
Thursday, January 31, 2008


Ok this is the package I am sending out to my secret Valentine from one of the yahoo groups I am in.......there are a total of 7 things going out..........I hope she likes everything. That love bug is just so cute, I am making two more to represent my mom wants them. LOL

Well the weather man was not lying when he said we were in for a snow storm today.........its so pretty out, I wish it would have lasted a bit longer..........but we got about 5" and I had called the school last night and left a message on the voice mail about AJ being sick and not coming in...............well I had my father call this morning to talk to someone just in case they didn't get the message..........well school had already been that turned out good........I did call Fritz in the office today to update the phone numbers...........and he pretty much knew AJ would not be in tomorrow............this flu is hitting kids really bad. He is right, AJ has been in bed literally all day............he has held down some really lite he is going to try for dinner too..................he has gotten sick a few times today, but he is just so weak.................

I am making dinner now........homemade chicken noodle smells good......the only thing I cheated with is I got one of those cooked chickens from the deli at Wal-Mart..............but everything is else is from scratch......

I have spent some time working on the love bugs............and took a break to finish cleaning up the dining room and the living room..............which Aiden had demolished with his toys!! LOL I had my father take him to the store with him, so I could pick up and vacuum with no little helper! LOL he is a cute helper, but he was just wild today...............I think he was making up for the fact that AJ was in bed...........and he had to work double time to drive me crazy!! LOL

Anyway my back has been killing me all day, this weather does not help, even though I love I am off to relax and wait for dinner to be done.


This is my package from kitchen partner from Swap Swap Gals

I love everything.......I think the cow is just too cute.............and the colors of the dishtowels match the kitchen great...........I really loved swapping with Caroline, and am looking forward to future swaps.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

AJ Sick Again

I had planned on putting in some pictures but that will have to wait a few minutes........I have a sick child..........about 3 hours ago, AJ came to me and just looked awful, it hit him incredibly fast...........he is very pale, dark circles under his eyes and complaining of his stomach hurting.......I told him to not eat dinner and go lay down and see if that helps, well he got worse......he is very cold.............all huddled under the I told him to go take a bath and then he can relax the rest of the night...........well he got the bath tub...........yep..............YUCK.......I i had to drain the icky water, wash the tub out really good, and got him back in there to clean I am off to get him to bed, and finish up the cleaning, then if i have time or the strength!! to get back on I will.

Monday, January 28, 2008

I am not Made of Money

Those 6 words my parents use to say to me when I was little..........I hated those words and the, "Wait until you have kids, then you will understand!" UGH I vowed I don't even know how many times, to never say those things to my kids...........of course back in those days, I was NEVER going to have kids...........LOL guess what?............I said those 6 words yesterday to AJ. He has been playing this online game, Pirates of the Carribean...........but its only limited access..........he wants, no make that he have unlimited access..............."but mom, i have to finish this quest and I can't because you won't let me have unlimited access!!" Ok number one.......his butt has LIMITED computer that would not even be worth paying for a month............number two...............its too much darn money to pay for a kids game!! "but mom, its only 10 dollars a month." No only for the first month...........then it doubles!! I have not heard him complain today yet............but he is also doing his homework then wants his time on the I might hear it which he will be getting off the computer and I will take his DS and playstation away until he can stop bugging me about some stupid online game he can't have UNLIMITED ACCESS to!!!! anyone else having problems with this word verification thing blogger started?? I have to input the letters twice always tells me I did it wrong the first time.............sometimes it makes me do it 3 times.......and I am always very careful about adding them..........So this is my 3 attempt to input those stupid little letters that don't seem to like me much. LOL

Note.........4th time.

