just gotten done and went to sit down and crochet, when Scott called me and told me his tire was flat!! He was really bummed about that and some other things that had been going on that I told him I would leave earlier than I had expected to. So I told him he could just take my van and go to the store while I finished cleaning up his apartment...........So he did that.........and when Amanda came home, she was amazed at how clean the apartment was and how fast I had gotten it done.....I worked my butt off...........I didn't sit in front of the computer, or tv, I had everything off and just did it..............and it got done........and ended up looking really we had a good dinner..........Aiden actually took a nap over there........woohoo!!! I watched the season opener of CSI Miami.............then came home to get the boys settled down early.............I have to get up early in the morning! Anyway Amanda comes out to the living room saying I have to take her to the store to get "girl things" LOL she got to drive my van...........I was so nervous, but for someone who has not driven my van before, she did a good job...........I also didn't yell at her and that helps.......apparently Heather likes to "yell" things to Amanda.......unless you are about ready to collide I don't think yelling at a teenaged driver who is learning is a good thing!! Anyway above is a picture of her pulling into Wal-Mart...........
Here we are safe and sound in the parking lot!!!! She did a good job!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

So Tired

I am worn out!!! LOL the morning was fun.........we made blueberry pancakes and bacon, which apparently Aiden doesn't like the pancakes anymore..........I think its the texture.......he got a piece in his mouth and went eww...........and never even chewed....LOL he is the same way with mashed potatoes now. The boys played outside with some friends before we had to leave for soccer.........which we left way too early!!! I need to remember not to leave so early..........I got sunburned on my right side.........can you tell where the sun was?? LOL.............the game was fun to watch, both teams played really well, but in the end, the Green Mamba's lost.......(our team) Anyway we left and came home and Scott was suppose to come over with Pizza for lunch, but he has a mess to clean up, so I just went to Wendys for lunch.........and then ran some errands, went to different Walgreens looking for a particular purse for my mom.....and Halloween decorations........I found some for outside, but not a whole when we got home, I had my father help me put them up...........I think we have a bit more to do...........but we have a web out there and stuff........I will take pictures tomorrow.........the boys had a lot of fun playing outside...........then Scott and Chris finally got here............and watched a bit.............AJ is spending the night over there.................they can drive Scott crazy!!

So all in all a good day!! I have not gotten to crochet all day, and I am hoping to tonight.

Thien is coming for Aidens birhtday this month, and I need to decide for sure what day I want to have it on that weekend.

Thursday, October 02, 2008


AJ had conferences today and my gosh I am so proud of him.........his grades are awesome 6 As, 1 B and 1 C and the C is for missing assignments, so once he gets them turned in, he will have a B......they also give an academic progress report, which is a print out of all the work they have done this first 9 weeks..............and the grades for each Social Studies.......he has gotten a 100% on everything!!! his reporting term Avg is 100% I guess he really likes that subject!
We moved this truck from the back to the front and the kids play in it more now than when it was in the back.....which was probably due to all the nasty spiders out there.
I received this Doily and pattern kit from Kairi in France today..........its funny because she got my package today too. I love this and can't wait to start on my pattern.
I just love clearance!! But also sad to see this yarn go from Wal-Mart, this was a dollar.........I cleaned them out and have 5 other stores I could check out!! LOL
I can post this picture my swap partner, Joni received it...........this was for a Halloween/Autumn swap, she preferred Autumn, she is the one who sent me the scarecrow tissue holder...........this fits over a 2 liter bottle and was hard to part with as he was just too cute.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Halloween is coming!!

This is a really cute Ghost that you can find here. I made this last night and it worked up fast and easy. Caroline did a great job making up this adorable little ghost and offering it on her blog for free.
I did two of these spider and they are hanging above the fireplace.........they are the only ones I can handle....they are fake and smiling sweetly at me......unlike the real things, who are all out to get me!!!!
Some decorations that have gone up..........I might be doing more, but I think I need a break from Halloween stuff, might work on some squares for a CAL

This is in the boys room............they love it, they have more in there, but this corner is really cute.

Today has been pretty good so far............its really nice outside, so I will do some work out there with Aiden and enjoy this amazing weather..........the wind could settle down a bit, but other than that, beautiful out.