Internet is Still On

Well the home phone is off, and the internet is still I am taking advantage of it! I played catch up with my Myspace and email.......I forgot to take pictures of anything.........I did take a picture of my kitchen swap that went out to Caroline today.......but can't post the pictures until she gets the package.........I sure hope she likes what I sent her. This was my first Kitchen swap.............ok my second really, but my first one was at the same time............I sent on that one already, which was a potholder and matching hotpad...........I never was interested in kitchen stuff, until my first I have two under my belt, and have to admit I am bit addicted now!! LOL

I also played catch up with my projects..............I am making a lapghan and got the first row now I am taking a break from that and will finish up a Secret Valentine swap. I think I am done with it, I have 4 things crocheted for it, just need to head to the store to buy a few things. The swap is something crocheted and something bought........... The Buddy Swap is something in red or pink, and I have a few things done for that one too, its not due until the end of February, but I want to get it done. I have the lapghan to finish and also want to get started on the Camo Pink and Raspberry afghans for my bed and my moms. Also start on the second Star Wars afghan for AJ and have also decided to make one for Aiden, just smaller.

AJ is good, he is doing much better than Saturday..........Friday night he was running a fever and acting really loopy, he was talking in his sleep, freaking out at his hands and trying to jump out of bed a few times..........he finally settled into a deep sleep.

We were sitting at the table tonight eating dinner when AJ burped and Aiden turned to him and said...........hey excuse was so darn cute!!!! and Aiden thought it was really funny that everyone was giving him so much attention at that.

Aj is doing some homework and Aiden is playing with his Thomas Train set. I am going to get off and take a shower and relax and decide on what Valentine stuff to do.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Been a busy week..............I know I am lacking here in my posts......but later this week I will play catch up.

For the kitchen swap I am in with the Swap Swap Gals......I have received a magazine.....with a very yummy cover........and a set of dishtowels, hot pads and stuff..........I will take pictures of all the stuff hopefully tomorrow, I just found my batteries to my digital, and am charging them all now.

I am working on a lapghan for the Secret Sisters, and that is really about it.........I have had the stuff done for Caroline for sometime now.............but have been lazy about mailing it................well not lazy, just been really busy around here........I am hoping for a more relaxed week.

I will be without internet for a few days starting tomorrow, We have cancelled our home phone as our phone company now offers DSL without a voice line, so we cancelled the phone.........we have 3 cell phones in the house and the only reason we had a home phone was because we needed it with the DSL . We will be saving over $50 a month.........anyway I will play catch up when we get our DSL back up.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Feeling Guilty

I feel guilty today............I had ran around yesterday doing errands and stuff, and when I got home, I was so tired and really started to feel back was hurting and just felt blah...............then later that night, my chest started to hurt.........stress I am sure..............but I had already decided that I was leaving Aiden home this morning since it was single digits outside..............but I got up this morning to get myself and AJ ready for his basketball game, and I was still feeling awful. Especially my back and I decided to stay home, and let Brett take AJ. They were going to the Cosmospere today after the game............I don't like doing this.........aren't we suppose to put up with feeling icky to see our kids play? this is the only game I have missed...........and AJ was ok with it, he wanted me to feel better, but I can't help feeling guilty for not picking myself up and dealing with it. I do know that I rarely do this though............there have been many times when i felt awful, but still went on with whatever plans we I guess I should not feel so bad.

Aiden is sleeping finally............he was really cranky the past hour. LOL I have to run to the YMCA and drop my application off for a membership............So once the deposit is paid and stuff I will have no excuse to not work out........right? LOL We'll see on that one.

Anyway I am off to work on Valentine crochet and get my errands done.........I see a FEW snowflakes outside...........but knowing how much I want it to be will more-in-likely be snow blowing from the roofs or trees!! LOL

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Its Thursday

I received my swap from my partner at the Swap Swap Gals Kitchen Swap. This adorable Cow came from Caroline!! Its just adorable and my younger son, Aiden has taken a liking to it! LOL I have everything done for Caroline, I just need to get it boxed up and mailed off.

I am just now starting to get into kitchen swaps.............This is my second kitchen swap and so far I am really liking them.

I am now working on some red stuff for a swap I am in, in Crochetswapbuddies
It's a 3 month swap with a "buddy" and February is something in red or pink. I have a few things done.....but my mind is going crazy with other stuff I want to do. This is my problem sometimes...........ok all the time............trying to make sure everything is perfect! I will go round and round thinking to myself is what I make good enough to send to someone.............I mean I know it is...............I know that I like the stuff I do, but sometimes I just want to know that the other person will like it too.............I also am trying to decide on what lapghan I want to make for Secret Sisters

That is our blog address and the link to the message board is here.......

Anyway February is make a lapghan for your SS, well I am debating on making it one piece or granny squares.........I have a few square patterns I like, just need to decide and start on it. I did mail my baby blanket for charity today to BarbaraD. I decided to make another blanket............instead of the original one I made..........I made one in squares with a popcorn diamond pattern in some of the squares, I have made some like it for Aiden when he was born........and they are really nice, and I just thought it looked better than the first one I made for the charity........see?? this is something I don't like about myself, my lack of being able to make up mind!! I am always changing it. LOL

AJ has one more day of school, then a 3 day weekend.........Saturday morning he has a basketball game, and I am getting really tired of sports scheduling the games so darn early in the morning.......I admit I am not a morning person.......I get up to get Aj ready for school and once he is on the bus, most of the time I lay back down for a couple of hours. LOL...........but the weekend I look forward to being able to sleep in, and I can't because they seem to think everything must happen so darn early!! I know this is just me boohooing..............oh well..........

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I am so excited.........I found a site tonight of a lady who designs plus size clothing........I can't even begin to tell you how I have been looking for some. I am not a "huge" girl, but I don't think of myself as advanced enough to take a smaller item and make it bigger, not for clothes!!! Anyway I printed out some of the stuff, and plan on making some..................I will use a smaller hook, and hopefully that will work.......Check out her site.

Plus Size Clothing

I added my "crochet" New Years Resolutions, wish me luck!!! LOL

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Blazers Won!!!

I was so looking forward to sleeping in this morning, but AJ had a basketball game and they were also taking pictures..........the game was at 10 but we needed to be there around 9:30. We got there in time, and the game was a lot of fun, really got exciting..........the Blazers, AJs team got the first 18 points, then the other team really caught up, but in the last 1 minute and 55 seconds our team, The Blazers scored 4 baskets, and we won with 26 points!! The team was really excited and so was everyone else...........both teams played really well, and everyone had fun too. After we got home, Aiden and I took a nap, and I woke up a couple of hours later, just feeling sooo whole body aches.........and I could not stay awake, so my mom was watching Aiden as I fell asleep on the couch............finally dragged myself up and had some lunch.............didn't really sit too well, but atleast I did not get sick.........just felt that tonight I am just making some soup and wings...........I know maybe a no on the wings, but AJ has been asking for them for awhile, so finally remembered to get some tonight. Had to take Barbara to pay on her phone, so we just ran over to Dillions and picked up a few things.........I looked in magazines, and talk about disappointing...........there was only one crochet magazine there now...........they usually carry a lot.........I might have to to go the library to see if they have any...........or a book store. They usually have a huge selection of magazines.

I am really needing to get offline back is hurting the most right now...........need to get dinner started. AJ just got home from an outing with Brett..........will talk more about that later to those of you who know the situation. Anyway Aiden is still feeling sick, his nose if running............nothing seems like its infected as far as the leakage, but his little upper lip is just raw!! Its about ready to crack and bleed, and I put vaseline on it as much as i can, but he just licks it off! LOL

I did find in the store though............TUMS for kids!!!! ages 2-11............I will have to try that, but will wait to see if Wal-Mart carries it, the prices there are a bit high.....if i can save a couple of dollars by going to Wal-Mart which is usually where i shop anyway, I will wait to buy it there.

Anyway...........oh on a good scanner now works again!!! WOOOHOOOO...............I could not get that to work for the longest time.............I will write more in here tomorrow and tell about my really sucky Friday!!


Thursday, January 10, 2008


Well I changed my background on here, and deleted all my stuff on the side!! I can't believe I did that........I will have to add all those links again!!! UGH

8:41 Edit..........

Ok, I added some links, but not all of them......will work on that tomorrow, I really need to get busy cleaning up the house......I did add a, "Info for Swaps" on the side........this is info for any swaps I am currently in........I know I get asked a lot about the my themes/colors in my house as well as my favs and stuff, so hopefully having it there will help.


Wednesday, January 09, 2008

AJ is home Sick

Well I got up this morning, got breakfast ready, got AJ up and he was just coughing so hard...........he has been with this cold for a couple of days now, but usually the cough would ease up by the time he was ready to leave for school.........but this morning he would not stop coughing, and spitting up................I asked him if he was ok, and he said his chest hurts really bad when he coughs, his eyes were swollen and his face just looked awful, so I decided to keep him home.................he will be no good in school if he is coughing all day, and spitting I had him go back to bed........and so did I, and lucky me, Aiden let me sleep in............he was so cute this morning...........he had a major dirty diaper, so changed him, and he wanted his pj bottoms back on, and i said no they are he went and got himself a pair of jeans and a shirt!! How cute is that!! He has a boo boo on his lip, not sure how he got that, since it was not there when he went to bed.................but he keeps wanting kisses for his boo boo..............then I will kiss his boo boo, and then he will point to my lips saying boo boo and kiss me back............way too cute.

Ok, well I got some ideas for my Kitchen swap with the Swap Swap Gals.................I think I am on a roll now..............I always have trouble trying to decide on what to make and send to someone............I want them to like the hopefully Caroline will.

I am off now, General Hospital is almost on.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


My handsome Aiden on my moms lap......he is such a conceited little boy............he has been a rotten boy lately...............but he loves to take pictures of himself.......he will get my camera, turn it around and take a picture then look at himself !!LOL

This is my handsome boy, AJ who was playing his playstation he has a cold, and you can really see in his his nose is red and he just sounds so stuffy. I hope this does not turn into something worse, I am hearing about how many kids are out of school with being sick.
Aiden trying to play too
Yep that is a chicken!!! I was out here on the computer Sunday, when all of a sudden I hear my mother just laughing her head off, and I finally asked her what on earth was so funny in the kitchen..............this was what was so funny to her............the way the chicken was sitting in the sink!!!

I am still working on crochet, I am in two kitchen swaps, and I can't post pictures yet!!

What is up with the word verification with blogger now...........I mean I understand them for comments, but all of a sudden I am getting them before I can save a post. Weird

Squares Squares

This is the Irish Rose square I did for a swap on Crochetmania.......had to add some rows to the end to make it a 12" square, but I really like how it came out
This is called the Canadian Square.......also for Crochetmania.......again loved how this came out. Hope Lisa likes it.

I did this for a Charity for SS site............I didn't like using this yarn, I had made one for Aiden awhile ago.......I love the stitch, but not the yarn....but its soft so baby should like it.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Back to School

Well got up this morning to get AJ ready for his first day back since the holidays. He was not really looking forward to it, but I am glad the bus came on time, and it gave me a chance to get some stuff done this morning, before Aiden woke up. I thought for sure he would wake up early, but the little bogger decided to sleep in.........LOL I did get crochet done.......Aiden is in a "mommy" mood, he is really lovey to me and wants all my attention, which I think is too cute.

I also worked on some crochet, and I have joined two swaps for the kitchen, which is unusual for me, usually I don't join I am pretty sure i found some patterns I want to make.

At Crochetmania, I joined the SAM swap and already have my two squares done for this month, now if i can only get them in envelopes and mailed on time!! LOL

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Blog

Secret Sisters

The above link is to a blog I helped make for This is from a message board on AOL. Please take some time to check this out and join the message board. You can email for more info and if you go to the blog, you will also see a link to the message board on aol.

I also am helping a lady run a crochet group on Yahoo, and its a small group, but hopefully in time we will see it please check it out as well


Wish List: Swap Swap Gals/Swap info

I have been swapping for a couple of years, and I always get asked what the themes/colors in my house are...........and its something I always ask as well............So here it is and hopefully this will help.

Living Room: Blue carpet, white walls, would love to paint pale yellow or a buttery type of color.......Angels and current holiday decorations.

Kitchen/Dining Room: Dining room is a burgandy and hunter green.....although we would love to change these colors! Kitchen is Daisy colors.......pale yellow, blue, and white. We have daisies and angels, I do have some frogs and butterflies in the kitchen

Bedroom: flowers and angels..........colors are pinks with a light blue carpet. We also have some green in the room.

Bathroom: Angels with a blue coloring.

Favorite Colors: Pinks, Blues, Greens, Pale yellow, I really love Raspberry and Camo Pink. I like all colors except below

Dislike these Colors: Dark Browns and bright yellows unless they are for a holiday decoration.

Collects: I love to collect pens and stationary, lighthouses, dragonflies, butterflies, frogs, tigers, angels, fairies.....umm......Holiday decorations....I am huge on decorations. I also would like to find different types of crochet hooks, my city sucks for hooks......LOL

I love mints and tea........hate dark chocolate. I also cross-stitch and do a bit of plastic canvas.

I love the smells of coconut, lavender, vanilla, and APPLE/CINNAMON

I am wanting to join Swap Swap Gals, so here are my questions.

Reading, bike riding, watching movies.

I love to CROCHET! I also cross-stitch and do a bit of plastic canvas.

Favorite Colors?
Pinks, Purples, Blues, Cream I am really loving Raspberry and Camo Pink.

Favorite Animal?
Tigers, kitties, frogs, butterflies, and dragonflies.

All Dislikes?
I don't like browns or bright yellows, unless holiday themed. I hate dark chocolate.

Favorite Candies?
Lifesaver mints.......anything with nuts in it. White chocolate.

Favorite Smell Goods?
I love Apple/Cinnamon smells, Vanilla, and coconut.

Other things you may like or may not like?
I love collecting pens, stationary, purses, little trinkets, keychains, buttons now!! LOL umm..........I love crochet hooks....we are so limited to what we have here, just your basic alluminum or plastic, but no Lite hooks or wooden or anything like that.....I love yarn yarn yarn!! LOL I also love flavored teas and stuff

I am really looking forward to joining this site, thanks Lesa, check her out
Swap Swap Gals


Aidens Thomas Take Alongs sets, doesn't show the huge carnival set he got. He really LOVES Thomas the Tank
Can you beleive the snow we got last Saturday?? Beautiful can see our backyard and how the wind ripped our canopy to our swing :(
Christmas Morning and the gifts
AJ holding up one of the playstation games.

Aidens first present opened and after this, nothing else mattered, he opened these trains, and was not interested, we opened the Thomas sets and he was happy, but wanted them out and put together right away.

We had a heck of a time finding snow boots for the boys, and you can barely see them in this picture, but Aiden does not like them.

Well its a new year!!! I am glad the holidays are behind us now.........I loved them,and we had a great time.........our Christmas was a lot of fun, and the boys loved everything they got, of course they had their favorites, like AJ loving the Playstation he got with 5 games........the DVD player and stereo he got, and he loved everything else........Aiden loved the Thomas the Tank stuff he got. We had a great dinner and then exchanged gifts with some friends across the street, Scott got me this really gorgeous ring..............he knows how much I love rings, and its sooo pretty.

The New year was spent here at home, and we had pizza for dinner and Shrimp for a snack which was yummy, and after the new year hit, we opened our door and yelled Happy New Year to our friends across the street.

All in all the holidays were great and I am ready for the New Year.

Aiden went into the Dr before Christmas with a runny nose that was lasting for a month, and dr said it was a sinus infection, so gave him amoxicillian, and that seemed to start working until he developed a rash all over his body, no other symptons, so dr said benedryl and keep him off the amoxicillian, but then his runny nose came back in force, so we had to get him a different medicine, since we are pretty sure the rash was due to an allergy to the amoxicillian.

He seems fine now, just cranky today. LOL

I am off to read some blogs, and message boards and get stuff ready for some crochet swaps I am in.